James McVey Imagine

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A/N: This is a break up imagine. Listen to:
Thunder by Boys Like Girls
Weeks. James has been crying for weeks. You broke up with him because you were moving to California to study there. You weren't a big fan of long distance relationships so you broke with him. You trust him. You really do. It's just that you'll stay in California for awhile. Anything can happen when you're away.

James was devastated. But he respected your decision. He misses you every single day. He misses your voice. If your voice was a song, it would be his favorite song. Your voice was the soundtrack of his summer. He tried dating other girls, but they're not like you. You're unlike any other. You're his thunder. He's your lightning. He misses looking into your eyes. Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors. They're different; unique. That's one of the things he loves about you.

James was always in his room. He's always on his own laying in his bed for hours. It's like he's paralyzed. He can't move a muscle and whenever the boys call him, he can't pick up the phone. He always looks out the window. Always looking at the same park that came to his view. He used to go to that park with you. He wanted to go there but he can't cause it would remind him of you. He just sits in his room looking out the window longing for the breeze. You were his world. He can't live without you. You were his life. When you left, he was dead inside.

James' life turned topsy turvy when you left. He feels like he's walking on a rope. He feels like he's wrapped up vines. He thinks he'll make it out...he just needs time.

He's seen your pictures on Instagram. You looked so happy in your pictures. He wishes to be struck by lightning because of the break up. You were devastated too. He knew that. So, he stopped connecting with people for awhile. He wants to let you know how much he feels your pain. Then a few weeks later, he found out that you moved on. He still didn't. He was taking in his sadness.

His family thought that it was a good idea to go to London because they were bored. James, however, didn't want to go because you and James would go there often. he didn't wanna go there because he thinks that you're there. He thinks that wherever he goes, you're there. It's like you're dragging him to places that he didn't want to go to. He forced himself to join his family because why not? It's his family. Plus, they never spend time together anymore.

A few months later, James moved on. He realized that he's wasting away his life for someone who wouldn't come back. He knows you're happy in Cali. So, why would he intrude your happiness? He's happy if you're happy. Your happiness has always been his number one priority. Sometimes you would cross his mind and he would remember laying down in his room thinking of you. No matter what happens, you would always be his thunder.

A/N: I feel like this is crap. I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Twitter: KirstenMeliton
IG (personal): kirstenmeliton
IG (fan acc): manyfandoms.tbh
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