Chapter 18

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"It's about Bakugou, he is still alive and not in a life threatened situation anymore,"


"I don't care what any other teacher sais, be it All Might himself Bakugou is not allowed to exercice the next eight weeks no matter what. Did I made it clear?"


"What happened by your encounter with him?"


"You see it was unprofessional thinking.


"But why are you telling us this? All Might surely has disqualified us already. I mean he even disqualified Bakugou."


"Therefore, Bakugou's team won the fastest."


"He told me what happend yesterday"


And Bakugou well Bakugou was treated special too, he was never good enough in All Might eyes.



The next five days went by rather quickly and Bakugou would be able to go home today. His squad wanted to surprise him and went to Bakugou's house with some spicy chicken after school. They knocked on the door and a man with brown hair and glasses opened. 

"Hello how can I help you?"

"Oh well you see we are friends from Bakubr- gou and we heard he got released today so we wanted to visit him"

"Huh? Then come in, Katsuki is in his room. Just up the stairs and the second door on the left."

"Thank you mr. Bakugou"

The five go as told and knock on a wooden door.

"Go away old hag I am not finished yet!"

"Bakubro! It's us!"

The door opened and an angry pomeranien stand in the door frame. Smiles spreads across the faces of the guests. They were glad to hear Bakugou's yelling again. They all rushed to him an embraced him for a group hug. Katsuki just stayed still to shocked, he never feeled this way before, this warm feeling of love and affection. He loved it but at the same time he wanted to run away. To just think how many germs they could get on him, he started to feel disgusted. That was one reason why he hated human interaction. another thing why he felt the urge to run; he never got something like this from his parents or other persons, when someone would go near him he backed away or blasted the person off of him. It felt strange to get these kind of affection when even his parents wouldn't want to do it. It invaded his personal space in a way that it made him feel uncomfortable at some point. Whenever someone got in his personal space it was way too unpleasant to think about it. He hateed it every time and even tough this is different from all the other times he still doesn't remember good things with physical interaction with other persons. The last time someone touched him without causing pain was after his breakdown a week ago. His teacher embraced Katsuki, who was to overwhelmed and vulnerable at that moment, so he doesn't really count it. He wasn't in his right state of mind that day. If he had, his teacher wouldn't have had the chance to embrace him...and he wouldn't have had the chance to hurt him.

"Oi get off me you extras!"

"Sorry Blasty! We are just so happy to see you again. We thought we would loose you."

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