The morning of the wedding

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When you woke up in the morning, it was to Maria shaking you awake. She had spent the night with you, and took away your phone from you when you tried to call Bucky while he was at his stag party. You just wanted to hear his voice before you went to sleep. She looked at you expectantly and you groaned as you sat up.
"Come on, we only have a few hours to get you ready, and you need to eat breakfast first" Maria smiled excitedly.
"I just want some strawberries," you pouted.
"Come on" she huffed and you got off the bed. "You can just wear your robe, it's just us girls in the building" she reminded you.
"Who made breakfast?" you asked curiously, fully used to Happy making all the meals.
"Pepper ordered in for us" Maria smirked as she just put on a robe and handed you yours to put on. You slipped it on and tied it over your protruding belly, and followed Maria out into the main part of your suite. You stopped by the fridge and took out a few strawberries to munch on before Maria pulled you out of the suite with Daisy barking loudly and following you both down the hallway towards the dining room.
"Good morning Sunshine" Nat looked up with a smirk on her face.
"Good morning" you gave a soft smile.
"Today is the big day, are you excited?" Wanda asked, seemingly full of energy.
"I'm nervous" you hesitated before answering.
"The groomer is going to be here shortly for Miss Daisy, they are going to take her out and make sure that both her and Alpine look perfect for the wedding" Pepper put a takeout container in front of your spot. You opened it and saw all of your favorite breakfast foods, and surprisingly, there were strawberries and nutella up in the corner. "They know I have an allergy, so my meal was marked"
"Thank you" you gave a grateful smile and took a large strawberry, dipping it in nutella before taking a large bite and humming happily to yourself.
"We need to make sure the day is perfect. Right after you are done eating, you just need to go take your shower. We have a hair stylist and cosmetologist coming to do our makeup. The dresses are already all in the living room thanks to Nat and Wanda. Everything is going to go smoothly" Pepper went back to her seat and started eating her breakfast. "Fury texted me this morning, and they will be here an hour before the wedding, and will all stay outside in the garden area"
"What if Bucky changes his mind? He's going to feel forced to marry me if pops drives him" you felt a heavy weight on your chest. "He didn't even text or call me last night"
"That's because there was a lot of drinking and your father took away everyone's cell phones before it even started" Pepper gave a small smile.
"He's not changing his mind" Maria looked at you, and took your hand. "He's crazy about you"
"That much is very true. He loves you more than anything, it's all in his mind" Wanda agreed.
"We can all see it" Nat nodded. "You just have the pre-game jitters" she grinned.
"Isn't it called pre-wedding jitters?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Same thing, you are still walking down that aisle" she gave you a playful punch in the top of your arm. "And he's going to be waiting at the other end, and be very happy to see you"
"What if it starts raining?" you felt like hyperventilating.
"Stop right there. We already checked the weather. It's going to be a beautiful day. You just need to focus on you for now, got it?" Maria turned you to face her. "Stop worrying or I will slap you, even if you are carrying my future god children"
You nodded in understanding and felt your phone go off in your pocket. You pulled it out quickly and smiled as soon as you saw the words "Good morning, doll" lit across your screen. You opened the text message and wrote back a good morning.
"I've got to make this short, but I can't wait to see you today. Your dad is going to take my phone away again. I love you" Bucky messaged you.
"I love you, and can't wait to see you today" you wrote back quickly, and held your phone to your chest. He had written to you at just the right time. You sighed and put your phone back in your pocket, feeling relieved. You knew Bucky would probably tell you all about the stag party after, when you both had time together again. You thought back to last night where it was mainly all your favorite movies while you all just sat on the couches and ate snacks. Maria had snuck you extra cupcakes during the night, and insisted that she was spending the night with you, since Bucky wasn't there to hold you. Nat, Pepper and Wanda tried to offer to come join you both as well, but you told them that your belly took up more room than you cared to admit, especially where you were so used to sleeping on your side.
You focused on eating all of your breakfast, and when you were done you excused yourself to take Daisy out yourself. You took her down to the main grounds and saw that the garden area and gazebo were all ready for you. There were workers still putting the final finishing touches on the area. You also saw a large tent was erected, with tables and chairs inside, which you supposed would be where the dancing and the meal would be. You wondered silently at the fact that you were having a wedding during mid day, but knew it would likely run until late into the night. You trusted that there would be enough food for two meals, and hoped that you would make it to Paris before sunrise so you could see it with your own eyes after you got there. You threw the ball a few times for Daisy before leading her back up the stairs. You didn't bother going back to the dining room, but went to your bedroom balcony instead to go back in. Maria was waiting on the side of your bed expectantly.
"I was waiting for Daisy" she told you quickly. "The groomers are here" she added softly. "Are you ready for this?"
"If it's with Bucky, I'll always be ready" you gave a soft smile.
"I knew you'd have this in the bag, babe" she winked at you. "Take your shower. Come on Daisy" she called, standing up. Daisy easily followed her, and you sighed softly to yourself before heading towards the bathroom. You absentmindedly rubbed your hand over your baby bump after undoing your robe and took a moment to look in the mirror. You saw there were still some kiss marks visible on your neck. You touched them gingerly and then gazed into your own reflection and found yourself remembering the first time Bucky kissed you. You had wanted it so badly, and he had gone for it. It went from flirting to a sudden kiss out of nowhere and you smiled to yourself. Today, you will be kissing for the first time as husband and wife. You touched your lips at the memory of his lips on yours, and gave a secret smile before turning away and getting out of your clothes and turning on the shower and jumping in.

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