George Smith Imagine! AU (Part 2)

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George's P.O.V

Y/N and I are at our usual spot at Starbucks, enjoying ourselves. We've been closer than ever and I'm honestly so happy when I'm with her.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I laugh, after telling her a joke.

"Okay!" She nods while chuckling.

I go to the bathroom and did my business. Of course, before leaving the bathroom, I wash my hands and fix my hair. After all, I need to look presentable in front of the girl I like...and possibly love. I leave the bathroom and see that Blake guy sitting on our table next to Y/N.

I walk closer and see that he gave Y/N a small bouquet of flowers and a little stuffed animal.

I sit on the chair that I previously sat on (which was in front of Y/N) and just gave them a look.

"Oh, George you're back!" Y/N smiles at me. "I didn't see you there."

Of course not. You're too busy acknowledging Blake. I feel Blake glaring at me and I didn't care one bit.

"Where are my manners? George, you know Blake right?" Y/N asks me.

"Yeah. Of course I do." I answer, looking at Blake.

"Hey George." Blake says with a glare. "Babe, tell him." Blake says as he nudges Y/N.

Wait. Babe?!

"Tell me what?" I look at Y/N and silently pray that they're not what I think they are.

"Um, Blake and I are together." Y/N says with a smile plastered on her face.

Do you guys hear that? It's my heart shattering into a million pieces.

"Really? Since when?" I say, acting happy for them. I swear I'll smack the sly smile off of Blake's face.

"Since today." Blake answers, looking at Y/N with a smile.

This is the day when I realized that I won't have Y/N all to myself.

* * * *

Y/N and I haven't seen each other in a while lately. It's because of that Blake Richardson guy. He seems cool, but whenever I ask Y/N to hangout, he ALWAYS wants join us. That's one of the reasons why I don't hang out with Y/N anymore.


Now I'm sitting at home, relaxing and whatnot. I decide to ring Y/N and ask if she wants to stay in and have a movie night and sleepover like what we used to do before she met Blake. I smile at the thought of us finally hanging out together and I grab my phone.

"Hello?" a male voice answers. WHAT?!

"Um...if I'm not mistaken, this is Y/N's phone number. So, who are you?" I ask.

"Right," the male snickers, "Where are my manners? I'm Blake." Ugh. It's him! I should've known. What's he doing at Y/N's house at night?

"Seeing as your contact name is here, I'm afraid I don't need to ask yours, George." Blake says in a teasing manner. I can almost feel him smirking through the phone.

"Where's Y/N?" I ask.

"She went to the bathroom as soon as you called. Why? Do you need anything?" Blake huffs impatiently. I feel like he hates me...well, the feeling's mutual.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I do need something. I was wondering if Y/N wants to sleep over at my place and watch movies." I say. This is ridiculous. It's like I'm asking a relative of Y/N if I could court her or something.

"No she can't." Blake says, a hint of boredom in his voice.

"And why not?" I ask, standing up from my bed.

"Because we're busy with our projects." Blake says, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. I swear that little snake is stealing her away from me.

-a few days later-

5 days. We haven't been speaking to each other for 5 days. Not even a short call or a quick text. Nothing. It came to a point where I go the other way whenever I see Blake and Y/N. I've lost all hope in Y/N ever talking to me again so I became very depressed. I started to draw and discovered that I'm quite decent at it. Reece didn't expect me to be decent at drawing as well.

"You should join the upcoming contest, mate! I'm telling you, your masterpiece will win!" Reece exclaims. He's been hinting non-stop about the upcoming art contest.

"Reece, seriously stop talking about the contest! If you're excited for it, then YOU join it. Not me." I chuckle as I quickly put my books in my locker quickly.

"I prefer looking at art rather than making art. Although, sometimes, I consider myself as art." Reece says boastfully.

I shook my head and laugh. Maybe I should join the art contest.

>fast forward to the art contest<

I decided to enter the art contest and draw the moment that keeps playing in my head: the day I met Y/N. the day she was reaching a book from the top shelf, but I got it instead. To other people, it's a d*ck move. To be honest, I just did it so that she can notice me.

"Alright. Thank you all for participating. The results will be posted in 2 weeks!" The guy in charge said.

I quickly got up from my seat after writing my name at the bottom of my drawing. Walking out of the room, I text Reece.

To Reece 🤣: Mate, I'm done at the art contest. Will we still walk home together?

Reece and I walk home together. Mainly because we have the same route. I finally arrive at my locker and I got a text from Reece.

To George 🙈: Sorry, mate. I had to go home early. My parents went out and no one's gonna look after Lexi. How's the contest?

I decided to text back later and walk to Starbucks. I arrive at Starbucks and breath in the smell of coffee. I walk to the counter and say my order. After a minute, I hear them calling my name. I walk up to the barista and get my usual drink. I look around and see Y/N sitting alone. I smile to myself and sit with her.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask.

Your P.O.V

"Is this seat taken?" A familiar voice asks. I look up and see George. I smile and shake my head saying, "No. Not taken."

George sits down in front of me as we make small talk. George somehow made me forget about Blake and I'm very thankful for that.

Blake's been having issues lately. He's so paranoid about....things. Don't get me wrong, Blake is such a sweetheart. He never hurt me and he's a gentleman. In this generation, it's very rare to find a guy with good intentions. I know I should be grateful to have a boyfriend like him and I'm eternally grateful. Hopefully, we can fix everything.

"I missed you." George says after a minute of silence.

"I missed you too." I smile. As soon as I said that, I got a text from Blake.

From Blake 💕: let's meet x

* * * *
A/N: sorry this took so long and sorry for the cliffhanger 😂

My laptop's messing with me that's why I took so long and I'm using my iPad.

Co-writer of this imagine: animesh_celle ❤️

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