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I'm 17 today. I literally cried when 12 midnight came. As promised, I'll answer questions. Questions that ndjkckcncjck asked. 

Why did you start writing?

- My friend suggested that I should put the stuff that I wrote here so, I did. I don't regret it and I'm very thankful that I did bc y'all are amazing! If it weren't for her, I'd never be here.

What's your favorite band?

- One Direction all the way. You have no idea how 1D af I am. Of course, I also love The Vamps, 5SOS, The Tide, New Hope Club, P!ATD, Paramore and Green Day. I'm still 1D af tho.

Do you play any musical instrument?

- I'm useless. My grandmother taught me how to play the piano when I was younger, but I didn't finish it bc I wanted to focus on singing. Then, at school they taught us how to play the flute. I didn't listen so, now I'm stuck playing 'Silent Night' but only the first line xD

How do you spend your free time?

- I write imagines. If I don't write, I find inspiration. If I don't have inspiration, I just give up and watch YouTube videos and read books or fanfics/imagines that other people wrote. Then if I come to my senses, I'll write the draft for my next imagine. 

Do you draw?

- As a matter a fact, yes I do! Although, I can only draw really well when I have a copy. It's very rare for me to draw really well without a copy. 

Who's your celeb crush?

- I have lots! xD

Have you got any brothers/sisters?

- I'm an only child. I don't have siblings.

Do you like Greece? If yes, why? If not, why?

- Yes, I do! I'd love to go to Santorini one day. I think it's beautiful.

What's your favorite color?

- It used to be pink. Now, it's black. I only like pink when it's pastel. 

What's your favorite food?

- Pizza. All the way. Lasagna's my second favorite.

What's your favorite show?

- If you've read the previous imagines and preferences, you'll notice that I mention Glee. Glee is and always will be my favorite show. If we're talking about Netflix series, my fave would be A Series of Unfortunate Events. Aside from those, I also really like/enjoy the show Friends :)

What other languages can you speak?

- If you think I'm American, I'm not. Don't worry, you're not the only one. English is just naturally my first language. I'm actually half Filipino, half Japanese and no, I can't speak Japanese. I only know a few words. I can speak a bit of French and Spanish. I'm fluent in both English and Filipino.

Who's your favorite from The Vamps?

- We both know xD My fave is Bradley Will Simpson.

Do you have a pet?

- I used to have 7 goldfishes, but they died. I bought like, 3 goldfishes a few month after, but they also died. Now, I have 6 bunnies/rabbits. They're supposed to be 7, but one bunny died a year ago (March 19, 2016).

What book did you recently read and got obsessed?

- I don't know if you're talking about books here in Wattpad or a real book. Either way, I'll answer. For Wattpad, I've been recently reading a lot of The Tide and New Hope Club imagines. For the real book, I've been so hooked up on Chris Colfer's The Land of Stories. It's really great. You should read it sometime. :)

Last question is from my main hoe CalFckinFreezy!

Are we ever gonna meet in real life?

- Of course we're gonna meet in real life, honey. Just wait 'til we have a shitload of money to travel around the world xD

Thanks for the questions guys! 

Hopefully y'all learned something about me today. 

Your only birthday gift for me is to follow me on my social media xD

Twitter/IG/Snapchat; kirstenmeliton

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1D, 5sos, Youtubers, The Vamps, & NHC Preferences and Imagines :)Where stories live. Discover now