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When you landed you were really starting to feel the pain of the bullet burn on your side. It felt like it had a pulse.
"You better go see Bruce first" Sam came towards you both. "I can deliver the data to Tony"
"Bucky bear patched me up good enough for now, I'll deliver it and then head to Bruce" you shook your head.
"I'll go with you doll, before I go work on my report" Bucky took your spare hand where you had one on your wound.
"Do you think Tony will patch up my suit?" you asked curiously.
"He always patches them up, or makes new ones" Sam replied easily.
"I hope he's not mad" you grimaced.
"No one could get mad at you doll" Bucky spoke easily and you blushed.
"Trust me, people can get mad at me" you giggled. "A whole lotta people"
"Not anyone that knows you" he shrugged.
Sam opened the door for you both to walk in, and you thanked him before letting go of Bucky's hand and heading directly for Tony's lab first. He looked up and frowned a bit.
"I take it the base wasn't as dead as we thought" he stood up and looked at the wound on your side.
"I knew something was off when I saw the guard detail. They tried to ambush us on our way back to the jet. There's no survivors, it'll be in my report" you promised.
"The ice whips were pretty handy" Bucky spoke up from behind you. You reached into your bra and took out the three data sticks.
"Filled these, is the other team back yet?" you asked softly, putting your hand back on the wound.
"Not yet, but they checked in. Everything was still good an hour ago" Tony grimaced. "You should head to Bruce. I don't need the report immediately, get checked out first". You nodded in acknowledgement and turned around and Bucky followed you to see Bruce.
"Let me know when you're out doll, we can work on our reports together" he gave a grin. You blushed a bit and nodded and he leaned forward giving you a kiss on the cheek as Bruce looked up.
"Everything okay?" Bruce asked from his seat.
"She got grazed good" Bucky answered for you. "I'll see you in a bit" he smiled softly at you and left.
"Let me take a look" Bruce sighed tapping one of the exam tables. You unzipped your suit halfway and hopped up on the bed lifting your arm so he could see the wound. "They took good care of it on the jet by the looks of it. We should get you in the regeneration machine for an hour or so to heal that up and prevent scarring. I'll give Tony the suit. You'll have to wear the hospital gown to go back to your room" he decided. "I'll put the tracker in now, so it can heal at the same time" he grabbed a scalpel and reached for your arm.
"Can I have two, one to cover my bum?" you blushed a deep red.
"Sure, I can handle that" he blushed but laughed a little. "You know the drill, I'll turn it on for an hour and you can get out when its done" he reminded you as you saw him pop a long capsule in your arm and you hissed at the intrusion.
"Sounds good" you followed him into a small room with the machine and waited for him to leave before taking off the rest of your clothes and slipping in. Bruce had already taken off the butterfly stitches for you. You turned your music on through your speakers on your phone and closed your eyes focusing on the music. You sang softly to the music trying to relax yourself. When the machine dinged off you looked at your side and it looked fully healed and you smiled to yourself as you put your bra and thong back on, before grabbing your two hospital gowns. You brought out the suit to Bruce who nodded his thanks and you carried your phone and boots as you went back to your room. You were almost at the door when you heard Daisy let out one of her excited howls and turned in time to see her come vaulting at you. You dropped everything and let her jump into your arms and you held her close to you.
"Did you get hurt?" Steve came out of his room looking at you worriedly.
"Just a graze, there was an ambush. I'll put it in my report" you gave a smile. "Thank you for watching miss Daisy"
"Is everyone else okay?" he seemed taken aback by your response.
"Yup, I was the only one hit" you nodded. "Was she a good girl today?"
"Always the best girl" he grinned. "Take a rest before you work on the report if you need it"
"I'm okay, Bucky said he wanted to work on them together" you squatted down, setting Daisy down and grabbing your boots and phone again.
"Okay, let me know if you need anything" he smirked and headed back to his room. You went in your room and Daisy jumped up on the bed while you took a quick shower and changed into a pair of jean shorts and tank top. You didn't bother changing your undergarments since they were still not that dirty yet. You made a mental note to do laundry before you left on Saturday. You pulled out your computer and put it by the couch before texting Bucky that you were in your room.

It wasn't long before your door opened and Bucky came in with notebook and pen.
"Hey" you smiled at him.
"All healed up?" he smiled at you and came over to sit beside you.
