Bradley Simpson Imagine AU (Part 6)

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You and Y/S/N went back home to your apartment and Audrey went straight to her room. Both of you didn't want to lash out on her, because the girl had enough back at the motel. Instead, you apologized. She'll eventually come to her senses and thank both of you one day. 

You opened her door and found her bawling her eyes out. "Audrey, we're really-" you started but got stopped by Audrey. "Go away! I'm never speaking to either of you!!" she yelled through her tears.

You sighed and closed the door. You and Y/S/N went to the living room where Brad was. Brad arrived at your apartment a few minutes after you arrived. 

"She'll be fine. It's okay." Y/S/N told you as you walked her to the door. "It was nice meeting you, Brad." Y/S/N smiled and pulled you in for a hug. "So, I'll just come pick up the kids in the morning and yeah. You're doing the right thing, Y/N. Don't be so hard on yourself. Good night." she added before grabbing her coat and leaving.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to make you a cup of tea?" Brad asked, concerned.

"No thanks. I'm good." you replied quietly, "I think it would be best for me if you'd just go."

"Why?" Brad furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm not a mom." you started, "I'm not girlfriend material, I'm not brave, I'm not anything you need. You need someone who's brave and someone who can handle things like this when you have kids of your own. Frankly, I can't do that." 

"No don't say that Y/N. Of course I need you." Brad walked closer to you and grabbed your arm. You shrugged off his hand and he backed away a little bit, "Brad, please." Brad sighed and hung his head low. He grabbed all his stuff, and left.

The next day, Y/S/N came to pick up the kids. All of them were in the car including their stuff. All you had to do was say goodbye. Audrey was sitting in the passenger seat, while Henry and Sarah sat in the back. You hugged Y/S/N for a long time and when you pulled away she said that you could come over and visit anytime. You nodded your head and said goodbye to the kids as Y/S/N went to the driver's seat and wait for you to finish.

You spoke to Sarah first. "Hey, don't forget to put a nightlight so Hippo wouldn't be scared of the dark, okay?" you smiled at Sarah. She just nodded her head and kissed your cheek. 

You spoke to Henry next. 


"Don't worry about it." he said as he looked out the window and avoided eye contact.

"Okay." you sighed. 

Lastly, you spoke to Audrey. You stood outside her window (which was open) as she didn't even glance at you. "I know you're mad." you started, "I'd be mad too. But I'm only thinking about you, Audrey." you said as Audrey prevented tears from streaming down her face. 

"I got you guys something," you gave her a framed picture of all four of you at Hippo's birthday, "I thought you might like it." you added before backing away a little bit as Y/S/N started the car. "Okay, say goodbye to Y/N." Y/S/N said to the kids. Audrey just looked at you with a sad look on your face and rolled up her window in the process, Henry was still looking out the window, and Sarah looked at you with sad eyes and put her right hand on the window. You pressed your hand on the window where Sarah's hand was and it stayed there until they drove away.

* * * *

A/N: That's the end. Thank you to the people who waited and to the people who actually read this. 

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