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When you woke up in the morning, you were still encircled in Bucky's arms. You could feel him breathing steadily on the back of your neck. You gave a small stretch and saw that it was almost time for his run. You shimmied in his arms until you were facing him and kissed him gently on the lips. It didn't take him long to respond and you felt his arms tighten around you.
"Good morning beautiful" he smiled, as he pulled back from the kiss.
"Good morning handsome" you touched the side of his cheek, gazing into his eyes feeling butterflies in your stomach. "Its almost time for your run with the boys" you gave a small smile.
"Or, I could stay in bed with you" he smirked, and you wanted to kiss the smirk off of him.
"Steve was worried about you missing yesterday" you reminded him.
"That punk is like a mother hen" he sighed. "Alright, I'll bring Daisy with me" he gave his flirty smile and all you wanted to do was snuggle more into him.
"Thank you for last night" you blushed a bit.
"That was my pleasure doll" he winked. "I enjoyed it immensely"
"You're not upset?" you flushed.
"What could I possibly be upset about?" he looked worried for a moment.
"Its not sex" you looked away.
"That will happen naturally on its own, I'm in no hurry. Besides, we can't really with an IV sticking out of you" he reminded you. You swept your gaze back up to his face and bit your bottom lip giving a soft smile.
"I'm clean" you stammered a little. "And I'm on birth control" you flushed again.
"I'm clean too" he flushed a little that you were both talking about it at least.
"Have you slept with people since you came to the team?" you asked honestly curious.
"A few" he nodded hesitantly. "I stopped over a year ago, couldn't find what I was looking for and a lot of dames these days move so fast, they want it on the first date" he blushed. "Tony and Steve have mandatory health exams every year, and I was checked out six months ago"
"Every six months at Shield, I was tested four months ago" you blushed as well. "I haven't.... for over five years. I didn't get to enjoy it" you admitted softly. "I thought there was something wrong with me"
"You seem to enjoy what we've been doing" he gave a small smile. "There's nothing wrong with you doll, there's something wrong with them. You'll see" he spoke confidently and you felt the butterflies again as you looked in his eyes. You leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips and he leaned into it, lingering for a few moments.
"You'd better go get changed before Steve gets worried" you rubbed your nose against his for a moment and gave another soft kiss.
"I'll bring you to breakfast" he nodded, giving you a kiss on the cheek before he rolled out of bed. You laid back and sighed softly watching him leave and just enjoying the view. You pulled the blankets up around you while Alpine jumped on your side, and you watched the balcony door. Bucky came back a few minutes later in a pair of grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt and whistled for Daisy who jumped off the bed excitedly and went out the door. Bucky spared you a flirty smile, and you felt your insides melt a little bit again.
You pat Alpine for a while, and listened to music trying to rest your eyes for a bit. You eventually got up and went to the closet and picked out a moss green dress, so you went with emerald green panties and bra to match at least a little before putting on your red converse sneakers. You put on Bucky's sweater again before going to brush your hair and teeth. Once you were done, you made the bed and then sat on the side and waited. You took the time to text Maria and ask what she was up to, and she told you she was trying not to scream at your father again. You snorted, knowing the amount she respected the man, she rarely lost it on him. You asked what he did this time, and she said she was still pissed he didn't tell her about the second surgery. You rolled your eyes and told her to get over it. You put everything you would need for the day in your pockets and grabbed the IV pole heading to the door and looking out. You were thirsty, but still wanted to wait on Bucky. You finally gave in to the need for caffeine since you could smell it all the way down at your room, and went and left a note saying "Gone to breakfast, sorry xoxo" with a big heart drawn around it and taped it to the balcony door. You made your way down slowly, getting frustrated that recovery was taking so long. You didn't bother to stop at the dining room and went into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee cup and saw Happy making breakfast.
"That smells divine" you sighed. "Please, can I take some of the coffee?" you asked politely.
"Help yourself" Happy chuckled while you added everything you wanted and took a grateful sip of it. You found a small stool and perched yourself on it watching Happy move around the kitchen. "I'll make another pot, drink as much as you want" he smiled over his shoulder at you and you continued to watch him curiously.
"You make a lot of meals" you observed.
"Everyone else gets busy, so there's a lot of takeout otherwise" he shrugged.
"Do you like cookies?" you asked raising an eyebrow.
"Of course, chocolate chip are my favorite. Cookies don't last long here" he grinned.
"I'd like to repay everyone for taking care of me, I like to bake... I was just thinking..." you drifted off finishing your coffee and making another one.
"Cookies are a good way to go if you are looking for something to bake" he nodded. "Do you bake often?"
"No, I'm normally on missions all the time. I used to before I turned sixteen and joined Shield" you admitted. "I loved it, because it was like science, and you could eat it when you were done"
"Did you ever take a vacation?" he looked at you seriously.
"No, this is the longest I haven't been on a mission in my life" you shook your head. "Pops never takes time off, so I didn't see a reason to. I've low key dreamt about it" you bit your bottom lip. "I don't know what I would do if I didn't have something I needed to do. Since the last mission, this recovery..." you trailed off.
"Must have been different" Happy gave a sly smile.
"Hell" you nodded. "I did make it to the kitchen without a break today, I'm proud of that" you gave a wide smile making another coffee, and Happy started to make another pot, making himself a coffee too.
"They still don't know how you survived it" Happy whispered to you. "You were pretty badly injured. I hear them talk about it"
"I'm too stubborn to die" you grinned. "Although, I was starting to think I might the day they came to get me. I was having a hard time to keep moving"
"Eight bullets and over ten stab wounds will do that to you. Is it true you used dirty clothes and duct tape?" he asked curiously.
"Its all I could find to stop the bleeding" you confirmed.
"That must have been hell" he shook his head sitting on the stool next to you. He smirked hearing music coming out of your pocket softly playing.
"It's just been a bad few weeks" you shrugged. "And now they want me to rest for another one" you shuddered.
"I didn't think you were a coffee drinker" he smirked.
"I used to take Daisy for a walk around the block every morning and I would always grab a Starbucks and drink it on my way home. I like tea as well" you gave a shy smile.
"We are always fully stocked on both, and the coffee pot is normally full" Happy tapped you on the shoulder before going back to making breakfast.
"What do you do when you're not working Happy?" you asked curiously.
"Watch my stories, read the newspaper, normal stuff" he shrugged. He pulled out a large pan of bacon from the oven and you took a deep inhale, loving the smell. You sat in companionable silence while you had another cup of coffee and just watched him cook. He seemed so at ease in the kitchen, and you admired him for it. Doctor Cho came in and grabbed a cup of coffee and smiled to you walking over and switching out the bags for what you hoped would be the last time. She took the seat beside you and just watched Happy with you.
"Breakfast is almost ready, you two should head into the dining room. I'm bringing it out now" he warned you both and you hopped off the stool and followed Doctor Cho into the dining room after finishing your coffee and putting the cup in the sink.

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