Movies and mornings

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After you both put your laundry away, Bucky came to get you to go back to the living room. Daisy dutifully followed you both over to the couch where Bucky took his normal spot, and pulled you down beside him. Daisy went over to her dog bed where she had a toy ready for her. Bucky handed you the controller and you turned on one of your favorite movies "Fantastic Beasts and where to find them".
"What's this about?" he asked, putting his arm around you.
"You'll see" you grinned as you turned up the volume a little bit and snuggled into him. "If you don't like it, we can turn it off" you promised.
As the movie started, you could tell he was getting into it. He chuckled as he watched the Niffler run across the screen making mischief. You snuggled more into him, enjoying his reactions more than the movie itself. He seemed to really be getting into it as more and more of the creatures came into play. You got more comfortable, and laid across the couch with your head on his lap. He put his hand on your hip, and the other one played absentmindedly with your hair. You nuzzled into his lap more, just enjoying the moment. You started to cry at the ending when Jacob willingly let his memories go, because he knew it was against the rules that he knew about magic. Bucky leaned down and kissed you on the cheek, brushing away your tears.
"That was a good movie doll, I loved it" he whispered to you.
"The next one is pretty good too" you sat up and gave a soft smile.
"We should watch it sometime" he grinned and pulled you to him. You got up on his lap and touched both sides of his face and he mirrored your actions. You leaned your forehead against his, just enjoying the moment. "This could be considered a date" he whispered.
"I guess its our third date then" you smiled. "So the fourth one when I get back?" you asked hopefully.
"We aren't stopping there doll" he chuckled, and tipped your chin towards him as his nose brushed against yours and you closed your eyes in anticipation as his lips claimed yours. He started off softly and slowly before he started to deepen the kiss, his hands starting to roam down your back and up your sides. You sighed softly into the kiss, and he let out a small moan as he coaxed you to move your hips against him. You smiled against his lips and you felt him do the same. He started to pull you closer and kiss you harder so it was almost as thought it was all tongue and teeth. You couldn't help the moan that came out of you, and you continued to move against him again.
"Fuck" he whispered and started kissing down the side of your neck again, while one hand kept moving your hips, and the other came up to palm at your breasts again. You felt him pinch one of your nipples through the material and let out another moan. He came back to kissing your lips again, plunging his tongue in deeply. You could hear the credits of the movie ongoing behind you, but couldn't be bothered to turn off the tv. You were hyper focused on Bucky, and only him. He slowly started to calm down the kiss and pulled back and smiled widely at you. "I owe you some flowers, I didn't get them today" his voice was deep and raspy.
"You don't have to get me flowers on every date" you shook your head, and sat back more on his knees trying to catch your breath.
"Let me take care of my dame" he shook his head. "I'll pick some up for you tomorrow"
"Its not so much of a surprise if I know about them" you giggled.
"I'll find a way to surprise you yet" he winked. You grabbed the controller and turned off the television over your shoulder. "Come on, lets get you to bed" he pulled you close and started to stand up, holding you by the underneath of your thighs.
"I can't, I have to take out Daisy" you wrapped your legs around him and he grinned.
"How about I'll run her out, and you go get ready for bed? She won't be long, she's still tired. It's after midnight, and you have a big day tomorrow" he suggested and you bit your bottom lip thinking about it before nodding. "Give me a reason to come in and say goodnight again"
"Is it you that keeps tucking me in?" you finally clued in.
"You'll catch a cold if you don't lay under the blankets. I don't sleep much" he admitted shyly.
"You're the sweetest. Thank you" you leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He grinned in spite of himself and set you down gracefully. He called Daisy and she sat up in her bed giving a yawn.
"I'll see you in a few minutes" he gave you a quick kiss and opened the door and she dutifully followed him out onto the balcony and down the stairs. You made your way to your room and put on a white lace nightgown and changed your panties. You sat on the bed brushing your hair, looking to where you had left the bedroom door open slightly. Bucky came in through your balcony door and smiled as he looked at you, his eyes drinking everything in. "You're testing my limits doll" his voice was raspy again.
"Are you going to kiss me good night?" you batted your eyelashes at him, and he climbed across the bed and pulled you to him as his lips crashed against yours hungrily. He pulled you to him as he sat down, and you ended up on his lap again. His tongue brushed against your lips and you opened up for him easily as he deepened the kiss. He let out a moan as you moved your hips against him, feeling his erection through the fabric of his jeans quite easily. You let out a satisfied moan as his hands started roaming again, carefully staying on top of the lace. He reached for your breasts again, since you were moving your hips on your own, and he teased your nipples again. He groaned as the hardened buds started almost to strain against the fabric. He started to kiss down the side of your neck, and paused at your collarbone for a moment and you could feel him leaving another kiss mark there. You had been running your hands through his hair the whole time, however found yourself running your nails up and down his back. He made his way back up to your lips and gave you a few soft kisses before pulling back. His eyes were almost a midnight blue they were so dark, but he smiled at you easily.
"Was that okay for a goodnight kiss?" he teased.
"Ten out of ten, I'd highly recommend you for future good night kisses" you nodded with a giggle.
"Good, because I'll be coming back for another one tomorrow" his eyes were filled with promise. You were so focused on Bucky, you had barely noticed that Daisy was passed out on the pillow next to both of you and Alpine was on your bed beside her watching you both curiously. Bucky seemed to notice him at the same time, and you both reached out to pet Alpine at the same time. He started purring and came closer. You couldn't help the smile that went across your face.
"Looks like someone's been waiting on their daddy to go to bed" you giggled.
"He seems to like Daisy" he mused. "Its good they get along"
"Alpine just has good taste" you leaned forward and kissed Bucky on the cheek. "Thank you for the good night kiss, and for taking out Daisy"
"My pleasure doll, I'm headed for a cold shower" he chuckled as you slipped off of his lap.
"Why would you take a cold shower?" you laughed. "Just take care of it the old-fashioned way"
"Super soldier serum, its hard to stop at one" he winked at you and got off the bed, and you flushed. "You'll see someday"
"That's being presumptive" you teased.
"I'm keeping a positive outlook" he grinned picking up Alpine who scrambled up onto his shoulder and he went out your door. You quickly took your meds and laid back, testing a theory and stayed on top of the covers.

