Chapter Sixty-Two: Fallon

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Fallon can't help but let out shrieks of excitement as the wind whips her hair. Her hands clutch tightly at Luna's black furs as the wolf races across the desert. Everything is a blur around her as the wolf moves with fast and powerful grace.

"Please stop shouting, it's embarrassing," Luna says in her mind. Fallon rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry I dare be excited," she replies sarcastically.

"Apology accepted."

Fallon groans and rolls her eyes. Luna just picks up speed, meaning Fallon has to hold on even tighter. Around them, the rest of the pack keep up with ease. Fallon can't help but grin as they all move together, united and strong.

"We will get there by nightfall," Luna tells her, interrupting her thoughts. Fallon sighs, hoping to get there sooner, longing to see Illyana now she is so close.

"You have just made a journey in two days, that take Lupine on horseback two weeks. Be grateful," Luna tells her.

"I am," Fallon replies."It's just been so long since I saw Illyana and so much has happened since," she gulps, her throat going dry and her eyes stinging with tears.

"Ah, you're talking about that new Lunavar with the funny eyes."

"You know of her?" Fallon asks, her eyes widening.

"I know everything that goes on in these deserts," Luna replies. "Your sister caused quite the stir, nearly got herself killed a few times. She also nearly got the Solavar overthrown with their little affair." 

Fallon gulps. "Well, it worked out at least," she replies with a sigh.

"Yes, thankfully. The woman who would have been Lunvar had your sister not come along would have been a disaster. I might have killed her myself. Wicked woman." 

Fallon's brows raise in surprise at the venom in the wolf's voice.

"You really don't like her. I didn't even realise you got close enough to Lupine to even get to know them."

"I don't, my pack do though. I need to keep an eye on them."

"And what did this Lupine woman do to garner such hate?"  Fallon can feel the wolf tense beneath her.

"She butchered the most sacred of bonds," Luna snarls, "Luckily your sister and her Razan were able to overcome such evil. Had they not, I and my pack would have torn through the city and torn her and Razan apart ourselves."

"Illyana is bonded with Razan?" Fallon asks, grinning, remembering how she was with the little pup during the visit.

"She is," Luna replies.

"And you would have killed him?" Fallon asks.

"If Hadya had been successful, yes. It would have been a mercy, to put that poor wolf out of his misery."

Fallon can tell from Luna's voice that she will not speak about it anymore.

They go quiet and continue to run across the desert. Fallon is in awe of its beauty. Of the miles and miles of endless burning orange stone and the spectacular towering cliffs. The sunset only adds to its enchanting beauty as the sky glows bright bink and purple. The sun sinks behind one of the cliffs, the orb deep orange.  This time, as night draw in, the night remains clear and a large moon rises. The light from the moon allows Fallon's eyes to adjust so she can see almost as though it were day.

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