Chapter Fourteen: Illyana

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Wearing my hair down feels strange, yet my scalp is grateful for the rest.

"You look perfect," Una tells me. I smile and look at my reflection in the mirror. Wearing a dress also feels strange. Not that it is a particularly grand dress. All women are given the same shape material in the same wintery blue colour. This material has various straps at the top and around the waist. These straps allow variety in the way the dress is tied and wrapped around the body. Both Una and I have gone with a simple option. Securing these ribbons at the back of our necks so that is it a halter neck. The material is shapeless, meaning that it hangs over my body. To add some shape to it, we tie the other strands around the waist, crossing them over each other in zigzagging patterns. Gathering the material around the waist to show the curves of our bodies. The blue material stops at the ground and we wear no shoes.

Our hairstyles are the same. Completely down with no ties and braids. This is a night where everyone forgets about our jobs and roles within Lupine society. The only things on our heads are headdresses made out of twigs that have been woven together and decorated with red berries and bright orange and yellow autumn leaves. Well, bits of material painted to look like leaves. There aren't many trees in the Lupine lands and the trees they do have don't produce leaves. It is the same for the berries.

Around my eyes, Una has painted deep red and orange swirls that look almost like flames. My lips have been painted a similar dark red shade.

"The blue represents the winter and the reds and oranges the summer. They sit together on our bodies as we are halfway between them both," Una had explained to me. I smile and turn to look at the back of the dress. The material covers my whole back so as to not show my scars. Although my scars have been seen before, I am not in the right frame of mind to feel so exposed and vulnerable.

"Come on, it's time to go," Una says. I nod my head and we begin to walk to the hall. "This isn't like the other parties. There isn't as much drinking," she tells me. I hadn't planned on drinking anyway. "There is a lot of dancing though," she tells me and I close my eyes, letting out a long sigh. I hadn't planned on doing that either. "There is also singing and prayers..." she continues and I just nod my head.

We arrive at the hall and fall in with the rest of the crowds gathering inside. The music inside is cheerful, as it usually is with these events. All the tables are gone but one in the corner with some food and drink. Kai sits on the throne on the balcony, Nishka next to him. Razan nudges my back and I nod my head. He trots away from me to join Nishka. I smile as the two nudge each other with a greeting. Kai's eyes fall on mine and he smiles. I smile back, but it falls off my face as Hadya walks up next to him. My throat dries, but I close my eyes and take a deep breath and look away. Though not before I see Razan growl at her. I can't help the small smile that plays on my lips. A few moments later, Razan is back standing alongside me. A deep whine leaves his mouth and his head sinks down so I can run my hand along his ears. 

"I know," I sigh and tell him. I look back up to the throne. Kai and Hadya smile as they chat, her hand on his shoulder. My jaw quivers and I clench my fist as my chest aches. I close my eyes then turn to look at Razan. Another low moan leaves him and I smile humorlessly.

"It's just the way it is," I tell him and gently run my hands down his muzzle. My eyes look at the stairs and I see Nishka walking down. The crowds part for her and she trots up next to me. Her large, gentle face nudges mine with a greeting. I smile run my hand along her muzzle gently. She closes her big eyes and lets out a long huff. 

"She's fond of you," a voice says. I look up and see a member of the council. I have only spoken to her a few times, but I know her name.

"I think she likes me because of Razan," I reply as Nishka moves away from me to Razan's side. Razan gives me a side glance and I nod my head. He's been especially close and protective since Rayana's death. Asking if I was okay with him leaving before he does so. I smile as the two disappear out of the hall then sigh.

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