"Good as new" you nodded and started booting everything up.
"What's the plan for tonight?" he asked as he opened the book up to work on his report again.
"I'm trying to decide if its laundry, or if I'm going to just relax" you bit your bottom lip in thought.
"I like the sounds you make when you relax" he chuckled.
"I don't know what you're talking about" you shook your head with a blush across your cheeks.
"Yeah, me neither" he laughed shaking his head.
"Focus on your report handsome" you playfully pushed on his arm.
"Do I leave out the part where I got to make out with a beautiful woman?" he grinned at you.
"Please do, and agree to disagree" you giggled.
"You put the flowers in the vase" he pointed out.
"Of course, I want them to live as long as possible. I don't get flowers very often" you admitted.
"You will be" he nodded to himself.
You started typing in your report, making note that something had seen off when you saw the guard detail at first. You made sure to account for all the knives that didn't make it back to base, letting them know you used them on cameras to remain silent as you went through the base. You noted there were additional firewalls as well while you were on the base. You had started to describe the ambush when you saw Bucky put down his pen and put his arm behind your back.
"No distractions" you looked at him from the side of your eye.
"I'm waiting" he chuckled.
You continued to describe the ambush, noting that you noticed the ones up the in trees first, and hadn't even registered the bullet wound until after. You noted how many agents you had frozen and were shattered in the ambush, then input how Bucky had taken care of first aid on your way back to base. You emailed it when you were done with flourish and noted that it was almost supper time.
"We have fifteen minutes" you heard Bucky whisper to you softly.
"Daisy needs to go for her pee" you smiled at him. "I don't know when Steve last had her out"
"Okay, lets do laundry together tonight" he sighed, resigned to the fact that he would have to wait.
"What is it you wanted to do?" you giggled looking at him.
"I badly want to continue what we started already" he admitted. You smiled at him, and turned to face him before climbing on his lap. He didn't waste anytime as he leaned forward and captured your lips with his. You sighed happily against his lips and leaned more into him and he deepened the kiss. You couldn't imagine a more perfect man, or get over the fact that it was you he wanted to kiss. You felt a little bit of his beard burn on your face as you started moving with him more, and felt his nose brush against yours. You moved your hips slightly grinding against him, and could feel him pressing up against you giving delicious friction. You ran your hands through his hair trying to pull him impossibly closer, just enjoying the moment and you both let out a moan. He started to move you so you were laying on the couch and he moved on top of you barely breaking away from the kiss. You spread your legs to leave room for his body and felt him grind against you again. His hands moved up your sides and settled beneath your breasts but he seemed afraid to take that step. You pushed your chest up to him and that's all that he needed before he started palming at your breasts through the material of your shirt and you moaned again. He started kissing down your neck, and you moved your hips against him, wanting the friction again. He happily moved with you, and you heard him groan in your ear. He pulled back after a few minutes and grinned down at you.
"What?" you asked with a smile.
"I marked my territory" he grinned mischievously.
"Oh really?" you raised your eyebrows and leaned up to his neck, kissing lightly until you felt him shiver slightly, and you started to concentrate on that one spot sucking softly until you were satisfied and pulled back. "Now so did I" you winked at him and he grinned even more.
"That's even better" he gave you another kiss on the lips. "We better get to supper" he pulled back, frowning a bit. "But we should do laundry tonight" he gave you another chaste kiss.
"Do you have laundry to do?" you giggled.
"About a weeks worth" he admitted.
"No blankets this time?" you raised an eyebrow.
"No, that was more of an excuse to spend time with you" he admitted, flushing a bit.
"It worked" you giggled again.
"Yeah?" he raised his eyebrows leaning down to kiss you again.
"Yeah" you nodded and leaned into the kiss. You opened your lips to him as he deepened the kiss again, and you sighed happily. "Supper" you pulled away after a few minutes.
"Right, that's important" Bucky slid off of you with a chuckle. You looked at the time, and you barely had a minute to get there. You jumped up quickly and he grabbed his notebook following you out. Daisy came quickly behind both of you. "Are you still wearing that?" he whispered as you walked in front of him.
"Stop looking at my ass" you flushed a deep red.
"I can't" he shook his head. "Its perfect, just like you"
"Agree to disagree" you giggled and got to the dining room. He pulled out your chair, and you both sat down.

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