64 ~ Awaited Response

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These are a little late, but happy Easter to those who celebrate!


Grian was calm throughout the entire argument between the Hermits, but Mumbo didn't allow him to leave alone.

Grian smiled to Mumbo slightly confused as Mumbo set down tea on the coffee table.

"Why are you here?" Grian asked, slightly confused.

Mumbo sat down next to Grian and took a sip of his own tea.

"We both know when you deal with things, like what happened today, it hits you hours later." Mumbo said, looking at the papers on the coffee table.

Grian frowned and fidgeted with his fingers.

It was true.

The events replayed in his head.


Doc and Cub were arguing after the server meeting ended. While Grian had no clue what they were arguing about, he really disliked arguing.

Grian walked over to them, and pushed them apart.

"Cub! Doc! This isn't an appropriate way to argue, nor is it an appropriate way to deal with anything." Grian slightly yelled. "Whatever caused this, can be talked out, so stop yelling at eachother. You two are friends, don't let some dumb argument cause you two to lose your friendship."

The two were suprised, mostly because Grian was like the little brother to everyone, and very chaotic.

After a few minutes of silence, Grian spoke again.

"Okay, talk it through. And then decide if it was worth it to yell at eachother." Grian said, turning to walk towards everyone else.

A few of the people he passed heard him mutter "I hate being serious."


Grian leaned against Mumbo as he thought about the look on Cub's and Doc's faces. Mumbo held Grian's hand as Grian closed his eyes. He teared up as he remembered all of the fights he'd seen.


Grian sat with his back against the wall of his closet. Even though he was covering his ears, the argument was loud. Tears fell down his cheeks as his parents argument got louder.

Grian started scratching his ears and the area around his ears. He felt liquid slip across his fingers, and stood up shakily.

He opened the door of his closet, and walked to the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped onto the stool. He looked at himself in the mirror, before falling backward. He hit his head against the wall, and slipped into unconsciousness.

He awoke to his father cleaning out his wounds.

Grian had scratched his skin so bad blood had been drawn. When he hit the wall, he gave himself a bump on his head. He flinched, and so his father smiled down to him.


Grian held onto Mumbo tightly as it hit him. His friends had fought, and he was afraid their relationship would go down in flames just like most of his friends.

He buried his head into Mumbo's chest, as fear flooded his system. He wanted to scratch his arms or his ears, but gripped onto Mumbo's shirt. Mumbo held him tightly, and rested his head against Grian's. Grian had moved to sit on Mumbo's lap.

Mumbo understood that Grian was horrified and understood that it wasn't Grian's fault. Grian's parents fought constantly throughout his childhood, and started arguing with Grian when he started telling them to just get a divorce.

"Its okay Grian, your okay."


I'm going to change the name of the book fron Grumbo Oneshots -> Grian Oneshots, because it's mostly just Grian.

Grian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now