The past & present

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You remembered the fear, and the pain you endured at the age of four. You had been sitting and playing in the living room with your stuffed rabbit while your parents were talking in hushed tones in the kitchen. When you heard the door break open and three men came storming into your house. You were terrified at the time, they looked so odd. They wore grey uniforms with a red octopus on the front of their chest and they had guns. They fired at point blank range and shot both of your parents while you watched horrified. One man came over and picked you up, ripping the stuffed rabbit from your clutches while you screamed. They took you from your home and threw you into a trunk of their car before speeding away. You remembered screaming until no sound came out, you didn't understand what was happening. For four years, you were experimented on ruthlessly, treated like a pin cushion for needles and tests. When your abilities surfaced, they would torture you to use them, and when not to use them. There was no ending to the pain. You had fought them, until you would pass out from trying to get away. For four years, there was only pain.
Then one day, a battle came and you were shoved into your cell to wait for instructions that never came. Only a man with an eye patch that was holding a gun as he looked down at you in shock in your dirtied state, and ripped clothes.
"Are there any others?" he asked gently, and you remembered only your parents would use that tone with you. The kindness in his voice brought tears to your eyes. You shook your head, as the only others that you had seen come in, had already left in body bags. "I need you to be quiet, and I need you to be brave. Can you do that?" you nodded. "Move away from the door, I need to shoot it open. My team is in the middle of clearing the base, we didn't know there was hostages"
"What's a hostage?" you whispered.
"Someone who was taken against their will" he watched you move away from the door.
"Who are you?" your bottom lip trembled as you continued to have tears fall down your face.
"Nick Fury" he spoke gently and shot at the door. You cringed, wondering if he was going to hurt you like they did. "I'm getting you back to your family"
"They killed my family" you started crying. "I've been here for four years"
"Then we will get you a new family" he sighed reaching in and holding out his hand.
"Please don't hurt me too" you begged.
"Kid, I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?" he got down on one knee still holding out his hand.
"Y/N" you wiped at your face.
"Okay Y/N, I'm going to bring you somewhere safe, and no one will hurt you again" he promised.
"No more making me do things?" you asked taking a small step towards him.
"No, I'm going to ask you a lot of questions about what they did to you though. Can you handle that?" he licked his lips watching you curiously.
"Just don't hurt me" you begged, finally taking his hand. He quickly pulled you to him and picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and continued to cry as he walked you out of your former prison and to your new life.

"Your dad is going to hate this Y/N" Maria Hill stood back-to-back with you while twenty hydra soldiers surrounded you both. You grinned and whipped your hands out in a swaying motion before two whips of ice came out. "We haven't checked in, in a week since they fucked with the jet" she continued. "What are the odds that we get out of this alive?" she asked with a smirk.
"Babe, you're with me. We got this, and if we don't, we die" you giggled and started attacking your pursuers. You threw up ice shields around both of you as the sounds of gunfire filled the air.
"I hate it when you call me babe" Maria sighed. "Your always about to do something stupid when you do"
"Trust me babe" you flipped yourself out of the ice shield and used your whips to freeze several men in front of you. A second flick of the whip, cut them in their frozen state in half, littering the ground with bodies. "Dad would approve" you giggled throwing your whips out again, and doing the attack again. Five men were left and you decided to go with hand to hand combat since they had already taken your gun when they took you prisoner a few days ago. You let them, so you could get inside the base to get to the data you wanted. Escaping had been fairly easy since they didn't know your abilities. You felt a bullet hit you in the side, and one grazed your arm. You threw up ice walls again, and checked back to see Maria was busy with two men. You jumped over the wall again, and jumped on them taking them on hand to hand. You moved like a practiced dancer as you moved around them and taking their guns from them before shooting them.
"Is that it?" you looked around. "That's all they had for me?" you panted.
"Next time you call me babe, I will punch you. That was stupid, and you got hit" she came over to check on you.
"That was fun" you giggled and saw two men approaching, that clearly were not Hydra. You knew their faces from your fathers files and the news.
"Looks like we are late for the party, impressive skills ladies" Tony came over with a smirk. "Maria" he nodded to her. "I don't believe I know you though"
"Y/N" you pressed a hand to your side. "Nice to meet ya Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers. Mind giving us a lift"
"Seriously, you are just going to ask them to give us a lift?" Maria rolled her eyes at you.
"First of all, clearly Fury called them in to help out" you looked at Steve for confirmation and he gave half a smirk. "Secondly, the jet's trashed. How else are we going to get home? Daisy is waiting on me"
"We did get called in, did not expect you" Tony looked you over.
"Most people don't. I wont take it personally" you gave a smile, and a quick wink.
"Steve Rogers" Steve held out his hand to you. You wiped the blood off of your hand and shook his hand.
"Y/N" you smiled. "Pleasure to meet you Captain"
"Come on, jets this way. We already hooked up your wreck of a jet to ours to bring back" Tony snapped his fingers and you looked to Maria who just shrugged.
"We will have to take care of those wounds" Steve pointed out as you both followed them back.