When you woke up, you realized you had slept in. There was too much light in your bedroom. You turned in the bed, realizing you were under the covers and saw on your nightstand there was a large bouquet of flowers in a vase beside your bed. You couldn't help the smile on your face. You looked at the time, and realize it was only half an hour until breakfast. You reached for Daisy, but saw that she was already gone, and knew instinctively it was Bucky that grabbed her this morning. You hummed to yourself as you went to get changed into a pair of black ripped up skinny jeans, and a graphic t-shirt with your red converse sneakers. You took the time to do your makeup, still smiling to yourself before coming out and making your bed quickly. You were excited for a girls day, it had been a long time since you had gone shopping. You grabbed your purse, putting your phone and wallet inside before checking the time and saw that you didn't have long to make it to breakfast. You rushed down the hallway, and Bucky was already standing there with a smile on his face waiting by your chair.
"Thank you for the flowers, and taking Daisy out" you blushed as you got closer.
"My pleasure doll" he leaned down and kissed you on the cheek as you sat in your chair and he pushed you in.
"I'm taking it you are all talk, going for a run every morning" Sam grinned at you. "I didn't see no sexy legs this morning"
"I slept in" you admitted shyly. "I was up late watching a movie"
"What movie did you watch?" Nat asked curiously.
"Fantastic Beasts and where to find them" Bucky answered for you.
"I've never seen it" she shook her head.
"That's a crime!" you were shocked. "How can you have never seen that movie? That's like saying you've never seen the Greatest Showman"
"I haven't seen that one either" Wanda grinned.
"But they are amazing movies. You need to watch them. I warn you, there may be tears, but its so worth every second" you saw everyone was looking at you. "What?"
"You seem very passionate about these movies" Steve chuckled.
"Of course I am, they are fantastic. How can you have movie nights and never seen them?" you shook your head.
"Sounds like Newbie is in charge of the next movie night" Tony announced. "After her mission of course"
"How did the talk with Fury go?" Steve asked him softly. Tony shook his head.
"There's no talking him out of it" Tony seemed a little upset. "He's deep in a mission with Maria right now, and said that it was a priority"
"Well, by the time I get back, he should be back too. I'll have words with him" you decided. "I'm not a puppet anymore"
"More confidence coming out of you kitten, I like it" Loki smirked leaning forward. "Tell me, do you plan on also telling him you are dating the winter soldier?"
"I'm not dating the winter soldier, because that's not Bucky. I'm dating Bucky" you flushed a bit saying it out loud. You blushed a deep red and saw Bucky grinning from ear to ear. "Stop calling him that. That's what Hydra did to him, but its not who he is. He's a hero, and I wont hear any different" you continued.
"Well said" Loki smiled. "I wondered how long until you told me off for those remarks"
"You're lucky I waited. I had more to say" you admitted, and felt Bucky lean over and kiss your cheek again.
"Thank you for defending my honor doll" Bucky chuckled. "I'm used to Loki trying to get a rise out of me"
"Shall I tell the soldier you slept on top of the blankets last night, just so he would tuck you in?" Loki chuckled at how red your face went. Steve, Scott and Sam looked at Bucky in surprise, who just shrugged.
"She forgets all the time, I don't mind" he grinned.
"Isn't it kind of, I don't know, creepy?" Scott asked you directly.
"I think its sweet" you shrugged, taking a bite of your food. "Its nice that he takes care of me, even when I don't know about it until later"
"Someone needs to" Bucky grinned looking at you.
"Are you excited for girls day?" Wanda asked suddenly.
"Very much so, I'm planning on actually buying something even if its not on sale" you smiled at her.
"We need new party dresses, Tony is itching to have another party soon" Wanda grinned.
"That's true" Pepper nodded.
"We will help you choose out something nice" Nat promised. "I have a feeling you're going to want something in dark blue"
"Naturally we will need shoes to match as well" Pepper added in for good measure.
"Can I watch Daisy today doll?" Bucky asked you softly.
"Thank you Bucky" you smiled at him genuinely, wanting to give him a kiss.
"Save that for after" Wanda whispered across the table. You quickly finished eating and put your dishes in the sink before coming back to sit down.
"I'll go get the car" Happy decided putting his plate away and headed out towards the front door. The rest of the girls went and put their plates away, each giving their loved ones a kiss on the cheek. You leaned forward to kiss Bucky on the cheek, but he was prepared and moved so that you would kiss him on the lips. He eagerly brushed his tongue against yours, and taking your breath away as he continued to kiss you. You heard Wanda giggle while they waited for you.
"Get spoiled doll" Bucky touched the side of your cheek. "I'll be here with Daisy when you get home" he promised. You nodded and stood up, and gave him another quick kiss on the cheek before following Nat, Pepper, and Wanda towards the front door and to your shopping day.

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