Chapter Seventy-Six: Fallon

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Fallon sighs as Wyatt barrels into Illyana, sending the two tumbling across the ground. She rushes over to them and grabs the back of Wyatt's shirt, pulling him off Illyana. The two are laughing. Wyatt turns to Fallon, a sheepish look on his face.

"Oh, Fallon," he says. She rolls her eyes and drops him. Illyana stands, still laughing. Wyatt puts one arm over Illyana's shoulders and the other over Fallon's. He lets out a long sigh.

"I am so glad to be back with my girls again," he sighs and gives them both a big kiss on the cheek. "The Lupine are really grumpy," he whispers. Illyana laughs. 

"That's probably because you pissed them off," she says to him.

"I would never," he replies as the three start walking back to the camp. Wyatt gasps, spotting Harlen. Immediately, he lets go of the girls and rushes toward him.

"He has a terrible attention span," Kai says next to them. Fallon hums in agreement.

There is a quick meeting between all the leaders to discuss the next steps. Then, the Lupine are given a spot where they can rest. Fallon goes around the camp, giving out orders to start the final processes of packing up. By the time evening comes, most of the tents have been put down. A large fir is lit right in the middle of the camp. Huge tables full of food sit around it. Fallon sits on a log next to Illyana as some of the humans and centaurs sing and play make-shift instruments. Around the fire, people dance and laugh. Illyana watches it all with a soft smile as she leans into Kai's side.

"Quite the turnout," Fallon says to her, having to raise her voice to be heard. Illyana nods her head.

"Yeah, who'd have thought?" she chuckles. "It hardly seems real," she exclaims. Kai kisses the side of her head.

"It's real, my love. These people are all here to fight for you."

Fallon nods her head and looks back at everyone celebrating. Her eyes fall on the Lupine who mostly surround all the food. They poke at the colourful fruits with curios frowns. There is a huff, and Cassius slumps down next to her. For the most part, he had avoided the Lupine which Fallon was relieved about. Though she knew that it wouldn't be long before Cassius would make his presence known.

"Your majesty," he says to Illyana, "you did not tell me your husband was so handsome," he winks. Illyana groans and rolls her eyes, turning to him. Kai raises an eyebrow.

"Ignore him," Illyana says to Kai, "he's a pain in the arse."

Cassius laughs. "I'd like to be," he smirks.

"For fuck sake," Fallon says and slaps the back of his head. He laughs and looks between Illyana and Kai.

"You two can punish me for my rude comments, I wouldn't mind."

Fallon sighs and takes his hand. She drags him away from them and to where everyone is dancing.

"You're a nightmare, you know that right?" she asks, looking up at him.

"I'm your nightmare," he replies back with a charming smile as he takes her hands. "Admit it, you wouldn't love me if I wasn't the way I am."

"Who said anything about loving you?" she replies as he starts spinning her around with the music.

"Please," he begins, "everyone loves me."

Fallon laughs and shakes her head. Cassius laughs in her ear and spins her around so her back is against his chest. His hands find her hips and she smiles, dancing against him. He stops talking and Fallon is relieved. She just wanted to enjoy dancing with him without his endless dirty comments and sass. Turning back around to face him, she puts her arms behind his neck, brushing aside some of his blonde locks. He gazes down at her with a brilliant smile. It is a smile of genuine happiness. There is no joking behind it or an arrogant smirk. No, this is just Cassius. Her Cassius. She leans up onto her tiptoes and places a small, delicate kiss on his lips. His arms tighten around her, pulling her into him. She pulls her lips away but keeps her face close to his. Neither say anything. They just smile ad sway gently to the music, looking into each other's eyes.

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