Once you got into the jet, you and Maria looked around marveling at the large size of it. Avengers did pretty good for themselves you thought.
"Incoming call from Director Fury" you heard a woman's voice come over the intercom as the back of the jet closed up and you put on your seatbelt beside Maria.
"You're in shit" Maria whispered.
"Shut up, if he asks, it was your idea" you responded quickly.
"Agent Y/N!" you heard your fathers voice over the loud speaker. "What happened to checking in with me weekly?"
"Hydra trashed the communications in the jet sir" you flinched a little.
"You are to come straight back to base, is that clear?" you heard the threat in his voice. "Agent Hill, have I made myself clear?" he demanded.
"Yes sir, we are on our way sir. We just need to stop by the medical wing first sir" Maria spoke firmly.
"I want a very detailed report on the last month when you both get back. My office as soon as your out of medical" Fury demanded.
"Sir, yes sir!" you rolled your eyes. "One question sir"
"Agent" his voice softened a bit.
"How is Miss Daisy?" you bit your bottom lip.
"She misses you" you could hear the man that had brought you up as his own daughter in his voice that time. Always gentle and kind. Not how he normally spoke to everyone else.
"Tell her mommy's coming home" you sighed leaning back still holding your wound.
"Thank you Stark and Rogers for going to get them" you heard Fury go back to his director voice again.
"Just send me a case of champagne, we didn't have to do anything but give them a lift" Tony spoke dryly and looked over his shoulder at both of you curiously. "We need to have a talk when we get there"
"Meet me in my office" Fury shut off communications and Steve came over with a first aid kit.
"Her first" you gestured to Maria.
"You're the one with the bullet hole" she argued.
"Therefore will take more time. Let the man help, look at him. He's helpful" you smiled. You saw Steve blush a little and take a look at Maria who had to take off her jacket to show him the knife wounds she had endured. He took care of them quickly, taking his time to clean everything and gauze it when he was done.
"Y/N" Steve looked at you. You nodded and pulled off your jacket to show you were only wearing a bra underneath. He turned a deep red and looked away.
"I had to use my shirt to help escape my cell" you explained. "Just give Maria the first aid kit, its not our first rodeo"
"I'll do it" he spoke gently and went to take care of the knife wounds, bullet wounds and the hole in your stomach. "How long were you prisoner?" he asked gently.
"A week" Maria answered for you.
"Hey, I needed a way in. I told you to wait for me" you argued, and hissed as the rubbing alcohol touched your skin.
"Your way in was yelling, "Hey hydra, I heard you're a bunch of pussies" and faking that you couldn't fight them off" Maria snorted. "That's so going in the report"
"It worked, didn't it?" you giggled, then winced as Steve continued working on your numerous wounds.
"Shouldn't you be more careful if you have a kid at home?" Steve asked.
"A kid?" you cocked an eyebrow. "Well, I guess she is kind of a kid. She's older, she's fine"
"You don't look that old" he flushed.
"Neither do you Cap" you winked at him. "But here you are"
"Nat has an extra shirt in the back" Tony called over after having turned around and seeing you sitting there half naked.
"Oh my gosh, I just realized something" you looked at Maria.
"What?" she smirked knowing a smart-ass comment was coming.
"Bye bye bikini's" you grinned.
"You haven't worn any of the ones I bought you yet" Maria laughed.
"That's because I'm a lady, and men do not need or like to see that" you giggled. "That tickles Steve"
"I can think of several men that like bikini's" Tony called over, liking the light hearted banter going on in the back.
"Try explaining that one to her, I haven't gotten her on any successful dates in months" Maria complained.
"Guys get scared once they know I can kick their ass" you shrugged. "Besides, I love my job. I have no time for dating"
"Yes you do, I'm tired of the midnight texts" Maria sighed. "What about Neil from accounting?"
"No, he does that thing every time I walk by" you shook your head.
"What's that?" she countered quickly.
"Hides" you smirked.
"That's because he looked at your boobs once, and you threatened to dick punch him" Maria shook her head.
"Another reason why he's a no" you pursed your lips.
"All done" Steve pulled away. "I'll go get you that shirt" he walked away, his face was still red. He came back and looked away as he handed you a shirt. You put it on and it was a bit tight, and showed part of your midriff.
"Thank you, mister Rogers," you smiled brightly at him, and started helping cleaning up everything with Steve trying not to look you in the face. You figured it was because he had seen you in your lingerie.
"You'll still need to talk to the doctor when we get back" he spoke carefully.
"What about Gary on Delta team?" Maria asked suddenly. You rolled your eyes and leaned your head back pretending to go to sleep. It wasn't long until you actually were asleep.  

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