The Vamps Preference :)

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Song Preference: One Call Away by Charlie Puth

"I'm only one call away"
Brad: You were having a break down because your parents got divorced. You didn't know what to do. Brad was on tour, your sister's pregnant and she's dealing with this situation, and your friends are busy. You decided to call Brad. You called him and told him what happened and he calmed you down. Before hanging up, Brad said,"Just know that I'm only one call away. Good night and sweet dreams, baby girl."

"I'll be here to save the day"
Tris: You were bored and you decided to bake cookies. All the ingredients were already on the table except for the flour. The flour is in the cupboard and you're too short to reach it. You got a stool, stood on it and go the flour. Just as you were getting down, you lost your balance. Luckily, Tris was there to catch you. Later that day, after baking cookies, you tweeted a picture of you and Tris eating the cookies you baked with the caption:"@[Y/T/N]: was caught in the arms of my hero. He deserves a cookie haha @TheVampsTris"

"Superman got nothing on me"
James: You and James were walking home from the park. It was getting dark. As you were walking, a lady screamed,"GET THAT MAN!!" You and James turned around and saw a man holding the lady's purse. James chased the man and punched him. After throwing a few punches, James got that bag and returned it to the lady. "Thank you so much! You're so brave." said the lady. "Thank you" replied James with a smile on his face. Before the lady left, she gave James £100 as a reward. James thanked her again and parted ways. You and James continued walking and you told him,"Superman's got nothing on you, hun"

"I'm only one call away"
Con: You were out with some friends. Let's just say that you had too much to drink. You called Connor to pick you up,"Hey baaaaaaaaabbeee! Can you like....pick me up pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee?? Thanks. I'm glad you're only one call away, babe" Connor laughed at your drunken state and said,"Haha sure. I'll be there in 2"

School sucks. 4 months 'til summer. I can do this.

Twitter: KirstenMeliton
IG: kirstenmeliton
Tumblr: in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
IG (fan acc): manyfandoms.tbh

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