Chapter Twenty-Five: Fallon

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Fallon leads the way as the group race through the countryside. The sounds of the hooves from both the horses they ride and the centaurs that run alongside them is like thunder. The camp they advance on hears them before they see them. It is over three hundred strong and full of Sebastian's loyal humans and Fae. Though when the group appear, shouts of warning quickly echo throughout the ranks. Fallon smiles hearing it. But she is not here to kill them today. The centaurs quickly circle the camp whilst Fallon, Fox and the other Water Folk tear through it on horseback. Not slowing or moving out of the way for anything. Soldiers, both Fae and human alike jump out of the way with wide, terrified eyes. Fallon smiles.

To these soldiers, the entering force must look terrifying. Atop the back of great warhorses, beasts so large and only available to those who work closely with the King like the Red Guard, they realise that these people are friends, not foe. They assume, as Fallon had hoped, that the incoming group were Red Guard. That doesn't mean they are automatically friendly, however. This group of soldiers are weary. Not because they think it could be a trap, but because the Red Guard run on a different set of rules and are dangerous. They are the King's most lethal force for a reason. Plus, with Fox and the Water folk wearing their dark grey coats and the heavy hoods over their faces, they look terrifying as they confidently sit on the backs of the beasts. Not to mention the black masks that cover their jaw, mouth and nose, showing only their watching eyes. Eyes that have been painted around with thick black makeup to better hide the scales still visible.

Of course, eyes fall on Fallon mostly as she leads the way. Her deep red cloak billows behind her. A stark contrast to the black of her armour. As she rides through the camp, she doesn't even look at the soldiers. She makes sure they know she is beneath her. She doesn't stop until she comes to the centre of the camp where the leader waits. It is a Fae woman. Her skin being dark green tells Fallon that she is a Present Fae. She doesn't wear her helmet. Showing her short and neatly cropped reddish-brown hair which has strands pulled from her face so that her pointed ears are on display. The fae woman is taller and leaner than the humans. Everything about her and even the other Fae within the group outshines their human allies. Their silver armour elegant and gleaming with its perfectly polished metal and intricately engraved patterns. Made to look even more spectacular as it fits precisely on the tall regal bodies of its wearers. A stark contrast against the dirty brown and reds the humans are dressed that comes in only one or two sizes and the wearers have to make do with the closest possible fit. The Fae leader raises her eyebrow as Fallon looks down at her.

"You've made quite the mess of my camp," the woman says. Fallon shrugs.

"It was already a mess," she replies, her voice cold. The Fae woman smiles, but there is no humour to it. She casts her eyes over Fallon. Despite wearing black, it is clear to see that Fallon has strong muscles beneath her clothing. Her shoulders are broad, her posture is proud and she sits atop the black warhorse with ease. With her dark brown hair pulled into a tight bun and her piercing blue eyes, Fallon looks every part the leader of an elite force.

"What can I help the Red Guard with?" the Fae asks. Fallon lets out a huff and looks at the camp, unimpressed.

"Why are you camped here?" she asks. The camp is set up near the mountains that contain Sarth mine. In fact, it is only a mear ten miles from the start of the main road that leads through the mountains to get to the mine entrance.

"We are the backup force," the Fae answers through gritted teeth. "In case of an attack on the mine." Fallon lets out a laugh and a fearful hush falls across the camp as soldiers gather to listen.

"So you mean to say, whilst there is a big hunt across this damn country for not one, but two princesses, you're just sat here babysitting a mine from afar?" she asks and shakes her head. Fox laughs beside her.

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