Special Creepy Imagine! AU (Part 5)

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Luke's P.O.V

Nate and I were so shocked at what we saw. We went inside the messy room and saw my friends laying there...hopefully still breathing. I walked up to Michael and knelt down beside him. 

"Mikey...please wake up..." I whispered.

Michael slowly opened his eyes and faintly smiled, "Luke, you're here."

"Yeah, I'm here. What happened?" I asked him whilst helping him sit up.

"Mr. Liguori suddenly changed. He didn't call us for food anymore and he locked us in here for a long time without any food or water to drink." Michael said weakly.

I looked at him with a frown and looked at Nate, who was looking all confused and scared at the same time. 

"Nate, we need to get them out of here." I said whilst helping Michael stand up. "Call mum and dad and tell them to help us here." Nate just nodded his head and ran downstairs as fast as he can.

In no time, mum and dad arrived with shocked looks on their faces. Mum immediately picked up Calum and carried him downstairs. Dad followed and carried Dan. Nate helped Caspar up, because he's half-awake.

We all piled inside the car and settled down. Before we left, the orphanage's shadow grew and grew. My eyes widen in realization that it's the shadow-like creature that took Ashton and Tristan.

"You think you can get away easily?" we heard a voice say. We looked at the front porch and there stood Mr. Liguori. 

Dad started the car, but of course it didn't start. It's like a horror movie. You know, the car isn't starting and people in it are frantically yelling at the driver to hurry up and the driver is tensed. Mr. Liguori opened our doors with the help of the shadow. The shadow was so strong it lifted the car up causing all of us to fall out of the car. My friends are so weak, they couldn't even stand on their own. 

"What're you doing?!" I shrieked.

"Getting you all and make sure you never come back here in this world!" Mr. Liguori shouted.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just like Ashton, you'll be trapped in a different world where you'll be punished for disturbing them." Mr. Liguori answered.

"Who's 'them'?" Nate asked.

Mr. Liguori looked at him with an evil grin and said, "The same creatures who took your dear cousin."

"How do you know that?" Nate asked, fighting back tears. He truly cared about his cousin. Well, he did say that his cousin is his inspiration.

"I know that, because I told them to get him." Mr. Liguori shrugged.

"Say goodbye to your mum and dad, Luke." Mr. Liguori said as he motioned for the shadow-like creatures to grab my parents. 

"NO!!" I said as ran towards them, forgetting I had Michael with me. Something kept holding me back, though. The same shadow-like creature was holding me back from saving my parents. I already lost a person that truly cared about me, right now my friends are half alive, and I won't lose two innocent people who gave me a placed I call home

All of sudden, a small ray of light made the shadow creature disappear, no one's holding me back anymore. I looked behind me and saw Dan weakly holding a flashlight whilst laying on the ground. 

"Dan! Are you alright?" I asked as I ran towards him and carefully laid Michael beside him. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was-I was researching," Dan began whilst slowly sitting up, "as soon as I found out about Mr. Liguori. He didn't like what I knew so he locked all of us in the room. It's all my fault." Dan hung his head in shame.

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