Chapter 55

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[...]No one exactly knows how, but after a few minutes they all were involved and played tag. Bakugou continuing succesfully screaming his kid friendly insults at everyone except Eri.

[...]Before the mood can be destroyed even more Monoma grabs Bakugou by the wrist and goes away.

[...]Monoma had no shame admitting his friendship with Bakugou. Bakugou admired that. Secretely.

[...]It doesn't take long for the others to open up to him.[...]It felt real. He felt welcomed and he loved it.

[...] Bakugou liked the new feeling of home and safety.


Life has been ... surprisingly good for Bakugou after Christmas. 

He had friends and even Tokoyami started to talk with him again. Only short sentences, but hey they never really had anything to do with eachother anyway. Even though the class still ignored him, with Shinso, Kaminari, Jiro, Momo and now Tokoyami it's bearable. He also visits Monoma more often and talks with Kendo and Tetsutetsu. It's great. 

He also got to whipe Touya's ass in training. That boy realy got lazy. 

"Hey, Bakubro can you cook for us please!" Kaminari begged. It was way to long until he last got the fortune of eating Bakugous food. 

"Stop calling me that Pikachu! Or I'm gonna blast you all the way to hell!" He started to use his usual death threats a few days ago. 

The class is even more pissed now, but his friends are happy. It's a good sign that Bakugou get's his confidence back. He was so quiet the whole time before. They missed his constant yelling.

"I'm sorry! But please Bakubr-"

Bakugou glared at him. "Don't you dare finish that word." He spoke quietly but menacingly.

Denki gulped before ending his word "-o". 

Bakugou's quirk got off. 

Denki startet to run for his life.




"Oh so you do know my name? Why don't you use it then?!"

"Rich coming from you" Denki fell. Backing away into a wall.

"So you've chosen death." Kaminari yelled in fear as Bakugou grabbed him by the ear and pulled him in his room. Sitting him down at the desk. 

"Here work." Bakugou gave him all the homeworks that he hadn't done, which is quite a lot. 

"You won't be able to do anything if this is not finished." Bakugou orders motionening for all the homework. With that he sat done pulling out his phone.

Denki looked shocked. "What? You can't hold me here against my will!" He tries to get up only to get pulled down by him.

"Wanna test my patience dunce face?"

With a dramatic sight Kaminari gave up and sat down to do his homework. Bakugou was so cruel to him.

It's been four hours and with the help of Bakugou Kaminari was finaly able to get through half of it. Bakugou allowed him to take a break. 

He stood up to take a break himself. Getting down to the kitchen to make Kaminari something. He did good. He is getting better with his school work and learns to understand, but damn is it still exhausting. 

"Hey Katsuki, what are you cooking?" 

Bakugou turned around to see Shinso. "Oh it's just you Eyebags." He rolled his eyes.

Completely offended Shinso takes his hand to his heart. "How could you. I thought we were friends. I feel wounded. For that you have to make me something as well." 

"God you are worse than dunce face. And where are the fuck are your manners?" Bakugou scolded.

Schinso shrugged. "I grew up with Mic"

Bakugou stops for a moment thinking about it. "True, point for you." 

Shinso chuckles before pouring more coffee in his cup and drowning it at once. Filling it back up he was about to drown it again, but Bakugou stopped him. 

"No fucking way are you going to drown another cup of coffe. You will fucking drink like any normal human being fucking slowly." 


"No buts!"

As soon as Bakugou's sure that he drinks it slowly he turns his attention back to his cooking. taking more ingredients so Shinso could get something as well. 

He smiles softly as he notices just how similiar Shinso is to both his fathers. Aizawa is just as much of a coffee addict as Shinso and drama queen is everything he has to say to connect Mic and Shinso. He gets a warm feeling in his chest when he remembers the day after the christmas party. 

"What are you thinking about?" Shinso asks curious.

"Stuff." Bakugou smirks knowing his inner drama queen is about to come out.

"Am I not trust worthy enough? You wounded me again. Now I must need to drown my coffee for comfort." He began to fill his mug again.

"Oh you little shit don't you dare. You just waited for an opportunity. Am I right?" 

"Maybe" Shinso smirks before drowning the coffe at once.

"I fucking hate you."

Shinso chuckled. He noticed Bakugou was in a lot better mood after christmas. He was happy. Maybe everything is finally going to be better. Bakugou deserved this. 

Shinso watched as Bakugou hummed lightly. He moved around the kitchen smoothly it almost looks as if he were dancing. He looked peaceful. He had no worries at the moment showing. Shinso smiled. He had never really got the chance to see Bakugou while he was cooking. Bakugou didn't usually came down to the kitchen. To often would their classmates come in glare at him, ruining his  mood. 

Shinso never knew that Bakugou liked cooking that much. It warmed his heart. He wished time could stay still for a moment. 

Bakugou noticed Shinso staring at him, he wasn't sure what that coffee addict thought. But he felt nervous. Shinso watched his every move and even stoped drowning his coffee all together. He didn't looked angry, or dissapointed, or sad, or anything negative. In fact, Bakugou couldn't tell. 

Their eyes met once again. 

"What?" Bakugou questions. It came out harsher than intended.

"Nothing." Shinso looked away continuing to drink his coffee.

They stayed in comfortable silence.

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