Chapter 59

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[...]He wanted to run. He didn't wanted Aizawa to find out.

[...]He opened up to way too many fucking people.

[...]"Nezu with all due respect, but Todoroki choked Bakugou and you are willing to let it slide? Bakugou is also a victim." Aizawa bit his tongue and took deep breaths. [...]


Bakugou just arrived at his room when he heard a knock. He grumpily went to open the door.

"What do you want?" He is not surprised when Aizawa stands in front of him. 

"You are suspended for three weeks. You will leave right now. Your parents have been informed on the whole situation." Aizawa hesitated for a moment before adding: "I'm sorry. I couldn't do more for you. But I made sure Todoroki also needs to face consequences for his wrong doings."

Bakugou scoffs. As soon as the door closes he slides down. The silencee was getting louder and louder and what is he supposed to do? He makes fists, his finger nails dugging into his skin. He opens them again mini explosions going off. he quickly closes them again. He opens and closes them multiple time hoping to get rid off some of the tension in him. His mind is doing everything that it shouldn't and sreaming and just being in chaos. He doesn't need chaos. He needs to focus to think to plan ahead. His brain needs to function. Why won't it function? He pulls on his hair, he ruffles his hair he bites his nails he takes deep breath, he tries everything but it only seems to create more chaos and he can't fucking scream. His voice won't make any noise and his mind tells him to think of the people that could hear him and he can't allow them to see him weak. 

"Bakugou have you packed yet?" Bakugou flinches away from the door, from the noise. How much time went by? It couldn't be long. It were only seconds after Aizawaa told him right?


"No need to rush things. I am coming out when I am done. So stop fucking pestering me." 

Shit, shit, shit. He hurriedly packs his medical stuff and favourite outfit on top. Then he aggressively opens the door. 

Aizawa mustered him confused: "Only that little backpack?"

"Well, I got shit at home ok?"


The sun long down he crawled into his room closing the door with his last bit of energy. Watching the blood colouring his floor beneath him he passes out.  

His phone rings. It rings loud and long. Bakugou doesn't wake up. It rings again. It is a very annoying ring tone that Bakugou in fact wakes up from it. Desoriented and totally confused he acceppts the call.

"Who'se there?" He croaks out. His mouth is dry and tastes metallic. He hates this metallic taste. It always means his mother went all out on him. 

"I just figured out you put Shoto in the hospital?! Honestly I am quiet dissapointed that you haven't told me." A way to happy and overdramatic voice answered. It only can be one person that is happy to hear that a UA-Student is in the hospital - his brother at that.

"Shut u- aaargghhh Fuck" Bakugou hisses out. 

..."What is going on?"

"Just the old hag. Made a wrong movement. That's all. Nothing serious really. I've dealt with worse. Just..." His voice trails off as his breaths get heavier. They were burning again those stupid lungs. He hated this. Why was he so fucking weak? 

"Why the hell are you at that hou- oh fuck!" Dabi interrupted himself as he answered his own question. "I will get you out of there. Just hold on."

The line stayed silent. Too silent.

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