Chapter Thirty-Six: Fallon

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Fallon walks around the camp whilst everyone celebrates.

"Well done, Captain," one of the human soldiers says, lifting his tankard. Fallon smiles and nods her head, walking on. She has yet to decide what she is actually going to do with this force. At the end of the day, they aren't willingly fighting with her. It is through the compulsion of the Waterfolk. She would decide soon. However, they had won a battle today. She'll let them celebrate.

Fallon walks over to the Centaurs. They are already starting to move out, heading off to Tarlon to join back with the Queen's Camp.

"I received word from Lexi," Adam says. "She and your Red Guard member are back in Tarlon with the rest of the heard," he tells her. Fallon's chest clenches. Both with happiness because they are safe, but with fear as it means that soon, Fox and Adam will have to go to the Capital and face their grandfather.

"That's good," Fallon says. He nods his head.

"I am sending all of the Centaurs back to Tarlon first thing tomorrow," he tells her. Fallon gulps.

"Good idea. The quicker they get to safety, the better," she sighs. He nods his head.

"I want them away from all the Fae too," he says. Fallon looks at the centaurs they rescued. They have been cleaning off, but their bodies are frail, their backs littered with lash marks and their throats scarred from the bindings. She lets out a long sigh.

"There are only two more mines," Fallon says. "We'll move onto Hildorn soon," Fallon says. "The one in the Fae territory, however..." She gulps. He nods his head.

"I know," he says. They fall into silence.

"I'll let you have time with your people. You and Fox come and see me before you go," she tells him, her eyes stinging with tears.

"We will, Captain," he says. Fallon nods her head as his huge hand falls on her shoulder and gives it a squeeze. She smiles softly at him before turning and walking to the Fae side of the camp. A frown crosses her features as she sees all the Fae gathered around the spa ground.

"What's going on?" she asks Lilah, the Siren.

"Myself and the other Siren's gave the Fae prisoners our tears," she says as the two push through the crowds. Fallon looks at her with wide eyes.

"You hate the Fae," she says.

"Well, the Fae can be as much prisoner to their own people as we are to them," she shrugs. "Plus, I have a good feeling about this bunch," she smiles as they finally reach the front. Radek and some of his other team members currently fight each other. They wear nothing but trousers, showing off their muscular chests. The women wear tight cloth around their breasts, but their stomach and shoulder are just as ripped as the men's. Radek grins at her.

"Captain," he says. His lilac skin is now clear of mud, though it does have fresh Fae blood sprinkling it. His long hair hangs straight down his back. His hair, however, is unlike that of the past Fae which would usually be some light, pastel colour. His is dark, midnight blue. His hangs down his back, silky and perfectly straight. The intricate braids pulling strands from his sharp, beautiful face. His eyes are the same dark blue colour.

"Radeck," Fallon smiles. "What's going on?" she asks.

"Just getting back into the swing of things," he grins, rolling his shoulders. "Thanks to your Sirens," he says, his eyes falling on Lilah. She smiles, her blue eyes sparkling. Fallon raises an eyebrow.

"They have been generous," Fallon says, looking at Lilah.

"I think they can be helpful, with a blood oath of course," Lilah says.

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