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brads_gurl tagged me so I'll do it xD

13 Facts:

1.) I can do a decent Britney Spears impression. I can also do a pretty decent British accent.

2.) I really want to be a singer when I grow up. I used to want to be a doctor.

3.) I'm scared of every animal that ever existed on this planet. Yes, I'm scared of animals. I'm also scared of sounds. If a phone is ringing too long bc no one's answering it or when an alarm comes on and doesn't stop or when there's traffic and cars keep honking their horn and won't fucking stop...I'm just scared of sounds fam. In short, I have loads of fears.

4.) My dream guy: 



has an accent

can play an instrument

can sing

can do magic


intelligent (in his own way..street smart or book smart)

kind and loving

can cook bc I can't cook tbh xD


can speak a different language

understanding and honest

loves with no condition <3

5.) I started this account on March 9, 2013. 

6.) I started writing this book on November 12, 2014. I just gave it a shot and the rest was history!

7.) I'm a very sentimental person.

8.) I'm a cry baby.

9.) I'm not bragging, but I'm both book smart and street smart. Idk I was raised like this xD Pls no hate. (Also, I got  perfect score on my Philosophy exam and I didn't even study like whaaaat)

10.) I'm half Filipino, half Japanese.

11.) I'm spoiled, because I'm an only child. I'm not a brat tho...or am I?

12.) I absolutely love going to the movies! If a boy were to take me out on a first date, it would definitely be the movies. 

13.) I really like my bio on Intsagram and Twitter xD 

On Instagram it's: my feed is like Lionel. It's Messi.

On Twitter it's: I'm a queen. Queens don't interact with peasants like you.

I'm not throwing shade at anyone on my Twitter bio tho. That's just a generalization xD

This was really fun to write! Hopefully you learned something a bit more about me! 

Comment down below if you want me to do a Q&A thing. If so, just comment the questions you want to ask :)

Finally, I'm tagging:





Tumblr: in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh

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