The Hospital

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A/n: This will be an imagine about you and any guy you dream of.
(H/N) means his name
(H/E/C) means his eye color
Your POV

Here I am in the hospital feeling nothing. I hate this. You know, going to the hospital. I have nothing against hospitals or anything, but I hate the idea of going to a place that smells like sick people and stuff. So far, I only notice a few scenes in this hospital (or hospitals in general). I notice the most sincere and real tears in this hospital, I notice the real caring and true people in this hospital, I notice the loudest and saddest cries in a hospital room whenever a loved one passes away. I notice those little things. It amazes me sometimes.

I'm here in this hospital because of my monthly check up. Actually, I just finished. I'm currently waiting for my older brother, Oliver, because he donated his blood. He's honestly the most caring, the most supportive, the most kind older brother I've ever had. Ever since our parents died, our uncle and his wife had to move in our house to take care of us. Fortunately, my brother, only stayed at home for the first year our uncle was there, because he had to move in the new apartment he bought. Soon after he left, our uncle got drunk very often and he abused me. Physically. He continued this violent action for about two years and as soon as my brother found out, he took me away from them and told me that I can live with him in his apartment. He lives alone in this cool apartment in LA. He doesn't have a girlfriend, but he tells me amazing stories about this girl he likes. Hopefully, she likes him back.

Anyway, I see my brother from a distance so I slowly stood up from the chair that I sat in, and waited for him 'cause he was walking achingly slow. As soon as he reached me, I realized that he was eating a chocolate chip cookie. Wow. "Hey (y/n)! Ready to go?" my brother Oliver asked. "Yeah." I said.


We finally got home, and we watched tv for a bit until Oliver fell asleep. That's what he always does. Opens the tv, watches for a bit, and the next thing you know he's asleep. So, I closed the tv, because honestly there's nothing good on tv anymore. I decided to re-read Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children until I heard a knock on the door. I put my book down and looked through the peep-hole. I guess this was (H/N). My brother has been telling me stories about him. He even told me that me and (H/N) looked good together. But I didn't believe him. I opened the door see the most pure (h/e/c) eyes ever. His hair is amazing. His smile. I'm melting. I didn't realize that I zoned out until (h/n) snapped me out of my thoughts. "Umm...hey" (h/n) said. "H-hi" I stuttered. 'Why the hell did you stutter (y/n)?! He'll think you're a freak!' I said to myself. "You must be (y/n)! Oliver told me so much about you. Don't worry. All good things, all good things. Haha" (h/n) laughed. His laugh is so cute (y/n) snap out of it. "You think my laugh is cute?" He smiled. "Fuck. I said that out loud?" I asked whilst mentally face palming myself. "Yeah you kinda did haha. Don't worry, it's all good." He winked. "Oh okay haha. Thanks" I said. "Please come in.." I continued "make yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink? Are you hungry?" I asked. "Oh no thanks. Honestly, I'm just here to ask your brother if he was free tonight." He replied. "Oh really? Mind if I ask why?" I asked again. "Haha I don't mind. Anyway, I was gonna ask, because I don't want to eat dinner alone." He said. "Oh. Well, you can wake him--" "He doesn't need to. I'm up anyways. Sure I'll join you, man. (Y/N) you coming?" Oliver asked. "I mean, I could, but it's guys night and I don't wanna ruin that." I said quietly. "Who said anything about guys night? Guys night is on Wednesday. Today's Monday haha" (h/n) said in his smooth voice. I could just listen to him all day. "Yeah. Join us!" Oliver said like he was some club president recruiting new members for his useless club. "Okay" I said whilst following them and putting my coat on.


