Ashton Irwin imagine :)

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Song Preference: Rather Be by Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne

"We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea, but as long as you are with me,there's no place I'd rather be"

You and your boyfriend Ashton have been together for 2 years now. You guys are inseparable. Whenever he was on tour or visitng family, you would feel as if a big part of you is missing. You've been through everything together. Through the hate, through your problems, through joy and sadness, everything. You would go anywhere with him as long as you are together.

"As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat"

You have this thing for Ashton. Like whenever you look at him, you fall in love all over again. It was a nice feeling to be honest...y'know to love and to be loved. It's like entering heaven. It's like seeing your guardian angel for the first time. Your heart would beat for him and for him only. Your heart would beat to a different beat. It's the national anthem of your own heart and he's the president.

"With every step we take, Kyoto to the bay strolling so casually"

For  better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. That was your motto. Every step you take in life? You wanted it to be with him. You were casually strolling life the way you want.

"Know with all of your heart you can't shame me, when I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be"

You and Ashton knew each other really well. From top to bottom. You were proud of each other. He's not afraid to tell people "Hey! Do you see that girl? Yeah, she's mine, and well, I'm hers. No regrets. She's beautiful and she's everything I want in a girl."

"We staked out on a mission, to find our inner peace. Make it everlasting, so nothing's incomplete"

He was your comfort zone. Your everything. It makes your bond stronger and our love everlasting. You complete each other. He's the straw to your berry. The peanut butter to your jelly. The pencil to your paper. You fight sometimes. But you find inner peace with each other. It's normal to fight. It's just a bump in the road you can get by.

"When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be"

To love and to be loved. You'd be there every step of the way, because you love him and be with him no matter what. :)

A/N: Sorry if you think it's crap. There will be more though. Comment and vote. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter! I have the same usernames on both! It's @KirstenMeliton :) I follow back :)

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