Bradley Simpson Imagine AU (Part 1)

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A/N: Inspired by one of my favorite movies!

Y/S/N = your sister's name

Lindsay = other sister (apologies if your name is Lindsay)

Monique = your boss (apologies if your name Monique)

Audrey, Henry, Sarah = Lindsay's kids

* * * *

You live in NYC a.k.a the big apple. You work for this really big and famous modeling agency named 'Monique's Style'. You happen to be the executive assistant of Monique. Let's just you're her favorite. You absolutely love your job! You get to party every other night with your colleagues and some models. Recently, you've found a girl named Tinka who has the potential of being a model. As a part of your job, you were able to get her as a model for your company. Monique is jubilant about having you in her company.

Tonight, you're going to New Jersey for Lindsay's birthday. You're the youngest sibling out of three. Lindsay is your eldest sister and Y/S/N is the middle child. You and Lindsay are really close. Your mother died when you were 7 years old. At that time, Lindsay was in New York fulfilling her dream of being a dancer whilst Y/S/N is at home taking care of you. Now, both of your sisters have kids except for you. Lindsay has three kids whilst Y/S/N have two. Y/S/N is currently 5 months pregnant. You're the fun kind of aunt.

Lindsay's party wasn't that grand. It was just you, Y/S/N, Y/S/N's husband, Lindsay, Lindsay's husband, Y/S/N's two kids, Audrey, Henry, and Sarah. You played some games and watched Lindsay open her presents. It was everything. Simple, yet contented.

* * * *

You were having your usual Sunday brunch with your colleagues at a fancy restaurant, when you get a call from Y/S/N.

"What?" you ask, "Y/S/N, slow down. I can't understand you."

"Lindsay and her husband met an accident," Y/S/N slowed down, "And they didn't make it." Y/S/N cried.

"Oh my-" And with that, you tried your hardest not to break down in a really fancy restaurant. Your colleagues noticed and asked if you were okay.

* * * *

You went to stay in New Jersey for awhile. You were in Lindsay's room, bawling your eyes out. You stood up to leave, but you saw the closet door open. You peeked inside and saw Audrey, Henry, and Sarah sitting down on the floor next to each other with tear stained cheeks. You sat down with them and held them close to you.

Just then, Y/S/N peeked in and said softly, "People are paying their condolences downstairs. I think they'd appreciate it if you guys would be downstairs."

The three kids went downstairs as you and Y/S/N stayed behind.

"Y/N, can you please go to the store and buy some blue napkins?" Y/S/N asked nicely.

"Why?" was all you said.

"Y/N... I've arranged the funeral, I cooked, I took care of the kids. All I'm asking you for, is to go to the store and buy blue napkins, so that the guests won't remember our sister with table napkins sitting on their laps when they eat." Y/S/N lost it at this point. It was true, though. You weren't really much of a big help. As soon as Y/S/N said that, you just shut up and agreed to buy them.

* * * *

Still in New Jersey, two people went to Lindsay's house to speak with you and Y/S/N.

"We have letters for you. It's from Lindsay before she passed away." The man handed you both the letters.

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