113 ~ Fear

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The world hated hybrids. They were either slaves, or toys.

Grian was lucky.

His hybrid features were always well hidden. Even if it hurt, it would hurt more the pain he would put through.

He'd felt that pain when he was a child. He'd lost his childhood because of it. So he pretended to be a normal human, while getting hybrids out of dangerous situations.

Grian sat at his desk doing paperwork as the pain in his back grew worse. He pushed it aside. He only had half an hour until he could go home, he could make it.

It seemed to go by slowly, and every minute the pain got worse and worse. When he clocked out, he was relieved to get back to his house. He arrived and rushed inside.

He walked to his bathroom before taking off his shirt and taking the binder off. Blood caught him by suprise.

He looked into the mirror as he stretched his wings. Luckily he'd just rubbed his wings raw, and not damaged them severely.

He let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding, and smiled to himself. Crouching down, he opened the counter's cabinet. He pulled out the first aid kit, and got to work bandaging his wings.

Grian stretched, and felt a few feathers fall. He heard the doorbell and thought.

"Shit- I invited over Xisuma..." Grian muttered.

He bound his wings again, sliding his shirt back over it. He walked to his doorway, and opened it.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Grian said, letting Xisuma into the house.

Xisuma's 'pet' Ren followed quickly. Grian hated the term 'pet', but couldn't do anything without revealing he was a Hybrid too. Ren was a powerful wolf hybrid, and Xisuma was nice.

The two talked and played some games, all while the pain in Grian's wings became more and more difficult to ignore. Ren could smell the blood, feathers, and disinfectants, but didn't know where it was coming from.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, may I use the bathroom?" Ren asked.

"Oh of course!" Grian said happily. "Second door on the left."

Ren nodded and stood up. He walked down the hallway, and opened the door. Imagine his suprise when he saw blood drops, a first aid kit, and feathers in the bathroom?

Ren grew disgusted with Grian, but used the bathroom before going back out to the playing duo. Ren kept an eye on Grian, bit didn't make a big fuss about it in Grian's household.

It wasn't until Ren and Xisuma were in Xisuma's car that he mentioned it to Xisuma.

"There was feathers, blood, and a first aid kit in his bathroom." Ren said.

Xisuma hesitated at putting the keys in.



Grian walked straight to his room and took off his shirt and binder before laying down. He spread his wings over the sides of his bed, and quickly fell unconscious from the pain.

He woke up to a window being shattered. He sat up quickly, pulling his wings around his body. He got out and grabbed the baseball bat he kept by his bed. (Only me?)

He got ready to swing in case the person entered his room. When the door opened, Grian swung. It hit the person, but only dislodged the gas mask.

Grian felt ashamed of how weak his hit was, and the oerson stared at Grian with suprise.

"...Your an Avian..." He heard Xisuma's voice.

Grian immediately remembered his wings and began panicking.

He didn't want to go through the hell he was put in as a kid.

Now as an adult, almost all things would happen a lot more frequently.

"Whoa-" Xisuma said, taking off the gas mask. "H-Hey- Its fine-"

Xisuma sat Grian down on the bed, while Ren, Doc, and Tango peaked into the room. Grian was having a full blown panic attack. X was trying to comfort him, not knowing what to do.

The three saw the blonde's wings, and Ren became embarrassed that he'd assumed Grian was abusing a bird hybrid. Ren walked to Grian and Xisuma, taking over on calming down his hybrid counterpart.

Grian held tightly onto Ren, the tears soaking into Ren's shirt.

How could he have been so stupid!?

Grian had allowed himself to get caught!

And then had a panic attack.

No one had even thought he was a Hybrid!

Grian was moved to his living room, and he still held tightly into Ren.

They turned on Grian's lamp, and all of them recoiled at the light.

"...Grian?" Xisuma asked.

Grian didn't look at him, but he did freeze in fear. Doc and Tango exchanged a look.

He was so stupid for allowing himself to get caught!

"Grian. Xisuma would never turn you in." Ren said, rubbing the Avian's back.

Grian flinched as a hand touched his wings.

"Grian I'm a hybrid." Xisuma said, causing the blonde to freeze.

It allowed Tango and Doc to grab a wing and quickly wrap the bloody parts. Grian let go of Ren and turned to look at him.

"All of us here are hybrids." Ren said. "Xisuma's a Void Avian, Doc's a creeper, and Tango's a demon."

Grian instantly felt jealous of Xisuma. A void avian? Seriously? Void Avians could hide their wings without pain, so it was justified that he was a tad bit jealous.

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