Fave Imagine! :)

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A/N: I’m so sorry for not updating in a really long time. The internet stopped working for awhile and I had writer’s block. But, to make it up to you guys, here’s an imagine. This is imagine is about you and any guy from 1D, 5SOS, The Vamps, MagCon, and he can be a YouTuber. Just pick one from any category. So, if H/N pops up, it means his name.   

Your P.O.V

Me and H/N have been together for about 3 years now, and I want to settle down. I want me and H/N to have family together. I want us to get married. You have no idea how much I’ve tried to ask him about our future together, but I never got to ask because he might say that we’re not ready; that I need to think about it, and that I should wait for more years to come. Of course, being the respectful girlfriend, I stopped asking him because  he’ll answer the same thing.

I woke up one morning to- well, I woke up all by myself with no one beside me that’s what I’m trying to say. After I did my business, I went to the kitchen and to my surprise, breakfast was already made. I saw H/N and said good morning to him. He replied with a simple good morning with a smile. I smiled back of course. We sat down and ate our breakfast. Later that night, when I got home from work, dinner was ready. It was a sweet gesture, but peculiar at the same time seeing as I usually prepre dinner. And even if H/N does prepare dinner, it means that he wants something. I looked at all the delicious food nd sat down. “Do you like it?” a voice from behind me said. I instantly replied,”Of course I do. Thank you.” I feel H/N’s arms around me as he hugged me from behind. “You’re welcome” he said, but he sounded nervous. Why would he be nervous? It’s just me. He sat down in front of me, and we ate dinner together as we talked about what happened today. As I was telling him a story about my friend at work, he handed me a box. I was shocked. I kind of wished that it was an engagement ring. So, I opened it. Unfortunately, the box was empty. I looked at him, and saw him on one knee and holding the beautiful diamond ring. “Y/N, we’ve been together for 3 wonderful years now, and I’ve never been happier. I honestly thought that I wouldn’t have a serious relationship because I thought that being serious in a relationship is not cool. But when I met you, everything changed. You changed me for my well-being. You changed me for the better. The other day, I asked permission from your parents. They told me, that you need someone who is willing to change. So, I took their advice, and changed for the better. I stopped drinking. Okay, well maybe I still drink, but at least I don’t get drunk every week.  That’s a start right? All I’m trying to say is I’m willing to change for you, and I’m willing to be the man you’ll love for the rest of your life. Can I apply for that job? Will you marry me, beautiful?” he finished with tears escaping his eyes. At that time, I was already full on crying. Instead of replying with a ‘yes’, I just nodded my head.  He smiled, and put the ring on my hand. We smiled at each other, and shared a passionate kiss.


Your P.O.V

Wow. Today’s the day. Today’s the day I’m gonna marry H/N H/L/N; the love of my life. We’re officially gonna be husband and wife. I’m so excited. Lately he’s been really distant 5 months after the engagement. Maybe he’s just stressed about planning. ‘Shake it off Y/N. You’re getting married to him. Now shut up’ I thought to myself. I now have a huge grin on my face while walking down the aisle. When I reached H/N at the end, he looked really nervous. I smiled at him and he smiled back. The priest said,”To anyone who objects this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.” I looked at everyone, and no one stood up or raised their hand until H/N spoke up. “I object” H/N said. We were all shocked. H/N took our silence as a ‘go’ signal to continue what he was saying. “I’m in love with someone else.” At that exact moment, someone stood up from the 3rd row. I looked up at the person who stood up, and it was a girl. ‘This must be the girl H/N is in love with.’ I thought to myself. I looked at H/N and he was already looking at me. “I’m so sorry.” He said. I was holding back tears and said,”No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I can’t be enough for you. I’m sorry that I can’t make you fall in love with me.” He looked at me with sad eyes. “Y/N-“ he started. I cut him off,”Go.” I simply said. H/N was shocked. Everyone was shocked. Even the priest was shocked. “What?” H/N asked. I chuckled and said,”I can’t force you to marry me. You don’t even love me. All I know is when you love someone, you set them free. And I love you so much it hurts. But I have to let you go. I promised myself that I would do absolutely anything to make you happy. And if you being with her,” I pointed at the girl and continued “makes you happy, then I’ll let you go. I wish you good luck and happiness.” I ended what I was saying and wiped off my tears. “Really?” H/N asked, because he couldn’t believe what I was saying. I looked down, not trying to breakdown in front of everyone,”Just go.” I said, my voice cracking at the end. I trying to get myself together at this moment because I need to be strong. I looked at him one last time, but he was already running away with the girl he fell in love with. I can’t hold back all my tears anymore so I just broke down right here; right now.

~~~ 4 years later ~~~       

Your P.O.V

It’s been 4 years since I last saw H/N. It’s alright though. I moved on with my life. I moved to New York City, and I tried to love again. I guess I got hit with good karma, because I now have a boyfriend. His name is Brent (A/N: Yes. Brent Rivera. Apologies if you chose him). We’ve been together for 3 years now, and I’ve never been happier. Oh, wait. Did I say boyfriend? I forgot. He proposed last night. So, yeah it’s safe to say that Brent’s my fiance. We were walking around the mall looking for tiny boxes to put our giveaway inside after the wedding, when I saw someone I never expected to see. I said to myself ‘If I were to see that person again, that person would be the last on my list.’ I saw H/N. He wasn’t alone though. He was with the same girl who stood up on the day of our wedding. I kept looking at them, and to my surprise, H/N saw me and looked back at me. I waved and smiled at him. He did the same and went to our direction. (A/N: coversation below)

Y/N: Hey H/N! Wow. It’s been a long time.

H/N: Hey Y/N! Yeah it’s been a long time. How are you?

Y/N: I’m wonderful. Thank you for asking. How are you?

H/N: I’m good. By the way, this is Jane. (A/N: Apologies if your name is Jane. Just change it to any name.)

Y/N: *you looked at her* Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Y/N. I suppose you remember me from the wedding.

Jane: Hello. Of course I remember you. I’m sorry.

Y/N: It’s alright. I moved on. H/N, Jane, this is Brent; my fiancé.

H/N: Hey, what’s up?

Jane: Hello *smiles*

Brent: Not much. We’re just looking for tiny boxes to put the giveaways inside.

H/N: For what?

Brent: Giveaways for our wedding. So that the guests have a souveneir from our wedding.

Jane: That’s lovely. Best wishes to both of you.

Y/N: Why, thank you.

Jane: You’re welcome.

H/N: Well, it was nice bumping into you Y/N. I honestly thought I would never see you again.

Y/N: Same here.

H/N: It was nice meeting you, Brent. I’m so happy for both of you. But me and Jane have to go or we’re gonna miss the Broadway show.

Y/N: Of course. Have fun.

(End of conversation)

Your P.O.V

Me and Brent carried on looking for boxes, and I smiled to myself. If we turned back time, I wouldn’t meet Brent. I guess it was meant for me and H/N to part ways, because we’re not meant for each other. I’m happy for H/N. I’m so happy for him. Yes, he made mistakes in the past, but we shouldn’t judge a person because of they’re past right? So, I’m glad I let him go. I still love him. But just as friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I wrote this for like an hour without any draft, without any plan, I just wrote it for you guys. I didn’t want you guys to stop reading my book. So, I do my best to write good stuff for you guys.

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