The only thing he'd change

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When you got home, the boys helped you bring everything in while Daisy was allowed off the leash to walk in with you three. Your hands were all laden down with bags. You went straight to the dining room and saw everyone had already finished their meal so you went into the kitchen and dropped off the fresh fruits, vegetables, and donuts for everyone to share. You took time to put everything away with Bucky and Steve's help before you took some of the more personal packages back to your rooms. The first thing you did was put your new stuffed dog on the couch with a smile, then took out some of the home made jewelry that you had bought that you thought was cute. You saw Bucky take out some of the vintage frames he had picked up and put them to the side for photo's later, along with his book finds he put on the book shelf. You looked around the room and saw it was really becoming more of a home for the two of you and smiled proudly. You saw you still had a big bag of the homemade candy and slipped out to go put it in the kitchen as well.
When you got back to the bedroom, Bucky was just in the middle of putting his tactical outfit into the closet for the morning and you smiled happily. He had turned on the record player in your absence as well. You hummed happily to the music and went to grab one of the puzzles you normally worked on together and opened the balcony door, leaving it open and sat on the swing. Daisy was passed out on the bed, but Alpine came out to join you. Soon Bucky came out to join you as well. You smiled at him as he sat right next to you and put his arm around you.
"I had a lot of fun today" he kissed you on the side of the head. "Thank you for inviting Stevie"
"We need to bring him with us more often. He's like your brother" you smiled at him. "Do you think he would want to go to the museum with us before we go on our long term mission? I wanted to see the rest of what was there, but we were rudely interrupted"
"I think he'd love that" Bucky nodded and touched your cheek. You turned your face to look at him and he kissed you softly on the lips. You sighed happily and went back to your puzzle once he pulled back. He pointed out a word for you and you circled it right away.
"They really made these word searches addictive" you mumbled. Bucky chuckled and kissed the side of your head again.
"Never gave them any thought until we started playing them together" he admitted softly. "But its fun when it's the two of us" he grinned.
"Do you think it would be okay to bring some with us when we go on the long mission, so we can do some together when its our downtime?" you bit your bottom lip looking at Bucky and he smiled.
"Of course, we will still be doing everything we normally do except we will have new identities, and a mission to work on" he leaned in to point out another word. "Did I tell you today that I love you?" he whispered.
"I love you too Bucky bear" you turned your head and kissed him softly on the lips. "I'm the luckiest gal in the world"
"I think I'm the luckiest guy" he chuckled. "You've made the world a brighter place for me, just by existing" he paused for a moment and brushed a stray hair behind your ear.
"You lit up my life the day you knocked on my door Sargent" you blushed at his confession, and at your own. "You and Alpine have made our lives so much better" you smiled. "I wouldn't change a thing"
"I would change something eventually" Bucky whispered in your ear.
"What's that?" you looked at him curiously, and also a little worried.
"Eventually, the only thing I'd change is your last name" he grinned and you blushed a deep red. "Is that something that would be okay?"
"I think I'd be very open to that possibility" you continued to blush, and he leaned in and gave you a lingering kiss on the lips and pulled back with a smile that made your knees feel weak all over again.
"Good" he grinned. "What about kids?"
"I never thought I would be that lucky to have children, I always lived my life like each mission would be my last until recently. But if its with you, I'm open to that too" you giggled and leaned into him for another lingering kiss.
"I was thinking at least three" he whispered.
"Three?" you repeated. "I can handle three" you nodded with a smile. "We need more practice, and I would want to be around kids to see how it would be"
"Clint has kids" he offered quickly. "So does Scott, he has a little girl named Cassie"
"I hope I can meet them someday" you sighed and leaned into him, circling another word.
"Once your announced, it will likely happen" Bucky promised. You nuzzled into him.
"Do you think it will be soon?" you wondered out loud.
"I don't know, Tony normally springs it on us. It will probably be after the mission" he decided. "Your face isn't well known yet. Once it is, it will be harder for us to hide in plain sight"
"You are well known" you pointed out quickly.
"Tony has a plan for my arm. He has a cloaking device to make it look like a flesh arm" he looked pointedly at his vibranium arm.
"I hate that you hide it when we go in public" you pouted. "You shouldn't hide any part of yourself. You are beautiful the way you are"
"It makes people uncomfortable" he admitted. "Some people still only see the Winter Soldier. That's not who I am anymore, not since I've been out of hydra's control. It bothers me when I see people get scared"
"I've never been scared of your arm" you leaned over and kissed his arm.
"I know you're not doll. I'm thankful for that" he grinned. You cuddled more into him and continued with your word search.
"Will I have to wear a wig?" you looked at him expectantly.
"No" he chuckled.
"I'd want to have sunset colored hair if I do" you decided.
"Doll, you're supposed to blend in. You'd stand out more than you already do" he chuckled.
"I better not have to cut my hair. They better not cut your hair" you bit your bottom lip going down the rabbit hole of all the possibilities.
"I'd rather wear the wig if I have to" he admitted.
"I wouldn't change a thing about you" you sighed. "I'm looking forward to the mission though. Can you imagine, a whole house to ourselves, going on night time missions and day time missions" you grinned. "We will be all over those gun sales in no time"
"The point is to take our time and just gather evidence" he chuckled in response.
"Doesn't mean it can't be fun" you shrugged. "We can go and be all domesticated, go to garden parties, tea parties, bar-b-que parties. We could have some of our own" you started to get really excited.
"It will be fun, we will do lots together" he agreed quickly with a smile, looking at you lovingly.

