George Smith Imagine! AU (Part 1)

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A/N: Okay I know this is my third George Smith imagine and I'm sorry! If you can't tell or if it sin't obvious, I'm George Smith af.

I'm on his lane xD

P.S. This is inspired by a commercial in the Philippines :)

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George Smith is your normal everyday guy. Yes, he's popular, but he's not a jock. He's popular, because he's kind, funny, approachable, and a ladies man. He's just a simple guy.

You, on the other hand, are very shy and studious. You love books! It didn't matter whether they're educational books or novels and whatnot, you love them. You're not popular and you get picked on a lot, because of your love for books. You don't mind the bullies, because you didn't want to fight back and stoop to their level.

Your P.O.V

Another day here at my usual spot at the library. And just like any other day, I'm here reading No one really comes here and that makes me happy, because this is my happy place; my comfort zone. I feel safe here. I've read most of the books here, but there are so many more to read.

After finishing the book I was reading, I put it back on the shelf where I got it. I walk to a different aisle and skim through the books there.

'I've read these already' I thought to myself. Although, there was one book that caught my eye. The only problem is, it's on the top shelf and I can't reach it. Nobody's here to help me either. I was reaching for the book when a hand that didn't belong to me also grabbed the book. I look around and see a guy about my age. I was about to say thank you when he left with the book and sat on my usual spot to read the book. My mouth hung open as I asked myself whether what I saw really happened. I closed my mouth and shook my head and confirmed that what I saw really happened.

George's P.O.V

"--and he landed on his bum!" Reece laughed causing me to laugh too. He was telling me the story of how his cousin got rejected by this girl his cousin met. It's hilarious! We walked past the school library and I remembered that thing I needed for science. I stopped walking and stood in front of the library's door.

"George, aren't you coming?" Reece turned to look at me when he realized I stopped walking.

I smiled and shook my head, "I guess you're on your own, mate. I need to do something." I nodded towards the library as I said so. Reece nodded and waved goodbye as I did the same before entering the library.

I entered the library and see a girl reaching for a book on the top shelf. I think that's Y/N. Well, let me get a closer look. I squinted my eyes a bit and stepped forward to see if it's her. Turns out, it is her! I've never really spoken to her, because she's so quiet and shy. She never hung out in a group and usually just sits alone during lunch. Then again, I never got to know her and I never saw face up close.

I decided to walk up next to her and grab the book she's trying to reach. I didn't give the book to her, because I didn't want to be obvious. Now, I'll just pretend to read the book and sit down. I saw her grab another book that looked overused and sat across from me. I'd look at her from time to time and realize she's so pretty. So pretty that I forgot my real purpose at the library.

-next day-

I walked past the library and looked through the glass window only to find the one and only Y/N sitting at the same table from yesterday. It must be her usual seat. She's reading a book that looked familiar. I decided to drop by and get to know her. Like I said, I've never really spoken to her. Plus, she's different. I'm not going to brag, but girls throw themselves at me ALL the time. Y/N's the only one who has never done that. I guess this is my chance to talk to her.

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