Chapter Fifty-Four: Illyana

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The race through the desert is just as exhilarating as normal. The wind rushes through my hair and slams against my face. I look over at Kai. His smile is just as huge as mine. Razan's feet barely touch the ground as we run and somehow, he manages to howl with joy at the same time. The feeling of joy and freedom is overwhelming. Next to me, Una is letting out joyous howls and screams herself. I can't help but join her between my laughs. I look behind me, at everyone running after us on either wolves or horses. All of us are united and strong.

Back in the castle, my hair and make-up gets retouched by Riva and the servants. Patches of dust and sand are swept off my dress so it looks pristine again. Kai is waiting for me outside my room when everyone is done. They bow quickly and rush past to get to the dining hall. Kai and I wait in silence until they are gone. I smile up at him, my heart fluttering. Once they have rounded the corner, he pulls me into him. The hug is tight and I sink into his warmth, letting out a long, happy sigh. I look up at him, smiling again. My cheeks hurt now from all the smiling. He reaches with one of his hands and puts it on the side of my face, his thumb stroking my skin softly.

"My mate," he says quietly. "I never thought I would be able to get to say that to you," he chuckles. My smile softens and I reach up to his face too, looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I am so happy that you can," I whisper back. "High Prince," I joke. He laughs.

"Not yet," he reminds me, "not until we go and get you your crown." I nod my head and he leans down, kissing me softly. I let out a happy moan and he pulls back. Thankfully, whatever lip paint I am wearing is smear proof and hasn't coated his lips or smudged over my face.

"Come on," he sighs, "they are expecting us." I let out a long sigh myself.

"What if..." I begin as he takes my hand and we start walking, "I take you prisoner and lock you in our room?" I ask. He laughs and pulls me into his side.

"There will be riots if we do not have the proper party celebrations, you know that," he explains. I shake my head.

"Bloody Lupine and their excuses for drinking," I mutter, "you really should discipline them more."

"You mean we," he reminds me. I laugh.

"Well," I begin, "they will be now I'm here. You were slacking before me," I joke. He raises an eyebrow and looks down at me.

"Uh huh," he replies, "sure." I nod my head and he just chuckles, shaking his head. Then, he smiles softly. A beautiful smile that has my heart fluttering again. "We are going to make a great team," he tells me. I gulp and nod my head in agreement.

"Yes, we are." He squeezes my hand a little tighter and we approach the double doors into the dining hall.

"Okay, prepare for the craziness and noise," he warns me.

"Please, I got used to that months ago." He laughs and we push open the doors. As soon as we are seen, everyone erupts into shouts, howls and applause. I laugh and have to cover my ears slightly as it echoes around the full hall. The tables have been pushed to the sides and hold lots of food. Despite the special occasion, the food is the same as usual. Hardly surprising as that is all there is. Though it has been decorated and assembled nicely. Kai and I walk up the stairs and around the balcony toward the thrones. There are two now. Razan and Nishka already stand behind them. I can practically see the smile on Razan's face as his tongue hangs out of his mouth. We stand in front of the thrones and Kai holds up his hand. Everyone settles.

"It has been a long journey to get here," he begins. "There has been bloodshed, betrayals, arguments and fights that have divided many of us. Even our oldest and strongest families have bickered and fought between themselves. Today marks a day of unity and prosperity for the Lupine. With this union, we hope to unite not only our people, but be a valuable part in uniting Vivelle. We will create a future for our people that does not involve starvation, homelessness and poverty." There are cheers and Kai smiles. It is my turn to speak now.

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