Bradley Simpson Imagine AU (Part 3)

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"Yeah. Hey everyone, this is my Aunt Y/N." Audrey nervously smiled at you, whilst holding a cigarette. 

"She don't look like no aunt I ever had." One guy said. You just faked a smile at him, because any minute now, you're about to lose your shit.

You turned down the volume of the awful music and walked towards Audrey who started to smoke, "What're you doing? What is this?" you asked her calmly and took the cigarette out of her grip. 

"I thought you wanted to meet my friends!" Audrey laughed. "This is Big D. He's a DJ. This is his mix." she introduced you a guy wearing something a rapper would wear. 

"Sup?" the guy said, holding a beer. You just looked at him for a really long time and squinted. "what's up?" you said bitterly. "You have a fat crib." he replied, drinking his beer. You raised your eyebrows and said, "Thanks, I guess." 

You were about to say something when your phone rang. You excused yourself and answered your phone in the kitchen. 

"Hello?" you said. 

"Hey Y/N! It's Y/S/N. I'm calling to remind you about lunch on Saturday." Y/S/N said. 

"Okay. We'll be there on time." you sighed. 

"Good. What's that noise?" Y/S/N asked. 

"Um, Audrey has some friends over." you said quite frustrated. 

"On a school night?! Oh no, Y/N. Tell them to leave now." Y/S/N said and you can tell she put her hands on her hips.

"What if they ask why?" you bit your lip nervously. Why were you so nervous about this? You're older than them! Show 'em who's boss! 

"Tell them, 'because I said so'." Y/S/N said with such power and bossiness in her voice. It's easy for her, because she's a mom of two. Then again, her kids aren't troublemakers. I guess it's just natural for a mother to be powerful and bossy. 

"Okay. I'll be right back." you told her and removed your phone from your ear and went out of the kitchen. With your phone in hand, you took a deep breath and muttered to yourself, "I can do this."

"Um, hey! Hey everyone! I think it's time for y'all to leave. This fat crib is closing." you said with all the confidence you can gather. You immediately cringed at what you said, but if teen lingo works then so be it.

"Why?" Audrey asked.

Oh shit.

"B-because, because I said so." you stuttered. Now, why the fuck did you stutter? 

"Ey! I tell you what, we'll leave in a few minutes alright?" Big D said as he took Audrey by the hips and danced with her. 

Ew. That's disgusting. 

You went back to the kitchen and put your phone on your ear again.

"Well?!" Y/S/N asked.

"They won't leave!" you sighed heavily.

"Y/N GET NILMA NOW!!!" Y/S/N said loudly. 

Now, here you are asking help for Nilma. She said she would help in a few seconds. After 5 seconds (a/n: hello to my 5sos fam), she came out with a baseball bat and asked out of breath, "Where are they?" You can tell that she ran around her house frantically looking for a bat. You didn't say anything. Instead, you pointed at your apartment and that's when she ran as if she's in a Roman war or something. 

Nilma was your savior that night! In less than five minutes, everyone was out. Already outside, Nilma shouted a "good night Y/N!" and went back to her apartment. 

1D, 5sos, Youtubers, The Vamps, & NHC Preferences and Imagines :)Where stories live. Discover now