Christmas Special

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This one has nothing to do with the story.
So I deeply apologise for uploading this late, so yeah this one is only a Christmas-special since I underestimate myself. Like I thought I am going to write about 2000-3000 words and now I fucking wrote over 7700 words.
I hope you enjoy this extremely long special, so enjoy reading :)


Bakugou groaned, he couldn't sleep like most nights. He was tired and his classmates blasted christmas music in the common room. He wasn't able to go back to sleep, might as well get the fuck up. He felt shitty the only thing that motivates him was his boyfriend and friendgroup he will meet later today. He got up and looked through his clothes, he didn't really care what he wears, but he wanted to make Hitoshi smile. That's why he searched for the pulli he stole from him. It was a big dark purple one, almost black, it was plain. But the purple remindes Katsuki on Hitoshi, even thought his fluffy untameable hair and gorgeous eyes, he could get lost any time he sees them, he could stare at these beautiful-breathtaking-fucking-magical-light purple eyes any second, minute, hour, of his damn pathetic life, were a lighter shade of purple. The pullover still had the scent of his insomnia boyfriend. Sometimes they would call the other at night and talk for as long till the first one sleeps. Most times it was Bakugou, the talking helps him relax and he is able to sleep and forget all about overthinking or worries or other shit. If Shinsou was the first one, then it means Bakugou wouldn't sleep at all that night and pull an all nighter to finish homework or learn shit, so he wouldn't fall behind because of his dark daydreams during class.

"Guys who put these presents under the tree?"

Pink Cheeks yelled over the music. Bakugou chuckles lightly. Since he and Hitoshi didn't talked he was restless, he had to do anything. So he went down and put the presents for the Bakusquad, Momo and one other person. He knew his class would never expects him to be the secret Santa. For the most people in his class he just put small things, like their favourite snack under the tree, for example pink cheeks got mochi and Iceyhot Bastard got cold soba he cooked both things himself, he didn't consider it as presents. His real presents were for his old friends. They ignore him sure, still he cares a lot for them. Mineta he got a special gift especially for him: coal with a letter that he should start respect woman.

He packs his stuff, his four presents, sleeping bag, toothbrush, shorts, shirt and other things. He first goes to his boyfriend, then together they go to the 1B dormitory. The motions stops and happiness fades as Bakugou passes the common room. Glares lingers on him, anxiety creeps up on him, he feels uneasy. He wants to run away somewhere where he feels safe and loved. The hateful stares hurt so much, to know he would give his life to safe them all and no one would do this for him, even wishes him to be gone. It rips him apart knowing he loves and cares one sided. As strong as his will to sprint to Hitoshi he couldn't, he has to keep his act, he doesn't want pity or lookweak in the eyes of his classmates.

"Where are you going? Aren't you staying for our Christmas party Bakugou?"

Bakugou stops in his tracks. Not lokking at the person who called him. He doesn't look at anyone, just the ground. His face is covered from his hair, so they can't see his expression.

"Momo! Let him go we don't want him here, he only ruins the good mood"


"No buts"

"Uraraka is right, even thought I wonder were you are going, it's not like you have any friends"

"Todoroki! That's not true. We the Bakusquad are his friends."

"But you all ignore him and are here for the party, so were is he going?"

"It's none of ya business!"

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