Niall Horan Imagine

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Niall's POV
Nothing can bring her back. If only I knew what was happening to her. Now she's gone.

*Flashback (still in his POV)*
I was on my way home from work. I'm so tired. I just wanna sleep or maybe watch a football match when I get home.

Finally, I get home and it was so quiet. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. It's quiet and I feel so lonely.

I check the living room to see if (Y/N) was there, and as I expected, she was there sleeping on the couch.

Me and (Y/N) have been married for 3 years now, and we have a son. His name is Brayden and he's 2 years old. He's the best thing that's happened to me...besides (Y/N) of course. After all, without her I wouldn't have Brayden.

I walk passed (Y/N) and walked up the stairs to check on Brayden. When I saw his bedroom door, I opened it quietly and went inside. He was sleeping. I took in his features. He got (Y/N)'s mouth and nose. He got my eyes and my hair color. I kissed Brayden on the forehead and left his room quietly.

I went to mine and (Y/N)'s bedroom and removed my shoes, put down my bag, and changed my clothes. After that, I opened the top drawer of my bedside table (it was on my side. (Y/N) has her own bedside table on her side) and took out the divorce papers.

I got them 2 days ago. I have a reason as to why I got them. It's just that I found someone else. She's my colleague. My marriage with (Y/N) isn't working out anymore. Me and (Y/N) are not as close as we were before. I think we've fallen out of love.

I took the divorce papers and went downstairs only to find the couch empty. Then I heard some pots clanking. (Y/N) must be in the kitchen. I put the divorce papers on the coffee table in the living room and joined (Y/N) in the kitchen. I hugged her from behind and kissed her temple. "Well, hello to you too" she said with a giggle at the end. I know that what I'm about to do is selfish, but I can't lie to her. I don't want to cheat on her. Getting a divorce and leaving her is a whole lot better than cheating on her whilst you're married, right? I guess it is. I'll just tell her after dinner so that things wouldn't get awkward.

~After dinner~

Okay. Here goes nothing. "(Y/N)?" I called out. "Yes, Ni? You want a midnight snack?" (Y/N) replied jokingly. But when she saw that my face was serious she stopped. "Here.." I said quietly while handing the divorce papers to her. As soon as she read the papers, her face fell. I know she was trying to stop her tears from falling, but it was too late. At this point she was already crying. Well, there's no going back now.

"Why?" She asked still crying. "Our relationship isn't what it was before. I-I think we-we've fallen out of love" I stuttered; nervous as to what she has to say and to how she will react. "Okay. I'll sign these.." She replied; surprisingly in a calm way. "..only in one condition," she continued. There's always that one condition. "For 2 months, you'll treat me like the way you've treated me when we first got together." She finally said. That's not so hard. "Okay. I'll do it." I said. "Don't worry, Niall. After you succeed in doing that, I'll sign these. Your happiness has always been my number one priority and if this makes you happy, then so be it." (Y/N) replied with a small smile. But I know deep down that that smile hides all of the sadness she's having right now.

~2 months later~

It's been two months since (Y/N)'s condition. And to be completely honest, I think I'm falling for her all over again. I've been doing the things I used to do to her. Like, carrying her around the house, bringing her to work, cooking her dinner, going on a date...and so on. I think we didn't fall out of love. I think we just lack being together because of our busy schedule.

But something's been off with (Y/N) lately. I brought her to the hospital 3 days ago. Me and Brayden are on our way to the hospital to visit her. I hope she gets better soon. Brayden and I really miss her.

We went straight to (Y/N)'s room and found her there sleeping. She looked peaceful. I walked towards her with Brayden in my arms and sat on the seat beside her bed while Brayden sat on my lap.

"Hey" I say quietly, "how are you feeling?" I asked. "I'm okay. I have something for you." (Y/N) said. Wow. She has something for me. She turned to the table on the other side of her hospital bed and grabbed an envelope which I assume has a letter inside it and handed it to me. "What's this?" I asked her. "Read it later. When you feel like it. When you feel like you're lost, read it." She said. What is she talking about? But I nodded an 'okay' to her anyway.

It was getting late, and Brayden was already asleep in my arms. There was a couch at the corner of the room so I put Brayden there for him to sleep comfortably. (Y/N) feel asleep too and I'm really tired. So I took a nap.

I woke up to the sound of loud beeping noise. I looked at Brayden and he's still asleep. Man, he's a heavy sleeper. I looked at (Y/N) and I immediately called a nurse. It turns out that the beeping noises come from the machine.

The line is straight. She's gone. I don't understand. I fall to my knees and cried. Nothing can bring her back. I walk to the couch where Brayden is and I held him close to me for dear life. Then I remembered what she said. I went back to the seat where I was previously seated, and I opened the envelope containing the letter. I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face.

*Present Day (in his POV)*

It's been a month since (Y/N)' s funeral. I still can't believe that she's gone. I decided to visit her grave today. Brayden's with my mum.

I still can't move on. But then again, how can I simply move on from something that happened terribly? I go to her grave almost everyday. I talk to her about my problems or I just tell her how I feel.

"Hey (Y/N). It's me again. How's the weather up there?" I chuckled to lighten up the mood,"I hope you're alright up there. I just want to stop by. I always read your letter. Well, I better go. Brayden might be looking for me. I'll come back next week, love. Take care up there. Good bye for now." I said.

"Dear Niall,
By the time you read this, I'm already gone. I'm sorry I never got to tell you, but I have cancer.
When you showed me the divorce papers, I knew I was dying. I didn't want to die without bonding with you so I asked you to be with me for two months and do the things you used to do to me. I know that once I'm gone, I'm never gonna feel your touch and kiss your face. I know that I'm never gonna see you and Brayden again. I never wanted to leave you, but my time's up. When you gotta go, you gotta go. We've been together for 8 years plus 3 years because we're married so we've been together for 11 years in total. Wow. And we got something out of it too. We got Brayden. He's the result of our happiness. Thank you so much. You don't know how thankful I am because I met you. We've been together since freshman year (HS) until now. We're so strong. I just want you to know that I love you and Brayden so much. Tell Brayden that I love him. I'll guide both of you.
I guess I'll end this letter here then.
I don't want to say good bye...cause good bye means forever. How about...see you later? Yeah. That'll work.
See ya later, alligator. I'll see you soon. I'll be waiting my prince.
Your princess,

Hope you liked it! It took me HOURS to do this.
Twitter: KirstenMeliton
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