Public knowledge

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When you woke up you saw that Daisy was gone, but Bucky was still there holding you snoring softly. You took down your phone to check the time, and saw you still had half an hour before breakfast. You bit your bottom lip, the words Bucky whispered to you while you were sleeping but you heard loud and clear still echoed in your mind. You turned in his arms and kissed him softly on the forehead. He was still snoring so you moved so you whispered in his ear "I love you". You felt him pull you closer, but continued to sleep. You felt proud you were able to say that much. Even if he didn't hear you, you finally said it out loud. All those years of loneliness and heartbreak were worth it, for even just a moment with him. You laid back down fully, and nuzzled into his chest, wondering if all of this had been some kind of dream. If it was, it was the best dream you ever had. You started to drift off again slowly when you heard the door open slightly, and Daisy launched herself onto the bed. You heard Steve go to Bucky's room to walk through to get to his room. Daisy let out a loud yip and you knew it was time to get up. You pulled back and leaned up and kissed Bucky on the lips until he returned it. He grinned down at you, and pulled you in to kiss you again. His hand started to rub up and down your side before resting on your hip.
"Good morning" he pulled back giving a half smirk.
"Good morning handsome" you sighed. "Its time to get up"
"Unfortunately" he leaned forward and kissed you softly again. "Don't forget your phone, you have pictures to send me" he smirked.
"I took so many" you giggled. He pulled back the blanket and you shivered slightly but sat up and started heading to the closet to grab a pair of leggings and a t-shirt with matching undergarments. You slipped on a pair of sneakers and went to brush your teeth, noticing Bucky dressed quickly and was biting his bottom lip. You saw his drawers were almost empty.
"You should refill that" you grinned at him, and he flushed a bit and nodded. "I should probably empty another drawer for you" you added offhandedly. He came in the bathroom as you finished brushing your teeth, and he started to brush his own. You gave him a playful slap on the butt as you walked out, and went to wait by the door with Daisy at your feet for him to come with you to breakfast. When he finally joined you, he grabbed you by the hips and gave you a slow, sweet kiss on the lips, before leaning back and smiling softly to you and taking your hand and opening the door for you both. You led the way out with Daisy close on your heels. You both walked in silence, you were thinking about last night, and this morning. Bucky was thinking about last night, and the entire date that you had planned without his knowing and was still impressed you made it such a special night. He only wished he would have been able to say those three words while you were awake, so he would know if you felt the same.

