Chapter Seventy-Eight: Shaelyn

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Shaelyn shivers and tightens her leather coat. It is midnight and standing in the middle of the King's Wood was not how she intended to spend the night. No, right now, she should be tucked up in bed and snuggling next to Ren. Yuri stands next to her.

"You sure this is the spot?" he asks. Shae nods her head.

"That's what Merissa's letter said," she replies. He huffs and wraps his arms around his body.

"And if it's a trap?" he asks.

"Then I just drop us into a tunnel and we get out of here," she replies. He huffs again and then leans against the tree. Shae holds her flame-lit torch up and looks around the dark woods, jumping every now and then at a strange-looking shadow.

"I've never seen a Kintara wolf before," Yuri says.

"I've seen pups," she replies, thinking back to Kai's visit. "They were adorable," she sighs.

"Yeah, well I have a feeling these won't be pups," he grumbles. Shae nods her head in agreement. She goes to speak again but Yuri steps forward, looking into the woods.

"Did you hear that?" he whispers.

"No," she replies, her heart speeding up. "Put the fire out," he urges. Shae drops the torch on the floor and stamps it out quickly. The two then dive behind the trees. Now, it is pitch black around them. Shae gulps and waits for her eyes to adjust slightly to the light of the moon. Soon, she is seeing more shadows. Around her, the forest creeks and the breeze rustles the leaves. She jumps as the sound of a twig snapping echoes in the distance. Yuri puts his hand on her back and they both look around.

"I can't see shit," they hear a voice whisper. Shae lets out a sigh and stands, recognising Merissa's tone.

"I can see fine," a deep, thickly accented voice says.

"I don't have Lupine vision like you two," Merissa replies.

"Well," the deep voice says, "there are two people hiding over there," he replies. Shae comes out from behind the tree.

"Merissa," she says, still keeping her voice low.

"Shae? Is that you? I can't see shit."

"Yeah, it's me. Hold on." Shae grabs her torch and lights it again. It catches quickly and she can see Merissa's silhouette approaching. Beside her are two larger figures. Shae gulps as two huge wolves also appear. They are the size of horses. Before she can take in the sight, Merissa is running into her, giving her a tight hug.

"Holy shit, it's been too long," Merissa sighs.

"I know," Shae says, hugging her back tightly.

"Can we get somewhere safe now?" Yuri asks.

"Oh yeah," Shae replies, breaking away from Merissa. She looks to the ground and holds out her hand.

The two Lupine curse and jump back as the ground begins to move and fall away, revealing a slope into a dark tunnel.

"Er, Shae, what the fuck?" Merissa asks.

"I can control the earth," Shae shrugs and starts walking inside.

"We are not going in there," one of the Lupine says, stepping back.

"Well, you aren't staying out here to be captured. So, it's either come in the tunnel and get to our safe house where it is warm, or Shae just drops you in and you stay in your own tiny enclosed cave," Yuri snaps. The male Lupine glares at him and goes to step forward. The female stops him and gives him a glare.

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