53 ~ Villian or Framed?

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Grian's a villian.

That was well known.

He sided with a Watcher to get the server destroyed.

Everyone hated him.

So when they found him, almost beaten half to death, they only saved him out of courtesy.

Grian knew that.

While his friends hated him now, he still felt hurt by what they would do to him.

Sure he could handle the beatings, the torture, and the neglect.

But the fact it was from his old friends made it much worse than anything he'd been through.

Maybe except for the time Sam had him kill his best friends, but it was a pretty close second.

It was when Mumbo threw him against the wall, and yelled at him, that Grian finally broke inside.


Grian stared at the ground, as Doc kicked him in the face.

"Why the hell would you come back, you know we hate you for what you did." Doc said.

Grian stayed quiet as Doc grew angrier.

Doc pulled Grian's face up, and slapped him.

The creeper cyborg left the room after.


Jimmy grew mad as he heard Doc slander his old friends name. He hid it behind anger for them, not towards them.

He looked at Grian with horror as the broken small, skinny, blonde stared at the ground expecting someone to yell at or hit him.

He walked to Grian before kneeling down. Grian flinched when Jimmy first touched him, causing Jimmy to become more horrified.

Grian looked up in suprise when he was hugged. When he saw Jimmy, he started crying. Grian buried his head into Jimmy's chest, and sobbed into the shirt.

"Shh..." Jimmy hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing?" Xisuma asked confused.

While he hadn't done any of the abuse itself, he was neglectful, but stopped them if it was about to go too far.

Grian flinched at Xisuma's voice, but continued to hide from everyone in Jimmy's shirt.

"Grian wouldn't side with the Watchers. Even if they threatened to kill him." Jimmy said. "Almost his entire server was murdered by Watchers."

It didn't take long for Xisuma to undo the shackles, and for Grian to try to hide himself in Jimmy's chest again.

He was weaker and smaller than he'd been during the months he basically mourned everyone's deaths back on Evo.

Grian and Jimmy soon lived in Jimmy's base, as Jimmy tried to get Grian back to even a slightly healthy state.

Xisuma said that a Watcher broke Grian out, but visited Grian daily to try to mend their relationship. Even if it was a broken bridge forever, he atleast wanted Grian to know he was sorry.

It took Months for Grian to even look at Xisuma or Jimmy's eyes. Months after that for Grian to feel comfortable eating around them.

Grian was still silent, and he hadn't even looked at his communicator.

It was when Jimmy told Grian to take a small walk, while he went to gather some ingredients for cake, that someone other than Jimmy or Xisuma saw Grian.

It was Scar.

The only one who tried stopping people from hurting Grian.

But people began to lie to stop Scar from stopping them.

Grian sat on the shore looking at the small crabs walk into the water.

Scar walked up to Grian smiling softly, but Grian couldn't see.

"Grian?" Scar asked, kneeling down next to him.

Grian flinched and instinctively looked to the ground. But after a moment, he realized it was Scar, and not someone else. He practically threw himself at Scar.

Grian was smiling for the first time since before everything, and he held onto Scar tightly.

"How are you here? Why are you here? Everyone hates you, and you'd be safer if you left." Scar asked, holding Grian tightly.

"...I don't know where I'd go..." Grian whispered, his voice sore.

"Who got you out?"


"Does X know it was Jimmy? Because he said Watchers broke you out."

Grian flinched at the name of the race, but nodded.

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