James McVey Imagine!

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A/N: italicized = past/flashback. Italicized and underlined = letter. And apologies if your name is Amanda.

Plot: Finally letting go

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Your P.O.V

"James, what's going on?" I asked my boyfriend of 5 years as he was packing his things. "Listen, (Y/N) we need to talk." He said as he sat down on our shared bed. "Okay. What's up?" I asked sitting down next to him. He held both of my hands and looked me in the eyes and said, "(Y/N), babe, I have to be honest with you. These past few months, I've started to not feel anything towards you. I've tried everything, but it seems to not work. I'm so sorry. I'm not gonna lie, these 5 years have been amazing! You've taught me a lot of things and we've shared so many memories together. I am so thankful that I got to meet you. But I just don't deserve you. You need someone else in your life who can love you just as much." James said. I was already in a pool of my own tears. "Okay. If that's what you want. I'm letting you go now." I whispered; not trusting my voice if I spoke louder.

-present time-

It's been like 3 years since James and I broke up. It's kind of pathetic that I still haven't moved on. I heard that he's going to get married to his current girlfriend this week. To be specific, they're getting married tomorrow. It's hard to accept the fact that the person you're still madly in love with is getting married and not to you. I started asking myself questions like, "Why didn't James ask me to marry him?" "Did James think of us having a future together when he was with me?" "Am I not wife material?" And the questions keep going on and on.

The lads and I still stay in touch. Especially Bradley. Bradley's my best friend in the band. He's the one who told me about James getting married. In fact, I met the girl he was going to marry. Amanda was her name. She was so beautiful. I would say bad things about her right now, but I can't because there's nothing bad to say. She's kind, caring, sweet, soft spoken, funny, smart, and the list goes on. The first time she met me, she was nervous. I asked her why she was nervous. She said it's because that I used to date James. She told me how she loves him so much, and that if I was planning to get James back she won't let that happen. I told her that it was all good and there's nothing to worry about.

A loud knock interrupted my thoughts. I got up from my messy bed and opened the front door. I didn't look up at the person who knocked. But I knew who it was when the person started to speak.

(a/n: if you watch YouTube and if you watch the sidemen, slide in my DMs XD)

"Hey (Y/N)! I figured you'd be upset today, because the big day's tomorrow. So, I'm here to cheer you up!" my older brother Ethan said happily.

 So, I'm here to cheer you up!" my older brother Ethan said happily

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"Hey Ethan. Please, come in." I said with no enthusiasm in my voice whatsoever.

Ethan noticed, but didn't ask. He closed the door after going inside my flat.

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