Zerkaa Imagine AU

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Song Preference: Not So Bad a Dad by Vanessa Doofenschmirtz (OST Phineas and Ferb)

A/N: He's your dad in this one. Yes, daddy Zerk. But he's literally a dad. Freya's your mom. The sidemen are his evil scientist friends. Except for Harry, because he's the youngest sidemen. Since he's the youngest, he's your boyfriend XD


You were a sub-standard dad

But the only one I had

I grew up hearing your evil scheming down the hall

Your dad, Josh, and your mom, Freya, were separated. Your mom left you and your dad. You lived with your dad ever since you were 8 years old. You stayed with your mom every weekend. And to be honest, you wanted to be with your mom more than ever. Your dad was so weird. He thinks he's this evil scientist. He hangs around with his 'evil' scientist friends. You're sick of hearing your dad talk to his friends about their next 'evil' plan. They don't usually work, but they keep trying.

But when I look at this thing

It makes me wanna sing

Maybe you're not so bad a dad after all

Your dad was going to his friend Simon's house, because he was having a garage sale. It's kind of funny how an 'evil' scientist is having a garage sale. "Why is Uncle Simon having a garage sale, again?" you asked your dad as he parked outside Simon's house. "His wife wanted to clear things up at their house." Josh answered.

"So they want people to buy their stuff?" you questioned as you and Josh got out of the car.

"Exactly." Josh replied as he locked the door. The garage sale was going to be held at their backyard so you and Josh went there immediately.

"Why do they have so much stuff?!" you were gobsmacked when you saw the Minter Family's backyard. They had so many things to sell: expensive china, a globe, old toys, clothes they NEVER used, a mattress, old hats, funny costumes, and so many more. "Let's just say your Uncle Simon's wife is a hoarder." Josh whispered, so that no one heard.

"Josh!" a voice yelled from behind.

"Simon!" your dad turned around and greeted his friend who was carrying a big box full of thingamabobs you don't want to know.

"Hello, (Y/N)! You've grown! And you seem to like the color black...a lot." Simon said as he looked at you up and down.

"Hey Uncle Si. Black is my favorite color." You answered before you left your dad and uncle to talk...or scheme.

You were walking around the backyard checking out stuff. Who knows you might like something? No.

"Hey babe!" you looked up from the table of folded clothes when you heard that familiar voice.

"Babe!" you squealed and hugged your boyfriend, Harry. "What are you doing here?!" you asked.

"My mum heard about Mr. and Mrs. Minter's garage sale." Harry rolled his eyes. He didn't even finish his sentence, but you understood it. Harry's mum has this thing for garage sales and stuff like that. His mum is like Phoebe from Friends. You know that episode when Phoebe said she hated stuff from Pottery Barn? Yeah, if Harry's mum is a character from Friends, she'd definitely be Phoebe. One time Harry bought a trunk for his room to put some stuff in, and his mum asked where he bought it. Apparently, Harry bought it from somewhere similar to Pottery Barn, and his mum just flipped. She only wants furniture that have stories behind it.

"Where's your mum?" you asked Harry as you looked around looking for her.

"She's over there talking to Mrs. Minter. Probably asking who owned that little box. I bet she's like, 'Who owned this box? Did a famous explorer own it?' Like, why does it matter anyway?" Harry said slightly annoyed.

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