Chapter 32

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Once again Denki did not thought this was a possible outcome to his words. He was happy about having time to spend with Bakugou, but than again, what the hell did Bakugou had to do?


Training should not be fun. It should be serious.


Shinso was stunned. He couldn't believe it. He understood that training is serious when you want to improve, but it can also be funny at the same time.


His next goal was to show Bakugou that he can have fun. He knew it would be hard, yet that was no reason for him to give up that easily.


The next day Shinso would be able to relax a little. They would train every second day as to not over work. It had the result that the training would be intense. While Shinso surprised that he didn't had sore muscles as bad as he thought he would have. The soreness was still pretty annoying, but bearable.

Bakugou would be quiet the whole day just like any other. The class haven't really seem to notice his change in behavior, he didn't really cared. Denki and him would be meeting after school and he didn't know what to think about it. He wasn't nervous nor excited for the meeting.

Denki on the other hand was both. He had asked Kirishima if he wanted to tag along. The red hair had declined with the reason Bakugou probably wouldn't like it when he would come without telling him. Denki was skeptical about the answer, but didn't push further.

Both boys were walking to the dorms first before meeting in the common room. As Bakugou entered the common room he got glares from everyone. He wasn't really going out of his room at all. No one wanted him anywhere else. Eating was he only when he knew that no one would be there. Breakfast was before the others wake up and sometimes he would go down in the middle of the night to make himself something. Other than that he wasn't eating anything. Water was enough for him to get through the day.

Bakugou looked around trying to find Denki and leave. He didn't saw the human Pikachu anywhere. He did saw Deku and his friend group. He felt uncomfortable. All the hateful stares at him. He was used to it yes and still it made him uncomfortable. He hated it.

He saw Denki entering the common room, he rushed to him grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside. Away from everyone else.

"Woah Bakugou why so fast?"

"What do you wanna do now sparky? You wanted to hangout with me."

"R-right... I don't really know. I just wanted to spend some time with you I guess..."

Denki was nervous and looked everywhere but Bakugou's eyes.

"Why would you want to spend time with me?"

Bakugou was visibly confused.

"We are...we are-"

Denki wasn't sure if he should say the next word. After some debating in his mind he decided to say it.

"Because we are f-friends"

Denki watched Bakugou scared of the blondes reaction.

"You are still calling me your friend?" Bakugou said in disbelief.

"I am sorry. I know what I did wasn't very friend-like. I should have let you explain why you did it, or at least be there for you. I didn't realised that being ignored feels so shitty. I only realized it when I heard Uraraka talking how she hated it being ignored even though she didn't do anything to us and I then wondered how you would feel because you are being ignored for way longer then just a day and I am so sorry I didn't noticed this earlier."

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