Ever since that night, Oliver and I have been going out to dinner with (h/n). Not only dinner, even breakfast and lunch. Oliver is at work today and I got the apartment all to myself when I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!" I yelled from the couch which was probably the worst idea because the person who knocked might be a serial killer for all I know. "Hey (y/n)!" (h/n) greeted. "Hey! What's up?" I asked thank goodness it wasn't a serial killer I said to myself. "Not much. I brought some snacks with me and some DVDs we can watch." (h/n) replied. "Oh wow. That's nice! Unfortunately, Oliver is at work right now. So.." I trailed off. "Oh. I know that. So, I was wondering that I could just hang out with you to know you better." (h/n) said nervously. Why is nervous? "Oh. Okay then. Uhm, you can put the snacks on the coffee table and you can put in anything you want to watch. I'll just get some drinks. What do you want?" I asked politely. "Orange juice please or if you have iced tea that would be much better." He said whilst putting on a movie.


It's been two months since (h/n) and I hung out. We've been going on dates for quite sometime know, and it turns out that he was courting me already. I didn't know, but he already asked Oliver for permission, and Oliver didn't hesitate 'cause after all, this was his plan anyway; to make us fall in love with each other. The other day (h/n) told me about his feelings for me, and I realized that I feel the same way about him ever since he knocked on that door; ever since I met him. He's the most amazing person I've ever met. Today he asked me to be his girlfriend, and course I said yes!


(5 years later)

(H/n) and I have been together for five years now, and I've never been happier. Eventually, I had to move out from Oliver's apartment, because (h/n) and I moved in together. But of course I still visit Oliver. Speaking of Oliver, he has a girlfriend now! Remember that girl he likes? Yeah, well, it turns out, she likes him too! Isn't it lovely?

Today (h/n) told me to wait for him at our shared home because he said he wants to say something really important. I wonder what that is?


It's been an hour and he's still not here. Maybe he was caught in traffic I said to myself. There's a knock on the door. It's him! I opened the door to see Oliver panting and looking tired as ever. "Hey Oli-" I was cut off "(H/n) *pants* car accident *pants* hospital *pants* now.." Oliver panted. "What?" I asked really shocked. "C'mon! We've no time!" Oliver ran to his car. I followed him whilst running and putting on my coat.


Oliver and I arrived at the hospital not too long ago. The doctor said that (h/n) got hurt really bad. It affected his head a lot. They said that we could enter his room now. I let Oliver go in first, because I don't want to see him at this moment. But eventually, I'll see his face after Oliver. After ten minutes, Oliver came out of (h/n)'s room and smiled. I took that as a sign that everything's going to be okay and that it's safe to go in there without breaking down or whatever.


I knocked on the door and heard a faint voice that said "come in". I opened the door to see (h/n)'s gorgeous face covered in wounds, dried blood, and stitches. I never imagined it to be like this. "Now, before you say anything, before you leave the room I want you to get the box on the couch. Okay?" (h/n) said sternly. "Okay. But why?" I asked. "Read it when you get home or read it whenever you feel like it. But don't read it now. Okay?" He said not answering my question, but I let it slide "okay."


We were talking for about five minutes when something weird was happening. "Wait here. I'll call a nurse or something" I said while panicking. And with that, I ran out of the roommate called for a nurse. I finally found a nurse who could help and we ran to (h/n)'s room. When we got there, it was too late. He's gone.

After five years together, this is what happens. After all we've been through. Well, this is what happens when you expect that everything is going to be alright. I realized that not everything is going to be fine, so I got the box he told me to get before he passed, and left the room.

Oliver saw me crying and that's when he knew. I should know, because he started crying too. We hugged each other and cried for what seemed like an hour.

After that, we pulled away from each other, and without another word, we left.

On the way home, I realized that the hospital isn't responsible for everything that happened. The hospital is simply a place for people to go to whenever they don't feel very well. The doctors there? They're not superheroes. But they save people's lives. And what bothers me right now is why can't they save him? It's unfair. But you know, everything happens for a reason. We shouldn't blame doctors for this kind of situation. If it's their time to go, then we should just let them go. The doctors did their part already. It's time to move on.


Author's Note:

Sorry if it sucks. I did my best.

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