Chapter 31

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He had visited Bakugou and had seen him laying with bandages everywhere. It had taken a lot out of him. He had this image of Bakugou that no matter what happens he will always be on top unharmed.


A quick question to Aizawa and you know what's the matter. The fact that Bakugou is not allowed to exercise was pretty obvious considering his lungs were collapsed, as Aizawa said.


He didn't had the heart to go their and stop Bakugou from letting his emotion out.


He had just ignored him, but now that everyone ignored him because of the rumors he was wondering if he should talk to Bakugou.


He had found Bakugou being at one of the training grounds helping Hitoshi Shinso train.


Every other day was he coming to training ground alone, well knowing that Bakugou and Shinso wouldn't be training and did the same training routine Shinso had to do the day prior.


He wanted to laugh with them and train with them too. He knew that this is going to be an unfulfilled dream of his. Bakugou would never want to be friends with him.


 "Heyy Bakugou... wanna hangout after school today?"

Denki sounded unsure. He hadn't said those words in a while and he felt guilty for it. He really wanted to spent some time with his friend. Maybe Kirishima would like to join. Everyone else probably wouldn't. Bakugou looked at Denki. Trying to find the true motive behind those words. He couldn't understand why Denki out of all people would talk to him again. He called him some really bad things before the chaos started. He shrugged the thought off he had something to do either way.

"I'm busy today."

Was everything the ash blonde said before turning away from Denki. Denki was shocked. He didn't thought Bakugou would accept his offer not after everything he had done or better hadn't done. However, he did not thought in a million of times that Bakugou would react like he did. He had been fine if Bakugou would scream at him or tell him to fuck off. He had thought about every possible out come, but this one. First of all Bakugou spoke way to calm and second why would he be busy. No one spoke to him. He should have plenty of time. Denki knew this didn't sound very nice, however, why did he lie?

"If you don't want to hang out with me just say so. You don't have to lie."

Bakugou didn't show any kind of reaction to this sentence.

"I already fucking said I am busy. If you want to hang out that bad; I'm free tomorrow after school."

Once again Denki did not thought this was a possible outcome to his words. He was happy about having time to spend with Bakugou, but than again, what the hell did Bakugou had to do?


"Didn't thought you were early"

"'Hello to you too Bakugou."

Shinso stood up and walked to Bakugou. He had been waiting for five minutes now. He had gone through the possibilities of how the training would be. In the end he had no clue and was excited, but scared at the same time. Hearing Bakugou's classic comments made him feel a bit safer. It gave him some sort of familiarity and- how strange it may sound- it gave him some sort of comfort as well.

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