Doctor appointment

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When you woke up in the morning you were still sore and tired from the previous nights activities. Bucky kissed you on the shoulder and you turned in his arms to smile at him.
"You slept in, I was enjoying this" he softly kissed you on the lips.
"I better get up, mission first" you kissed him back, and nuzzled into him a little, wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep.
"We have a big day today" he chuckled, and gave you another soft kiss.
"Right, the doctors office" you sighed gently.
"How are you feeling?" he studied your face and gazed into your eyes.
"Wonderful" you grinned. "You made it a night I'll never forget" you purred.
"We could stay in bed a little longer" he leaned in for another kiss that you happily received.
"Mission" you pulled back regretfully. "I have to go downstairs and make your coffee first"
"I'll make breakfast this morning" he offered.
"No, I've got it" you giggled and slipped out of bed. You went and put on a pair of pink panties, and grabbed a matching pink nightgown before putting on your robe and mask. "Grab your shower first" you winked at him.
"You could join me" he raised his eyebrows at you, and you giggled again.
"I'll see you downstairs James" you blew him a kiss and headed for the stairs. You still felt sensitive, and the lace rubbing against you almost hurt. You went and put on the coffee, but decided on a mint tea for a change for yourself and boiled the water. You checked the time, and saw you didn't have much time, but made your way outside with Daisy quickly once your tea was done.

"Good morning, are we still on for our lunch date?" Laura peeked her head over the fence.
"Good morning, and absolutely. I'm headed to town for a few hours first" you warned her. "I should be back in plenty of time" you gave a brilliant smile.
"I was a little worried, you came out later than usual this morning. Anything to do with your loving husband?" she giggled.
"Everything to do with him" you blushed.
"We heard a little bit of it" she admitted with a sly smile. "I think you left one of your windows open"
"I forgot to close the kitchen window" you looked behind you. "I'm sorry about that"
"No worries, its natural. You two are like newly weds. Its nice. I wish my husband had that kind of stamina" she giggled.
"I don't know where James finds it" you blushed again. "I love it though"
"Who wouldn't?" she smirked. "I'd better go, but I'll see you for lunch" she turned and walked away. You sighed and looked down at your tea, taking a few grateful sips while Daisy kept bringing you the ball. You were sitting for a little bit when Bucky came out with a huge smile on his face and his coffee in hand.
"How is my beautiful bride?" he winked at you and sat across from you.
"Wonderful, how is my handsome husband" you smirked at him.
"Still wishing you would have joined me for that shower" he grinned and took a sip of his coffee before throwing the ball for Daisy.
"I just spoke to Laura, they heard us last night" you blushed a deep red. "I forgot the window was open"
"I'll close it tonight" he chuckled. "I'm not ashamed of it"
"What do you want for breakfast?" you smiled at him. "And neither am I"
"How about just toast, I'll make it and you can take a shower before we go to town" he offered.
"You really want to make me breakfast?" you giggled. "I still need to make your lunch"
"I'll pick something up today" he shrugged. "I'm taking the morning to spend with you at the doctors office. I already called the boys and let them know"
"James, you don't have to do that" you shook your head.
"I want to be with you" he leaned in and took your hand to kiss the back of it. "Come on, go take your shower. I'll stay with Daisy, and I'll make us some toast"
"Alright, but just for today" you stood up, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You hurried in the house and put your empty cup in the sink before rushing upstairs to take your shower.

When you finished with your shower, you had to take extra time on your makeup for all the visible kiss marks that Bucky had left on your neck and shoulders. You picked out a soft pink dress that buttoned up the entire front, and a pair of white flats. You put on some lip gloss before putting your mask back on and studied yourself in the mirror. You didn't fully recognize the person looking back at you, but that seemed to be the idea. You hurried back down the stairs and saw that the table was already set with a vase out and a few of your roses from the garden in it, in the center of the table.
"James, its beautiful" you cooed.
"I made you another mint tea" he set the cup down for you and you gave him a grateful smile. He refilled his coffee and sat down next to you. "No matter what we find out today, it changes nothing" he warned you.
"I know" you smiled at him lovingly. "But its better to know now, over later" you decided.
"Exactly" he nodded and passed you the jam. You loaded up your toast and handed it back, and watched him do the same. "What are your plans for after your lunch date?"
"Laundry, and making supper" you decided. "Maybe check on the garden a bit. I'm afraid of wilting flowers" you smirked.
"Your rose gardens are beautiful, just like you" he winked at you and you flushed a bit. "You are my favorite rose" he added.
"You flatter me" you took a bite of your toast.
"Every chance I get, as long as I'm honest" he winked at you. You giggled and continued to eat slowly. Toast seemed to be a good idea. You were feeling a bit off this morning. You both quickly finished, and you put the dishes in the sink before following Bucky to the front door and grabbing your purse. He locked the door behind you, and proceeded to open the passenger side door for you to get in the car. You smiled at him, and he closed it and ran around to jump in the drivers seat.
"Are you ready for this?" Bucky looked at you a little worriedly.
"Born ready" you nodded and looked out the window to see Ron limping to his car, seeming to be on his way to work. "Ron's limping" you pointed out quickly.
"Shouldn't have chanced it with Daisy" he whispered to you and you bit your bottom lip and looked at him.
"Its not conclusive evidence" you whispered back.
"I don't like the feeling I get from that guy" Bucky admitted.
"Neither do I, but his wife is so friendly" you sighed and watched out the front window while he drove towards the gates.
"She might not be in on it" he shrugged. "Or she's a good actress" he decided.
"Possibly, I'm going to start talking about looking for a unique gun more in the house and to Laura. Maybe also at the garden party" you looked to him.
"Don't be too obvious" he warned you. "I'm putting feelers out too. Don't forget Morgan is the sheriff. He might also be on the lookout too"
"Do you think local law enforcement reached out to Shield, and they gave the mission to Tony?" you looked at him surprised.
"Might have, the house is in the perfect location for the mission if its Ron" Bucky shrugged.
"We should do a little recon on his house" you decided and stopped talking as you got to the gate. He waved to the gatekeeper and you both drove through easily.
"No doll, we have to blend in first. We are still being watched like hawks right now. He must suspect something if he's already bugged the house" he shook his head.
"He might regret bugging the house, based on your performance last night" you giggled.
"It's a perk, but wasn't part of the plan" he winked at you. "What are you going to do if you are pregnant?" he paused before asking.
"Complete the mission, I can still work for a while before I will have to take it easy" you shrugged.
"What about your dad?" he bit his bottom lip.
"Not sure, he's just going to have to get used to the idea" you smiled at him. "Are you worried?"
"When it comes to you, no. When it comes to your dad, I'm pretty sure he could kill me in my sleep" he chuckled.
"I'm a grown adult" your voice went up a little. "He wouldn't dare. You are my forever person"
Bucky grinned hearing that and looked at you as he stopped at a stoplight. "You are my forever person too doll" he took your hand and kissed your knuckles again. "Now I called them this morning and they had a cancellation at the doctors office, so we should be able to get in and out quickly" he warned you.
"Hopefully with an answer" you nodded to yourself.
"No matter what, it changes nothing" he smiled at you, and parked in front of the doctors office. He got out quickly and ran around and opened your door for you and you got out. He quickly took your hand and led you in.

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