Haunted Mansion (MagCon)

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"Okay class! It's time to go back home. Everybody get inside the bus now!" the teacher said. It was that time of the year  where students get to go on a retreat. But this time, it was the kids' turn to go. "Everyone! The bus is about to leave! Move it! Except for you, Gerald." the teacher said yet again only this time a little louder. "I know teacher." said Gerald obediently. "Are all the kids in there?" asked the teacher as she counts the kids in the bus again for the nth time, "Okay! Have a safe trip guys! I guess I'll see you next week at school. Don't forget to make a reflection about your stay here!" the teacher exclaimed tiredly. After all, spending time with rowdy kids in a retreat house for 3 days is very tiring (even though they see each other 5 days a week). The teacher turned to Gerald and said, "Wait here. I'll just get my stuff. I'll be back real quick!" the teacher said as she ran towards the retreat house, or the mansion rather.

The mansion was old and its white color faded. Vines were everywhere and trees surrounded the backyard. It was a cold and rainy afternoon when the children left the mansion. Whilst Gerald was waiting for his teacher, he was busy playing with his action figures. He was busy minding his own business until he heard an ear piercing scream that came from the mansion. He immediately ran inside to see if anything happened. "Teacher?" he called out; fear evident in his voice. His knees were shaking along with his hands that held the action figures. He walked through the halls of the mansion until he reached the living room. There he found his teacher's dead body in a pool of her own blood. Gerald made a run for it. He was running then he heard footsteps following him. He ran faster, but he was too late. Something grabbed him by his legs causing him to fall down and pulled him in the dark.


Your P.O.V.

"What's up guys?" asked my best friend, Perrie as she tried to catch up with me and Johnson. "Hey girl!" I greeted. "Sup P?" Johnson asked. "Not much. I'm just tired that's all. I saw you guys coming out of the cafeteria and I decided to follow you guys. But you were both walking fast so I ran from the classroom to catch up with you guys" Perrie said; exhaustion evident in her voice. "Aww. Haha! Sorry P. We didn't know.." Johnson said.

"Anyway, are you guys going to the retreat next week?" Perrie asked. "Of course I am! I'm pumped!" Johnson said whilst waving his hands in the air like an idiot. Perrie laughed and I said, "I don't think I'll go to the retreat." "Why not?" Perrie asked; eyes full of curiosity. "Well, we have to pay for that retreat, and I don't think we have the budget for that. Plus, it's scary!" I replied.

"Oh please. Is it about that kid and the teacher? They're from our school, though. But I personally think it's made up. Y'know just to scare us." Perrie said. "Well they did a pretty good job scaring us 'cause it worked!" I said to lighten up the mood. Perrie just shrugged. "Well, we won't be complete if you can't go." Jack pointed out, "I'll just pay for your fee. It's no problem!" and he smiled that adorable smile of his.

Mine and Perrie's eyes widened when Johnson said that. "Jack Edward Johnson, you don't have to. It's fine" I said. "Hey! That's unfair! You're treating her for the retreat and you don't even treat me to anything...like ice cream!" Perrie said whilst pouting at Johnson. Johnson laughed and said, "Well maybe because she's nicer than you" Of course, he's only teasing. "How dare you!" Perrie said whilst laughing.

"But in all seriousness, our trio wouldn't be complete without you" Johnson said.


I got home and waited for my brother and sister to come home. Being the eldest, I have responsibilities. Thank goodness there's no homework or else I'll karate chop anyone who does.

"Y/N!!! WE'RE HOME!!!" my siblings yelled. They're so cute is2g. "Hey guys! Go change into some comfortable clothes and do your homework. Okay?" I ordered. "Okay!" they replied. I'm lucky enough to have younger siblings who can respect and follow me. Hahaha! I decided to prepare dinner.

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