Chapter 50

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[...]Momo opened her door to Bakugou's angry scowl.

[...]Time passes and both are minding there own business the whole time not interacting at all.

[...]Bakugou opened the door trying to close it behind him before the insomniac could get in. He failed.

[...]He got what he wanted, though he didn't felt satisfied.

[...]"He is coming over. I invited him because Eri wants to meet him."

[...]"No I choose him over you, but yeah if you all seem to think like Todoroki I would choose him over the class any day."



Shinso was wiping his hands on his pants. Why was he so nervous? Taking a deep shaky breath he knocked on Bakugous door. He opened it instantly. 

"Let's go." Bakugou closed his door and started to walk to the stairs. Giving Shinso no time to say anything. Shinso hurried after him. He hoped this wouldn't end in a disaster. 

Hitoshi opened the door to lead Bakugou inside his home. As soon as the two were inside they heard someone running towards them. Eri sprinted right in the arms of Shinso. Bakugou watched not knowing what to do. Shinso smiled wide hugging his sister back. In that moment Bakugou wished he never came. He didn't belong here. He is only gonna fuck up everything.

"Hello boys!" Present Mic greeted them loudly. Bakugou stopped himself from flinching and looked at Mic. He doesn't make any sign to greet back and simply waits for Shinso to show him around. He is about to yell at Shinso for taking so long when something wraps around his leg. He flinches slightly looking down to see Eri hugging him. He tries his best to relax again and not yell at the little girl. 

"You are the friend that helped Hitoshi right?" Eri smiled widely. "He always talks about you!"

"Eri stop." Shinso looks apologetic at Bakugou. 

"Thank you mister Bakugou!" Bakugou looked questioned at the kid. Why was she thanking him and why is she so goddamn happy to see him? Kids usually don't like him. So why the hell does she act like this.

"Why? I didn't do sh-I did nothing." Bakugou corrected himself just in time. Shinso glares at him. This is gonna be hard for him. 

"You made Hitoshi happy. That's why" Eri happily explains before walking down the corridor to Hizashi. 

Now did he? Did he really made Shinso happy? He doubted it. He never made people happy. Wherever he went he brought misery with him. It's not possible for him to bring a smile on other people's faces. Not like shitty Deku. 

"Bakugou you coming?" Finally, after what felt like an eternity Shinso is telling him to follow him. Like every good host is Shinso showing him the kitchen, the bathroom and a quick undetailed description of the other rooms before Hitoshi brought him to his room. 

They sat down. Hitoshi on the bed and Bakugou on the chair. 


"......soooo what the fuck do you want to do?"

"I- ..... didn't thought about that...." Hitoshi admitted. 

He never thought Bakugou would actually come. Sure, he was prepared to argue with the teen why he should get a second chance even having prepared a whole list with arguments for his side, but in the end the invation was something he remembered suddenly. How could he have known that Bakugou would actually come after what he did? And the past days he was unable to think about today. He was so nervous that the question what they would be doing never occured his mind.

An akward silence fell between them. The tension rising as neither of them knew what to do or say.

"For fuck's sake you were the one that invited me. If you don't have a fucking clue I will just go." Bakugou was about to leave. 

He wanted to go as long as he hasn't ruined shit yet. If he would go now everything could still be saved. He hadn't gotten the chance to ruin anything yet. 

"Wait! No please stay." 

"Why should I?"

"B-because....because you just came here."

"I don't care"


"I. Don't. Care."

Bakugou really wanted to go. He didn't wanted to ruin everything. He had it done once with Hitoshi. Hitoshi deserved better then him. Why is it that he has to be so selfish. 

His hand tightens around the door handle. 

"Bakugou don't go just yet please. We can - I don't know - just please don't leave so soon."

It's starting he thought. He can feel it. If he waits any longer he would be able to grab it though it would only feed the monsters, help them to ruin everything ones again. 

He clenches his teeth and opens the door ready to leave. 

Shinso can only watch his chance to make up to Bakugou fading. He wouldn't force him a second time to stay. He learned from the past.

"Mister Bakugou are you and Hitoshi coming to play with me?" 

Both boys stopped their train of thoughts. 

"Eri- I don't think - of course I am gonna play with you, but I think uhmm that Bakugou uhm well he already has to-"

"pleaseeeeeeeee mister Bakugou pleasee say yessss"

"Eri if he doesn't-"

"Only this once"

"Yeayyyyy!" Eri beamed with joy. After all she gets to play with the mister Bakugou, the one to make her brother so happy. She grabs Bakugou's hand pulling him towards her room.

Hitoshi stayed where he was. Confused as to why Bakugou suddenly agreed to stay. What made him change his mind?

"Hitoshiiiii!" Eri shouted as he still hasn't come to play. 

As he finally arrives he sees Bakugou angrily helping Eri to prepare a tea party. He smiles at that. Maybe this is gonna be great after all. 

"Hey! Don't just stand there like a crusty botch of nature and help."

"I am what now?"

"A lazy and crusty botch of nature and now help!"

Hitoshi chuckled who knew Bakugou would come up with such interesting insults if he isn't allowed to cuss? 

The three were kings and queens ruling over most parts of the world. Right now they were discussing what they should do about the other extras that were ruling some small part of the world. How should they crush them emotionally without starting a war. So far they knew they had to  make them surrender themselves and crawl on their knees to beg for forgivness and support. Eri was scaringly good at it. Bakugou liked that kid. They were plotting, while Shinso leaned backed and questioned himself what he had done. As soon as he said something like talking with the other non existing extras he was shut down. So now he was only giving some input when they thought about something that wouldn't work out like they planned. So basically he sat there not saying anything. 

He enjoyed it seeing Bakugou and Eri get along so well, nonethless he was scared as well, just like Hizashi as he came to bring some snacks. How should he know that Eri could manipulate people in theory so good while being so nice and keeping that innocent smile.

Eventually, Eri and Bakugou got bored. They ruled over the whole world now. "Hitoshi can we watch a movie?" Eri exclaimed excitedly. 

"Of course we can what do you want to watch?"


"What in the world is that thing?" Bakugou judges.

Both turn to him in disbelief. How come he doesn't know Tangled? Has he never watched any Disney movies in his childhood?

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