Short Fave Imagine! :)

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H/N = his name

Italicized = letter/note

Bold = tweets or mentions

Bold and italicized = reply

*If you see the parenthesis with some jobs in it, just pick their job.


He's not (recording songs/filming YouTube videos) today.

Srsly just pick their job. You get it XD

This is a letter type of thing. My friend/cousin and I thought of it in values class XD

The setting of this is like, you leave early for work and you decided to leave H/N a note on the fridge and the coffee table.

* * * *

H/N's P.O.V

I wake up to see that Y/N's not beside me. She told me yesterday that she'll be leaving early for work today, because they have a meeting. I, however, will be staying at home. I've got no (songs to record/videos to film) today, so I'm totally free.

I did my morning routine, and went to the kitchen to see what's in the fridge, only to see a note/letter from Y/N.

Dear H/N,

Hey! It's Y/N here. Just remember that I love you so much. Since you're my boyfriend, follow these and I'll exercise (you know I don't exercise, but for you I will. If you follow these).

10 Relationship Commandments

1.) You shall not have another girlfriend besides me.

2.) You shall not talk about your ex behind my back. I'll eventually find out if you do. If you ever so slightly mention her (by accident or not) or think about her, I'll destroy you.

3.) Remember our anniversary.

4.) Honor me as your girlfriend. In short, treat me right, you bastard.

5.) You shall not be a kill joy. If I want to go to the mall with my friends or whatever, allow it. If you know or sense that I'll come home completely shitfaced, come with me to be sure (but promise you'll be sober the whole time).

6.) You shall not cheat.

7.) You shall not steal my food whether I am or I'm not on my period. I'll share whenever I want to. If you have a problem with that, then leave.

8.) You shall not talk bad about me behind my back or I'll crucio you.

9.) You shall not embarrass me in front of your friends or I'll do the same to you in front of my friends.


10.) You shall not glance at other girls let alone talk to them (unless I know this girl).

Love you babe! I'll be home by 5! Xx


I finish reading the note/letter she wrote. I folded it nicely and put it in my pocket.

Geez. This girl is seriously crazy, but I love her. She's the best.

I decided to make myself a bowl of cereal. I put the bowl of cereal on the coffee table and sat down on the couch. I scrolled through my Twitter feed to look at all the tweets of my friends.

@/(H/N's band mate/best friend): Just (recorded song/filmed a video) with @/(famous singer/famous YouTuber)!! Hope you guys like it! : )

@/(His Twitter Name): That's sick mate! Very excited to (listen to it/watch it).

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