Chapter 56

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[...]With a dramatic sight Kaminari gave up and sat down to do his homework. Bakugou was so cruel to him.

[...]As soon as Bakugou's sure that he drinks it slowly he turns his attention back to his cooking. taking more ingredients so Shinso could get something as well.

[...]Shinso watched as Bakugou hummed lightly.

[...]They stayed in comfortable silence.


Todoroki just entered the kitchen to see Shinso and Bakugou inside. Why must that asshole be here? He just wants cold soba. Seems like it has too wait. There is no chance he is staying with that bully longer than needed.

Just as he is about to leave a phone lights up, notifying the new message. It wasn't his intention to read it. Even if it was that assholes one. But he couldn't help to read the name. And that alone kept him reading.


[insert image of an angry looking Endeavour]

Point for me. Only eight shitty unfair points behind you -_-

Always easy to use my death to make him feel guilty 


What was the meaning of this? Todoroki didn't understand. Why would his father feel guilty? And why does Bakugou has a contact with his brothers name? Why did this Touya said he died?

Todoroki knew deep inside what the true meaning behind all this was, but how could he believe this? His father's- hell his whole family's weak point was Touya's death. He couldn't believe this wanna be telling Bakugou of all people that he was Touya. Still alive. This is absurd. This doesn't make any sense. This can't be true. This couldn't be true. Touya was dead. And whoever this is is lying about his identity, about his brother.

"Oi Iceyhot bastard why the hell are you staring at my phone?!" Bakugou snarled at him, breaking him out of his train of thoughts.

Todoroki looked up to see Bakugou glaring at him. Arms folded over his chest. Shinso mimicked Bakugou's glare, but instead his hands were gripping the desk he was leaning on.

Todoroki doesn't know. He didn't understood. He wanted to ask. He wanted answers. However, in that moment his throat was dry. He couldn't talk. He just stared.

After a few minutes of silence Bakugou grabbed his phone to check what that bastart could have seen.

He froze.

His eyes slowly wandered his way up to meet Todoroki's gaze. How much did he got out of these texts?

"Eyebags get pikachu's ass down here and tell him there are left overs." Shinso feeling the tension complied.

"Now to you, you little fucker. Did your father didn't teach you to mind your own bussiness?"

Bakugou was fed up with Todoroki. What was that guy thinking? Reading other peoples messages.

Todoroki seemed to snap out of his trance as his eyes darkend.

"Who is this Touya?"

"None of ya bussiness." Bakugou gulped the nervousness down. Overplaying it with annoyance and anger, how he's used to.

"It is. It is when that person pretends to be my dead brother and making fun of my old man for that. I may not like him but I won't tolerate anyone to steal my brothers identity." Todoroki stepped forward making himself appear taller in the process.

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