Getting Stronger

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When you woke in the morning, and for the next few days it was always to Bucky beside you. He would get out of bed, and go to his room to change to go for his morning run, and take Daisy with him. During the day you had multiple members of the team stop in to check on you and your status, with Doctor Cho being the main visitor monitoring you constantly for any changes. The fever was taking its time to die down this time, but the pain was decreasing significantly. Every night Bucky would bring you soup and would eat supper with you before he would turn on a movie, or play the record player for you for a while. He eventually got you to open your presents from the team, which consisted of teddy bears, new records, another set of headphones, books, magazines etc. You even had a new word search puzzle to try to play while you had time to yourself during the day. At night Bucky even tried to help you play them for a bit. He was quicker to find the words than you were. Once the fever broke for good Doctor Cho decided it was best to leave the IV and antibiotics still in for a few days. You were getting stronger, and started taking sponge baths in the bathroom, and resorted to washing your hair in the sink until you could take a shower again. By the fifth day, you knew it was Sunday so your father would be there for breakfast. You were going stir crazy, and decided to wake Bucky first for a change. He looked a little startled that you were awake before him, and smiled when you leaned down to give him his good morning kiss, which had become part of your morning ritual.
"I'm going to breakfast today" you pulled back with a smile.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" he looked worried.
"Yes, I need to do this" you nodded resolutely. "I'm going to go change" you got up slowly and pulled the IV with you into the closet before closing the door. You changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts and put on a pair of sneakers before coming back out. You couldn't wear your hoodie like you wanted to since it wasn't baggy enough to get the bag through. When you came out Bucky was already changed and waiting.
"I'll walk you down, then I'll take Daisy out" he gave a smile and followed you to the door. You pulled the IV beside you and went slowly, worried since the last time you tried going down the hallway you didn't have much luck. Bucky held out his arm for you to hold onto while you both went incredibly slowly down the hallway. Steve, Sam, and Scott looked at you worriedly as they passed by but you were determined.

"Look what the cat dragged in" Tony smiled as you got to the table. You were proud that you made it without falling on your ass, and knew you had Bucky to thank for it. "We heard the fever broke, I was wondering how long until you had the strength to join us"
"I need to try" you blushed as you sat down, and Bucky pushed in your chair.
"Its about damn time" Nat grinned.
"We missed having you here" Bruce added.
"Meals have been boring without your mind to dive into" Loki rolled his eyes when you blushed again. "Still a gentleman I see Sargent" You looked over to see Bucky blushing and looking away.
"Good morning pumpkin" you heard Fury come up behind you and Maria was close behind him.
"We checked your room first" Maria informed you quickly. "I left you another one of those word searches you were messaging me about, your dad bought you a huge teddy bear" she took a seat.
"Why a teddy bear?" you looked at Fury confused. "You never even bought me one as a kid"
"Because I damn well should have" Fury shrugged giving you a kiss on top of the head. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm not in as much pain, thankfully. I thought it was never going to go away. The fever broke too" you bit your bottom lip.
"Doctor Cho said at least two more days on the IV, as long as you keep recovering but then its back to the pills until they are done" Fury nodded.
"I think I lost them" you admitted.
"No, they're in my office" Bruce offered. "You left them on the table that first day, I was going to bring them back to you but then the fever came back" he explained.
"Does she know how long until you can come running with us again?" Sam asked curiously.
"Once she has her strength back, that might take some time" Doctor Cho came in the room with the antibiotic bag and snapped it into the IV line. You grimaced knowing you'd be feeling tired again shortly. She took a seat down beside Maria and smiled at you gently. Bucky handed you some food and you took a little before passing it down. You ate slowly, trying to enjoy your time with the team. Conversation flowed easily, and you found yourself laughing and joking with everyone easily now. Peter and Pietro announced it was their turn to take Daisy out after breakfast, and you couldn't help but feel blessed they loved her almost as much as you did. You started to yawn in spite of yourself, feeling the meds kick in.
"Let me grab your dishes" Bucky got up quickly to put them away.
"Your therapy starts tomorrow" Fury warned you. They are going to come visit you while the others are at their own meetings"
"Okay pops" you yawned again. "I'll talk to them" you promised.
"How have your nightmares been?" he asked pointedly.
"Nonexistent. I haven't had one since Maria was with me Wednesday, at night at least" you admitted more to yourself.
"What changed?" he looked at you curiously. You thought of how you had been sharing a bed with Bucky, and that's all that had really changed.
"Dunno" you quickly lied and felt your face flush. Maria gave you a knowing look and gave a smirk. You heard Wanda gave a giggle, and saw her lean into Vision a little.
"Want me to carry you back doll?" Bucky offered.
"I'm okay, I can do it" you stood up slowly.
"I'll see you next Sunday pumpkin" Fury stood up to give you a kiss on the cheek and sat back down to finish.
"I'll see you all at lunch" you waved and started making your way back slowly. Bucky took two long strides and took your free arm and led you back to your room. You had to stop a few times, and bit your bottom lip determined to make it back without sitting down.
"Let me carry you doll" Bucky whispered. You looked at him, and the distance you had left to cover and finally gave in. You gave a slight nod, and he picked you up and you held the pole with the IV as he carried you back into your room and put you back on the bed. You saw the giant dog teddy bear, and the new wordsearch on your bed and gave a small smile. Bucky pulled back the blankets and put them over you and you grabbed at his hand before he could leave. He gave a small smile and a nod before grabbing a book he had brought from his room and went around to lay on your other side so you could snuggle in again. You quickly fell asleep and he stayed beside you to make sure you stayed asleep.

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