Bradley Simpson Imagine AU (Part 2)

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You arrived at the playground, the last part of the tour. There were lots parents and kids there.

"And here's the playground." Pastor Brad said.

"Whoa! Aunt Y/N, I wanna play over there!" Sarah excitedly screamed.

"Go play over there, then." You smiled at her. She immediately ran to the swings followed by Audrey and Henry.

"Thank you so much, Pastor Brad."

"Please, call me Brad. And that's no prob—"

"Pastor Brad!" A lady yelled and waved at Brad.

Brad sighed and groaned and told you he'll be back.

"Hey Mrs. Jones!" you overheard Brad greet.

"I made you some brownies." The lady or Mrs. Jones said.

"He gets a lot of brownies." A lady stands next to you.

"Really?" You ask.

"Mhm. I'm Lisa and this is my son Brayden." Lisa smiles at you.

"Hi I'm Y/N." You smile back. After 5 seconds, Brad came back.

"Well I got to go. My husband's waiting for me and Brayden. Bye Y/N, bye Pastor Brad." Lisa smiled and left.

-time skip to the kids going to school-

"Let's go! We're gonna be late for school!" you yelled.

You walked around your apartment grabbing your things, when you saw the bathroom door closed.

'Oh, for fucks sake.' You said to yourself. "Audrey, get out of the bathroom!" you shouted.

"I'm not in there." Audrey said from her room.

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. If Audrey's not in the bathroom, then who is? You opened the door to find Sarah sitting on the edge of the tub fully clothed, crying.

"Sarah, honey, what's wrong?" you ask worriedly.

"I can't do it." Sarah cried as she looked down at her shoes with shoelaces untied.

"Oh. Well, I'll just tie them—" You said and started to tie her shoelaces, but she slapped your hands away.

"No! You don't know how!" Sarah cried. You didn't know what to do.

"Sarah, we need to go. You don't want to be late for school, do you?" You ask and she shook her hand.

Henry came in the bathroom to fix his necktie and heard all the fuss.

"Mom was teaching her how to tie her shoelaces just before." Henry said before leaving the bathroom.

"Oh I see. And she had a very special way of doing it." You said as Sarah nodded. "Well, we were probably taught the same way. Let me remember. It was something about—"

"Bunnies." Sarah finished for you.

"That's right. Bunny ears." You said and grabbed her foot with the untied shoelace.

"You make two bunny ears. One goes around the tree, and into the burrow. Pull tight." You finished with a smile and you looked up at Sarah with her goofy little grin.

"Yeah! Thank you Aunt Y/N." Sarah grinned.


You arrived at school on time.

"Hey everyone!" Brad greeted.

"Hey Pastor Brad!" the kids greeted cheerfully.

"Okay kids. Have fun at school! Audrey, Henry stop fighting okay? I'll just bring Sarah to her classroom." You said.

1D, 5sos, Youtubers, The Vamps, & NHC Preferences and Imagines :)Where stories live. Discover now