Blake Richardson Imagine! AU (Part 2)

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A/N: y'all asked for part 2 so without further ado, here it is! ☺️

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Fast forward to a few years, Y/N moved back to the city she grew up in. The reason they moved back? Well, her parents didn't say anything. Something about her parents attending high school there and it was fun. Much to her dismay, she attended high school where her parents used to study at. She felt awkward...who wouldn't be? But she felt at home. The crisp cold air made her feel at home and she was.

She was bored out of her mind. After all, she didn't know anyone from here; not anymore. All the fun times in the past are just memories now. She can barely remember her childhood best friend's name. She decided to start fresh today. This very moment.

"I'm going out." Y/N tells her mom who's in the living room watching some random reality show.

"Okay! Be back before dinner!" her mom says before she leaves.

* * * *

Y/N walked around the city until she reached a bookshop. She instantly felt a connection with it. It's like she's been there before. She went inside the bookshop and she felt at home

"Hello!" a voice calls out. She looked around and saw a boy about her age and he looked dashing. It's as though she's seen him before.

"Hi!" Y/N smiled.

"Are you here to apply?" the boy asked.

"Huh?" Y/N was very confused. She didn't know what he was talking about.

"Well, my parents are looking for an assistant here since I really need the help." the boy explained. She just looked at him for awhile. "My family owns this bookshop and I work here on my own and it's really difficult, because I go to school as well." the boy added.

"Oh, okay." she nodded.

"So, are you interested?" the boy asked, his eyes filled with hope.

"Sure. I love books, but I don't have any files with me or anything of that sort." she chuckled.

"Oh, that's totally fine. You're already hired. You'll get paid fifteen pounds per hour and we're always open except on Sundays. Is that okay with you?" the boy said with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Um, I guess. What's your name?" she asked.

"Blake. Blake Richardson. What's yours?" the boy asked.

"Y/N Y/L/N." she smiled. 

Blake's eyes widened and said, "It's you!"

* * * *

A/N: Part 3?

Vote and comment or you won't work at the bookshop with Blake and won't get paid fifteen pounds per hour.

Tumblr: in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh

P.S. I have a joint account with SuperlativelyStupid and galacticpeach! If you feel kind, please give it a follow! :) 

The account is NewWritersClub. We write about NHC. Thank you in advance!

Love you all! <3

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