Special Creepy Imagine! AU

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A/N: Everyone is involved in this that's why it's special. Some of them may be 8 year olds so, beware (5SOS are 8 year olds). This is some AU stuff so, they don't have the same age as their ages now. You're included in this so don't worry.
The setting is in London btw.
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Luke's P.O.V

Being in an orphanage with so much kids, yet why do I still feel alone? I've lived here all my life and I've seen everything. All bad things happen here. I'm not exaggerating...it's just how it is.

There's no such thing as "fun". If we want "fun", we might as well stay in a fun house or a circus. "Fun" is no place for an orphanage. At least that's what Mr. Liguori told to us.

Mr. Liguori is a man in his thirties. He runs this orphanage on his own. If you look at it from another person's view, he's doing his job well. If you look at it from our view, he's not doing good. What's sad and scary is that people don't know what's going on behind closed doors. He treats us like his own whenever people come over to adopt a child, but behind their backs he treats us like garbage.

I'm just waiting for a family to adopt me soon.

Although I don't like it here, I did make some good friends. Michael is 9 years old and he gets really scared easily. I understand why, but I help him take his mind off of the scary things. Calum turned 9 last January on the 25th. He used to be really cheerful, but when the scary stuff started happening he became less cheerful. Then there's Ashton. He's the oldest among the 3 of us. He's 10 years old. I wish he's still here. He got taken away by something in the closet one night. Mr. Liguori hides the evidence. I know he's hiding something. I just don't know what and I'm willing to find out.

I'm so desperate to get out of here.

Mr. Liguori told us that we had visitors today. Yesterday he made us clean the orphanage and he wanted it spick and span when he gets back from wherever he was going. Zoe (or Zoella as she's known here) made us fall in one straight line and handed us some cleaning supplies. She's Mr. Liguori's favorite so, she's basically his "daughter".

Anyway, everyone's in their best behavior and best clothing today in hopes to get adopted. After 8 years of staying here, I kind of lost hope. I kind of wish the new ones get picked, because I don't want them to experience what I've been through. We're sitting and waiting patiently in the living room while Mr. Liguori waits by the door; checking his pocket watch from time to time.

Exactly a minute later, I hear hushed greetings from the front door. It's time.

"Alright kids, this is Mr. and Mrs. Payne." Mr. Liguori faked a smile as he entered the living room with a couple.

"Hi kids!" the lady or Mrs. Payne said with a small smile and a soft voice. She sounds really caring and soft spoken. "I'm Mrs. Y/N Payne. What're your names?" she asked politely. We all gathered around the living room and sat down on the floor, because Mrs. Payne liked it better that way. She thought it would be different and she wanted us to get used to the floor. She thought we slept in comfy beds. Haha, she thought wrong.

What people don't know is that all of us orphans sleep on a very thin mattress on the floor every night. We don't have any pillows, because Mr. Liguori didn't provide us any pillows. He gave us a very thin sheet for a blanket. It's better than nothing since it's really cold here.

After awhile, it was now time for them to go into Mr. Liguori's office to talk privately. That means they finally decide who they want to adopt and sign the papers and all that. A few moments later, Mr. Liguori called me from his office.

"I guess they chose you, Luke." Michael said, sadness evident in his voice as he speaks.

"Yeah. Don't forget all about us, alright?" Calum said.

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