31 ~ Wealth 1/3

663 15 0

Of the kids in the large lunchroom, one sat alone. He sat near the popular kids, so many would assume he was one of them.

He had fluffy blonde hair, a black jacket over his red sweater. A black button up shirt underneath the sweater, and tucked into black pants. His black combat boots completed his look. A black backpack with blue stripes rested on his back.

His vibrant blue eyes shown annoyance. Light freckles dotted his face. Black bandages were slightly visible from the wrists of his jacket.

Grian was annoyed at his classmates conversation. But they weren't worth his time and effort getting mad over.

Grian stood up, and walked out of the lunchroom. He walked down the plain walls to the small library. He was one of like 20 people who visited the library to read, and not smoke.

He nodded to the librarian, before walking to one of the tables. He sat down across from the person reading at the table.

It was a friend of sorts of his. They had brown hair and heterochromia eyes, one green one blue. They were slightly taller than Grian, when Grian wasn't wearing boots. They were also much calmer than Grian.

"Afternoon Grian." They said.

"Afternoon Iskall." Grian said, pulling out his sketchbook.

Iskall placed their book on the table before looking at their friend.

"Did Mumbo do something again?" Iskall asked.

Grian glared at his friend for mentioning the jerk's name. Iskall nodded, before returning to their book. Grian looked down at his current sketch, before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

Iskall wouldn't understand.

Everyone in this school was raised like royalty.

He hated how people, specifically Mumbo, thought of themselves above others.

As he sat on the toilet he pulled his phone out. He quickly messaged his father before stuffing the phone into his jacket pocket. He took his bag off, and set it against the stall wall, before trying to calm down.

His right hand drifted to his left forearm, and he rubbed his arm. His eyes closed, and he started taking deep but slow breaths.

As a kid, he was taught these things. He had major anger issues, and certain things just pissed him off. One such thing was the way Mumbo and his friends looked down upon people of a lower income.


Grian stood outside the school, waiting for people to leave the clogged parking lot. He was leaned against a lamppost, half zoned out.

Someone walked up beside him, and Grian shifted to look at them. He felt annoyance and anger flow through his veins as he looked at Mumbo.

Mumbo was a tall guy, with slick black hair, and dark brown eyes. He only wore black and white suits, with red ties. He practically radiated wealth.

Grian always felt sick around the man. His family ran one of the worlds best companies, and he'd never had to even raise a finger to get anything.

He was one of the most disgraceful people Grian had ever met.

"Your Grian, correct?" Mumbo asked, not even looking at him.

Grian just looked back to the cluster of cars and people arguing, before rolling his eyes.

"Yeah." Grian said, not caring at all.

He really wanted this conversation over with. Hell, he'd kill the kid of he had to.

Grian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now