When you finally went inside, you got undressed and put on Bucky's t-shirt and he grinned at you.
"Its comfortable" you flushed.
"I'm just going to take that off of you in less than five minutes" he chuckled.
"Tomorrow is mission day, we can't stay up that late" you pointed out quickly. "You sir, need your sleep. It's a big mission"
You watched him get undressed down to his boxers and saw he had a large erection already.
"I'm already imagining you in the cat suit" he winked at you and leaned in capturing your lips. "Don't wear a thong tomorrow, or else I wont be able to focus" he warned you.
"Only because it's a big base, or else I would take that as a challenge" you giggled leaving the closet, and heading to the bathroom to wash your face before bed, and go for a quick pee. When you came out you saw he was already in bed waiting for you expectantly, petting Alpine while Daisy continued to snore on the end of the bed. "Be careful not to wake up Daisy, or else we will have to take her out before bed" you walked towards him and he grinned standing up.
"We don't need a bed" his voice went a little deeper and you giggled heading to go shut off the lights. Before you turned around you felt a pair of hands on your hips pulling you close. You turned quickly in Bucky's arms, and his head dipped down to kiss you softly at first before he nipped at your lips and you opened them slightly for him and he deepened the kiss quickly. He pulled at the t-shirt and you felt it coming off of your quickly so you just raised your arms with a small laugh pulling back from him.
"One less thing to fight with" he leaned down to kiss you again. You felt his hands trail down, and start pushing down on your panties and you squirmed a bit to help him and they fell to the ground. You moved your hands to his hips and found the elastic of his boxers and started pushing at them, and he let out a small growl and pushed them down on his own before pulling you back to him. You could feel him smiling into the kiss as he started pushing you towards the couch. When the back of your knees hit it you fell back a bit and sat down.
"Perfect" he almost purred as he got down to his knees between your legs and pulled your knees up over his shoulders as he leaned in and gave you a few tentative licks before he moved your hips so they were more angled and he dove into your clit with a mastery you would never get tired of. You ran your hands through his hair and let out a small moan and he gave you an extra strong flick and you cried out a bit. You felt and heard him chuckle a bit, and knew he was proud of the fact that he could such a rise out of you, and he did it again, and you cried out again. He slipped in two of his vibranium fingers and curved them and you let out another cry and rocked your hips against him. That seemed to encourage him more, and you felt him flick harder more often and you threw back your head trying to hold back. His spare hand came up and pinched at your nipple and you couldn't help it. You were being consumed by him and cried out again as your orgasm hit you hard. He stood up quickly and pulled you up off the couch and lifted your hips until you were at his waist. You automatically wrapped your legs around him and he pushed himself in, in one stroke before he turned against the wall beside the book case and pushed you against it and he started thrusting slowly to start. One hand was kept on you to help keep your balance, while his other hand went down to your clit and started to toy with it softly to start. He dipped his head to take one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked hard. Once it was hard, he moved to the other breast, and he started to move faster. You couldn't help the cries of pleasure coming out of you, he was all you wanted. You heard him moaning happily and speaking your name as he moved more within you. You loved hearing him call out your name you decided. Especially in the throws of passion. You felt another orgasm coming and dug you nails into his shoulders. This seemed to spur him to go faster and you cried out as the second orgasm hit and you felt him release into you at the same time. He pulled you close and kissed you again, only pulling away to breathe. You lost track of time of how long he was holding you up against the wall, but he finally pulled away and set you down on your feet after he pulled out, and you could feel him dripping down the inside of your thighs. He kissed you again, and stepped back and ran to the bathroom and came back with a warm cloth and wiped between your legs and along your thighs.
"I love you" he repeated himself from earlier.
"I love you" you sighed and leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips. He picked you up like a princess and laid you down on the bed before getting in behind you and holding you close to him.
"Get some sleep doll" he whispered and you wiggled until you were more up against him with your whole body and relaxed enough to fall asleep.  

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