21 ~ Griskallbo ~ Valentine's Day

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Poly relationship.


Grian sat in his chair in the Sahara meeting room.

This meeting just had to happen.

Right now.

After he'd drank a few shots of whiskey.

He wasn't drunk, but he wasn't sober.

He continued to wait for the other two to show up.

He expected Mumbo to not show up to the meeting, but Iskall called the meeting, so Iskall should show up at least.

After about twenty minutes, Grian grabbed the whiskey bottle from the table.

Just one more drink.


Iskall and Mumbo met up at the door to Sahara.

"I was really hoping you arrived by now..." Mumbo said, nervousness and worry laced his tone.

"Why?" Iskall asked confused.

"Grian starts drinking after 10 on Fridays. I'd be suprised if he wasn't a bit tipsy when you called for the meeting. He probably took a bottle here for after the meeting." Mumbo explained, he started walking towards the meeting room.

Iskall became concerned and walked at the same pace as Mumbo.

When they arrived to the meeting room, Grian was drunk, and petting a chicken.

"Gri?" Mumbo asked, concern laced in his voice.

Grian looked to Mumbo and Iskall before smiling like a goof.

"Mumby! Isky!" Grian said, his voice slurring.

Grian sloppily stood up and stumbled over to them.

"Grian?" Iskall asked, slightly blushing from the nickname.

"Becky helped me!" Grian said happily, raising his arms up and swaying a bit.

"Helped you with what?" Iskall asked.

"Understanding that I love you!" Grian said happily. "Becky is so helpful!"

Mumbo rolled his eyes slightly.

"Can we make brownies? I want brownies." Grian asked moving his arms down and looking at Mumbo.

"Yeah sure, why not." Mumbo said.


Grian fell asleep leaning against Iskall on Mumbo's couch.

The brownies were on the counter, and Mumbo looked at his hands.

"I'm sorry, Mumbo..." Iskall finally said.

Mumbo looked to Iskall. Mumbo and Iskall were both hurt, but Mumbo was hurt especially more. Grian loved Iskall and not him after all.

"Its fine. He chose you, obviously. I'm not going to force him to love me, if he doesn't." Mumbo said, before looking back to his hands.

"I'm still sorry. Your much better than me. Had he chosen you, I would be mad."

"Anyone would be mad. Hell, I am mad. I just know that it's not up to me." Mumbo said, shaking his head. "If you ever hurt him, Iskall. They won't be able to find your body."


(I remember when I said something similar [just not as threatening, because I'm not allowed to choose one or the other {If you want to know, I'll explain}] that to the guy who first dated my best friend.)


Grian woke up laying ontop of Iskall. He had a hangover, and closed his eyes because of the sunlight.

When he realized he was laying ontop of Iskall, he blushed and quickly fumbled backwards, and ended up on the floor after falling off the edge or the couch.

"Grian, are you okay?" Both Mumbo and Iskall asked.

Mumbo knelt down next to Grian, and Iskall stood near them.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine..." Grian said, the embarrassment blush growing across his face.

Mumbo helped Grian stand up, before leaving Grian with Iskall.

Grian seemed confused and slightly hurt.

That made Iskall worried that Grian meant that about Mumbo, not Iskall.

Grian smiled softly to Iskall.

"You meant that about Mumbo, not me... Didn't you?" Iskall asked, tearing up slightly.

Grian's face turned to concern and slight confusion.

"You mean you thought that I just meant you?" Grian asked. "I love both of you."

Iskall's eyes widened, as blush spread across his face.

"So if Mumbo agrees, we'd all be in poly relationship? All be in love with eachother?" Iskall asked, the tears fell down his face from the relief.

"Yes. That's what I meant after all. I really don't want to choose between you."

"Neither do I." Mumbo's voice said from the doorway to the kitchen. "I love you both."

Grian and Iskall looked over to him, Grian smiling softlywhile blushing. Mumbo walked over to them before kissing their foreheads. Grian giggled when Mumbo kissed his forehead and Iskall blushed.

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