"Good morning lovebirds" Sam grinned as you both walked in. Bucky pulled out your chair for you and you sat down before he pushed you in.
"How was the date?" Nat raised an eyebrow with a grin.
"What was the best part? The museum, the restaurant, the observatory, or star gazing?" Tony asked with a smirk.
"How did you..." you trailed off.
"Between social media and the newspaper we got the gist" Tony chuckled. "I told you to watch out for paparazzi"
"We only noticed the paparazzi when we were star gazing, and we behaved" Bucky flushed a bit, while Happy took out the newspaper. You saw a few pages in there was an article wondering who Bucky's girl was, and showing photo's of the two of you in the museum where he was holding you from behind, where you were sharing tiramisu, walking into the observatory, and finally looking through the telescope together.
"Those aren't so bad" you raised your eyebrows. "I mean, they could have caught us kissing"
"Tony bought all the rights to the other photos from the paparazzi before they made it to any other newspapers" Clint grinned at you. "He was swearing half the night"
"Sorry Tony" you looked over flinching.
"Social media has a few of the kiss photos, I can't get those taken down. Your dad called" Tony frowned a bit. "He wants to remind you he's coming to breakfast tomorrow, and wants to talk about the photo's"
"So, how was the date? Don't keep a girl waiting" Wanda repeated for Nat.
"It was the best date of my life" Bucky grinned, and took your hand kissing your knuckles. "They had this huge special exhibit on outer space, and they had all these meteor fragments and space debris. It was really interesting"
"You do realize we could take you to other worlds, right?" Loki raised his eyebrows at him.
"If Mister Starlord ever comes back, he could take you on his spaceship too" Peter chipped in.
"What Y/N brought me to see was enough for now" Bucky flushed. "It was the most thoughtful date in the world" he kissed your knuckles again before the food got handed down. He didn't miss a beat and started filling your plate for you even though you could do it for yourself, before he did his own plate. You smiled to yourself and started eating slowly, keeping your head down.
"Okay, what about the pictures you both took?" Pepper smiled. "Please say you took some"
"We did, its all on Y/N's phone" Bucky offered and you took out your phone and handed it to him, and he handed it to Pepper. Wanda and Nat got up quickly and stood behind her as they started going through them.
"You two are so adorable" Wanda cooed.
"I love this one, you should have it printed and put up on your wall in your room" Pepper smiled as she continued going through.
"That one is so cute. Look at them, they look so happy" Nat grinned.
"Look at him, he looks like he's having the time of his life" Pepper cooed.
"They both do" Wanda sighed. "I am not disappointed"
"There's a few of these that are wall worthy" Pepper handed your phone back to Bucky and he grinned.
"That's a good idea, I think I'll run out and go get some picture frames and have some of these printed" you smiled to yourself.
"Don't forget you need ta send those ta me too" Bucky reminded you.
"Of course, Bucky bear" you leaned over in your seat and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Can I see them too?" Steve asked gently. You handed your phone over to Bucky who passed it to him and he started scrolling and grinning to himself. Clint came over to look and surprisingly so did Loki. Sam got up towards the end and looked at some of the photos with them and gave a grin.
"I bet your legs are sore from walking in those heels all day" Sam chuckled.
"Nope, I got a nice leg massage as soon as I got home" you gave a grin. "I feel fantastic today"
"So, what are you going to say to your dad?" Peter looked at you worriedly.
"He must not be happy" Pietro added in.
"That he should be happy that I'm happy" you gave a smirk. "I saw some of the photos being taken by normal people. It was the sweetest thing; all these little kids were so excited to see Bucky walking through the museum with them.
"You realize I'm going to have to announce you as a full-fledged Avenger soon, maybe lie a little about the timeline that you've been with us" Tony spoke up.
"Well, I've been here for over a month I think" you stopped to think about it. Fury had missed out on a few breakfasts since he had been on missions. "Besides, I thought time was irrelevant" you added looking to Loki who smirked.
"We will be having a party, and announcing you soon. There will be media coverage. You two will have to behave yourselves at least a little" Tony warned. "Your father is already aware, I think that's another thing he wants to talk about" he warned you directly.
You started to get anxious and ate silently before you saw your coffee being put in front of you and you looked up and Happy put a hand on your shoulder.
"You have your family here too, we have your back Sunshine" he smiled. "Now drink your coffee, I didn't see you this morning"
"I slept in" you blushed. "We were out late looking at the shooting stars" you gave him a smile.
"Bruce and I went out to watch that for an hour or so. It was beautiful" Nat grinned from her seat. "We saw Wanda and Vision doing the same thing down by the lake"
"It was beautiful to see" Vision acknowledged. "There were so many of them"
You sat back and enjoyed as the conversation continued to flow around the room about different things. You finished your breakfast and saw there wasn't really much of a story, just that Bucky had a new girlfriend, and the world was wondering who she was. You were glad that your makeup and hair still looked good in the photos. You snuck Daisy a few pieces of toast and saw Bucky look over and grin at you and you gave him a smirk. You waited until everyone was finished, and went and took your plate as well as Bucky's and put them in the sink along with your empty coffee cup.
"Come on Daisy, we are taking the stairs today" you announced coming out and she yipped running to the door.
"Is that such a good idea doll?" Bucky looked at you worriedly.
"I need to take her out, and its been a long time" you pouted.
"Let me come with you" he stood up quickly and followed you out the door. You started down the stairs easily, wondering why he was so worried when you were taking the stairs a lot at the museum the day before. Daisy grabbed one of her balls she had left on the grounds and brought it to you quickly and you threw it for her. Bucky took your hand and started walking you around the track. You felt like you were on top of the world, with the worlds sweetest man holding your hand as you walked.
"Would it bother you if our relationship was public knowledge?" Bucky broke the silence as you both continued to throw the ball for Daisy as you walked.
"I prefer it that way" you shrugged. "It means less girls I have to fight off of you" you gave him a smirk. "How about you?"
"I want the world to know you're my girl" he admitted. "What about your dad?"
"There's two ways this is going to go. One, he's going to flip out I was in the papers and wasn't careful enough. Or two, he's going to tell me I should be more careful, and now I should be worried about protecting you as well. Or three, all of the above" you shrugged.
"Its my job to protect you" Bucky pulled you under his arm and you smiled up at him lovingly.
"I think its going to go both ways Sarge" you winked at him and gave him a flirty smile. "I'm going to run to the store after and go pick up some frames. You sir, need a nap. You worked hard last night" you licked your lips and his eyes automatically went to your lips.
"I also need to refill my drawers" he grinned. "Take a shower" he added. "We could take a shower together..." he trailed off and you giggled.
"We could, but I have some running around to do. Its my first day really free for a while" you gave a grin.
"Alright, I'll survive a few hours without you" he pouted.
"Of course you will" you leaned up and gave him a lingering kiss on the lips.
"Tomorrow, after your dad leaves though, can I keep you to myself?" he pulled on your hips pulling you closer. "I miss us laying in bed and watching movies or reading together"
"I promise" you wound your arms around his neck and he leaned down to kiss you slowly at first before it started to get hungrier. You moaned softly and leaned into him more. He started kissing along your jawline to your neck for a moment and then pulled back and grinned at you proudly.
"Come on, the sooner you leave, the sooner I have you back with me" he started to lead you back to the stairs and let you take the lead up the stairs. Daisy yipped as she raced past both of you and went to the bedroom door. You smiled as you walked in and saw Bucky went and laid on the bed after taking his shoes off. It warmed your heart that he was that comfortable to stay in your room without you, and you started wondering why you were waiting on the couple suite. Maybe it would be a good idea to move in together. You already were almost living together.
"Be safe doll" Bucky called to you as you grabbed your purse. You walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips and gave him a slow, sensual smile.
"Always, get some sleep Sarge" you double checked your phone was in your pocket and headed out, looking forward to today's adventure.  

AN: Oh my goodness!  We hit over 10k in reads on Newbie!  Thank you all for reading this, the votes, the comments.  I love it all!  I appreciate all of you so much.  I always get excited at each new notification.  I appreciate the attention to this story so much.  Thank you very very much.  Please take a moment to also take a look at my other books as well if you are enjoying this.  I love any and all feedback.

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